Positive_Lullaby If i had to rate your English then i would give it a -3/10. You understand the words, but you lack grammar. For example, you don't add s to verbs. You should study grammar, it is essential. Also reading on this website will only make your English worse.
i agreee
'tis very true
Positive_Lullaby Most of the translations you read here are butchering the language. If you really enjoy reading then try reading some published western books which are properly edited by professionals.
"some translations" not most.
but yeah, your suggestion is a good idea
Positive_Lullaby Since you don't understand the language much, you don't see how bad some of the translations are. But it is a huge issue on this website. Some translations are unreadable to anyone who understands English.
still better than machine translated works, only slightly though. some translations i found on novelupdates is simply atrocious. i haven't ran into that kind of problem here though. the bad grammars are mostly from comments i read.
but if people wanna learn proper english grammar, this forum is the last place you'd wanna look