• Balabala... Diss
  • Diss me if you have what it takes! Use your best insult you dumb reader!

Only two things can be considered the constants in our world: the universe, and your stupidity. However, scientists aren't all too sure about the former yet.

Oh so your Chinese novels are better than my preferences? Then I'm afraid we have three other contradicting things to argue about to moisten our hate even more. I don't agree with your racism, theft, men supremacy movement.

RekiChan People are like paper mache, purple platter pitter paper, posted and parted, so whats your deal with ripping others, does no other person have no rights, people should be partied, stuck stick clung together, so as paper mache, why can't I like those in the platter?

Why is there no challenger? So much wusses! Can't even think of a single insult? What are you! You are the definition of a cowardly ingrate.

RekiChan Original poster has to like their own post because they know no one else will. I say original poster because "OP" might otherwise be confused with overpowered, and I certainly don't want any tiny brains to think I'm offering a compliment.

    shelwyn What are you to assume my gender! I might be a girl, I might be a guy! If I am a guy, than that means I also am 'big'. So its not that I wish to be, its that they chase me from the locker rooms!

      177353 Im a cat! You are literally complementing me! I love fish, and full of income tax means Im f*ckng filthy rich! And purple carrots are healthier and more rare than normal carrots, so everything u said is a compliment!

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