I really feel like i've been scammed by Webnovel here.

i read that buying Privilege unlocks more chapters and you wouldnt have to use SS again to open them up after they come out at regular timing because you've already unlocked them.

so i spent 5x the normal price per chapter to join privilege. but after i spent 2500 SS to join privilege. they are all locked and i cant read a single chapter still. so i spent 2500 SS and got 50 chapter titles. nothing else to read...

nothing is really unlocked. i still have to spend the normal amount of SS to read each new chapter...
basically wasted 2500 SS for a month cause thats gonna disappear after the month ends.

i've contacted them and they wont refund. i feel like they worded it misleading like so so that alot of people would fall into their scam.

    Vuezta They were misleading the words purposely and they didn't explain clearly, this was a scam and a lot of readers fall for it.
    If they care about the readers they could have explained more clearly, But that's not what they want, they want to rip off from the readers as much as they can, that's why a lot of readers have been angry at their behavior.

    Vuezta paying ahead for the privilege of having to read before others. I don't know how to put it but it's not a scam. You pay in bulk so that you had the privilege to so called unlock these chapters and then use ss again to unlock them.

    Other readers may only get to unlock using ss like a few days or weeks after the priveledge had been kinda stale.

      PaperbackWriter Just want to make this clear. With this new privilege system, you don't get to READ the advance chapters. What you get to see after paying the privilege fees is ONLY the titles of those advance chapters. To actually read those advance chapters you will still need to unlock them by paying the regular asking SS price of those chapters in a normal update schedule.

      And this hasn't been explained properly by webnovels. The fine prints in the Privilege Rules that they wrote as explanation to potential buyers are ambiguous and misleading. A lot of people that paid Privilege fees thought that they would get to actually READ those advance chapters after paying. But they didn't. So they feel like they have been scammed.

        PaperbackWriter Paying for the privilege to pay? Haha no.

        Akey90 If you paid over Paypal you can just pull the money back and they have to provide evidence that they did not scam you and actually provided the service/product you paid for.

        Cantiara Damn, thats great to read as the 7th reply on a not even stickied forumthread...

        I agree these fkers are money grubbing pieces of sht who is ruining the Novel community with their antics and pissing people off.

        Like you I also thought that everything would be unlocked but these fkers made it so we have to unlock them again which is bs. I dont mind paying for the regular since the translators worked for them but these pieces of sht just sit there and gained a lot with this new bs system.

        What can I say....
        If you happen to live with more than 79% of this single type of race in a so called multiracial and multicultural country, you may find that most crimes especially scams, no matter how low rate it may seemed were from them. Not being a racist but yeah, it sure takes a smack in the face with this underlying reality.

        Cantiara yup I agree with you. Just wait for a few days when the priveledge thingy goes stale and you can unlock the chapters using normal ss.

        I can say these people took their chances at the gullibility of others or their weaknesses.

          The words "Premium" , "Elite" , "Privileged" sounds like noob, idiot, dumbass at this point.
          This company's business practices and marketing strategies are very scammy and they dont even try to be low key about it. It's very blatant.

          It would be nice if we had a big platform for good webnovels based in a western country so that our original authors can go there and we can have more competition with big players.

          Let's be honest, webnovel treats us like dirt or idiot peasants.
          After this latest stunt I wish it would be possible to kick them off google play.

          I mean, if people are stupid enough to pay to read ahead, go for it, it benefits the rest of us by making translations profitable for webnovel.

            I understand and relate to the plight of readers.

            May we achieve eternity together.

            Author: Pathway to Eternity.

            5 months later

            PaperbackWriter totally agree!!..that's why some who understands these issues can at least enlighten those who do not understand or may be confused (it could be misleading)... big thanks to those who would take extra time and effort to explain..while those who are short tempered , pestered or annoyed to enlighten those who still cant understand..do be good and help out

            PaperbackWriter totally agree!!..that's why some who understands these issues can at least enlighten those who do not understand or may be confused (it could be misleading)... big thanks to those who would take extra time and effort to explain..while those who are short tempered , pestered or annoyed to enlighten those who still cant understand..do be good and help out

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