Qidian's Premium Chapters
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Loooool. See I told you Luta was nice.
I like your math. Cool shit man.
Sadly yes.
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So if we are currently at free chapter 298 and I unlock premium chapter 299, I only unlock this specific chapter 299 and I am not 1 chapter ahead of the other free users every day? So I have to wait 2 days to get the free chapter 300? If that's the case, then this is a huge ripoff! Then even if I spend some money to get some premium chapters ahead, if I cannot put even more money into QI I will have to wait for days/weeks for the free chapters to catch up... This sounds more like a hidden subsciption.
One buys chapters to skip the wait, but this would just move the time to wait from pre purchase to post purchased chapters if you don't keep paying!
And who knows whether they will not just reduce the free chapters in the future, increasing the pressure to pay...
Itachi2K3 I think you have to spend your ss when the novels come to end. I am sure they will locked some of the last chapters, 10 or more, and never make it free.
i just bought spirit stone, i use it to unlock all premium chapter of RTW. my question is if there's new chapter, do i still get free chapter or i have to use spirit stone to unlock the chapter?
sunstrike a very good question +1
Face_Smacking_Dao They still have free chapters it other novels
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Flaffy Arch Guys, peaceful. Complains is okay, not a big deal. Just throwing ur thoughts here and we are going to listen all of them. We thank for all ur suggestions and even complains which always push us to move forward better and better.
As a company, we do have our own concerns of buainess model buildings, but as what we announced, we hope everyone could be involved in this big picture. No one says Premium program would be a solely way to do in the future. If u guys learn more about how Chinese Qidian works, you will see we always welcome other business models and love to give it a try. I believe we could also have subscription model and donation model in one day, but it might not be 100% as u prediected. Each model could be customized to be best suit for different business background. Hope you guys would enjoy all works that we've completed and also look forward things we might provide in the future.
May the love and peace with u
Better to just wait for the novel to finish and then unlock the chapters imo.
sunstrike Good questions, come with a thought, that If you bought premium chapters you can get free, just the way how they open premium account for free for a day? if i'm wrong correct me on my understanding
SS is for those who can't wait of the premium to become free
Since some SS is free
Hyper_pumpkin Some SS are bought. Now that some novels are on premium spirit stones should be bought by some.
Darnsky Nah dont give me that crap. i know qidian's setup im on my right thinking
sunstrike gladly i know your answer and that's is no. Premium chapters is blackhole for your SS and its not worth it to unlock them cause you lose your rights to get free daily chapter