CKtalon Not too fussed about the Privilege system, but i do take issue to people that keep saying that this isn't impacting regular releases, white robed chief and a few other novels didn't get updates for 2 weeks before this system became active, the translators blamed a bug, but don't release the chapters that were supposed to be released, well they do, but they make those chapters privileged, so we've missed 2 weeks of regular releases while they clearly stockpiled for this system.
Privileged chapters
Nizze No, I wouldn't. I release everything just as I finish writing. Thats why I have 0 stockpile. If I were to make advance chapters, I would have to work super hard to write 3 chaps a day instead of 2 and leave on to stockpile. I don't cheat my readers. Also, its author that sets the price. I personally wouldn't ask my readers to pay this much and I even asked them how much they are willing to pay, I wouldn't stop uploading just so I have advance chapters. Thats unethical and I value my readers.
OverseerRose You are assuming that Privilege equals to being able to read the chapters, which wasn't stated in the rules. But the cost of Privilege is clearly stated. As I said, it's unfortunate the rules weren't very clear which is why it was changed.
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Piokilek Eh? What are you talking about? I wasn't talking about a cut from the royalty fees, but from the privilege fees. You claimed that the translators don't get anything from those "advance chapters". Those advance chapters are going to be or are already funded from the privilege fees. Privilege fees is not equal to royalty fees. Royalty fees indeed belong to the authors and may or may not include the privilege fees, it depends on the license agreement relating to the intangible in question. Authors may get a cut from the privilege fees as a part of their royalty fees, but it doesn't mean that translators should not be getting any cuts from those privilege fees.
Anyway, I already read a post on another thread by @CKtalon that translators do get a fair share from the Privilege fees. So your argument is invalid. You're just making things more confusing.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL but i can't read it even though its still free. The locked chapters cant be unlocked too because the priviledge chapters keep showing/ pop up..even though i have SS...
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Cantiara @Piokilek is viewing it from an author's viewpoint. The idea is that the translators are already paid a flat fee for their work, so they shouldn't deserve more, but the way the web novel translation industry has developed is a little different, mainly being how web novels are very long and that they are serialized.
Translators are paid to do chapters, but they aren't incentivized to do more than they need, so if they are expected to do 10/week, they do 10/week. Of course, doing more allows them to get paid more, but some of them think of this more as a part-time job instead of a full-time job. Or, they just do enough to make ends meet, and enjoy the rest of their free time. Various reasons. But this 'slow' speed affects reader enjoyment, so there's definitely a need for some mechanism to incentivize them.
Then, Webnovel allows translators to choose to switch to a royalty scheme. In theory, if a book is doing well, a royalty scheme will give money to the translator for work done years ago, and there's potential to earn more than a fixed rate. Of course, releasing more will also increase the amount earn, since they are now paid when the chapter actually is paid by readers and not when it's submitted to Webnovel (flat rate pay). But then comes the problem, that not all books are very profitable. Some might even be a loss compared to the flat rate pay because the book just isn't popular. Hence, to not 'gamble', some people just stick to flat rate.
Privilege is in a way to give those who absolutely want to read ahead at whatever cost that option. This Privilege money earned is now split between the translator, author, and Webnovel without a need to switch to a royalty contract, so it will boost earnings for the translator during the course of the book's serialization release. The hope is that this will incentivize translators further to keep constant release rates and also build a stockpile.
One more Point change the Terms of Service
Because this:
10 .Your California Privacy Rights
Residents of California have the right to request a disclosure describing what types of personal information we have shared with third parties for their direct marketing purposes, and with whom we have shared it, during the preceding calendar year. You may request a copy of that disclosure by contacting us at
Should be for the entire EU Population because of the GDPR from 2016 every site that collects data from members of the EU must give the member their collected data after a request.
A book that charges 10 spirit stone per page 10ss x 300pages = 3000 spirit stone that is 50$ For a American author selling a hard cover books they get royalty's most hard cover books sell at 5-15$ and the author only get a faction 99cent to 3$ most per book and maybe a signing bonus on 1,000 to 5,000. Now days on kindle you can get 300 page books for 1.99$ 2.99 3.99 all the way up to 9.99. Overprice i could under stand paying 2x or 3x for original author website and translators but we are at 5x times the price.
Privilege i can understand getting bonus money for faster release but 2500 spirit stone for 50 chapters is 50 spirit stone a chapter including the you still have to unlock it but that making each chapter cost 4x to 16x ( 3spirit stone chapters) the regular the price. So say you privilege unlock 300 pages of a 10 spirit stone book that is 300$ and to completely unlock it is another 50$ that is a 350$ book. Let be reasonable if any Author and book company was making this much money they be crying tear of joys same with kindal and barns and noble
Wonders how much it cost to get the novel in US currency untranslated would like to compare to how much it cost translated
Ok so my understanding might be wrong but
you buy 50 Privilege chapters and at the end of the month and privilege ends and you only can read unprivileged chapter so the novel that you are reading comes out with 2 chapters a day 14 a week 28 2weeks 56 a month sense you read 50 chapter ahead and now you cant does that mean you cant read the novel for entire month without buying privileges again
if i am wrong please correct me
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Mute As I said, once we set to auto release, we can't control the release rate.
So if we miss a release, we can't 'make up' for it.
Manual release
If it's manual release, we will know there's a problem when trying to release, but when it's auto release, we sometimes don't even know if there's a problem. After all, some of us groups are releasing more than a hundred chapters a day for all our books. Doing it manually is just too time consuming.
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Hmm. @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Maybe a common asked/FAQ post could be handy here? Seems there's lots of common questions flying around. I'm kind of bit confused.