Darnsky I sure am, already admitted that 40 mins ago? Also i just finished reading that last long paragraph and I am offended that you say I'm a little bitch, I don't think I have ever called you names, let's try to be civil in the future thanks.

And I have always been complaining, this is not the first time, I started complaining the moment I came to forums, ask anyone who knows, and you know what people kept telling me? Qidian needs money to do that. So qidian is now going to get money, I have higher expectations for the following months. I give them 2 quarters, unless they are in debt then I give them the rest of the year.

    Flaffy You started complaining but not as intense as this. Why? Because you're a hater. Nothing is good in your eyes. QI is so much worse months ago. But you weren't on discord, either. And now you decide to be the devil's advocate? Hahahaha.

      Arch Ok so now you are calling me a hater? So because I am new...you think I should stay quiet and not complain and not point out obvious holes?

      Well I have already been told I was aggressive if you read the post I made for the discord server incident so I will strive to not share so much and instead just fail and let people drown in their own fantasy.


        Arch Well I believe there is confusion here on what is new at least I am. I came here last year in July..... I literally started reading webnovels a year ago. Qidian or otherwise. Conmpared to people who have been here for a much lengthier time. I came to forums in December, entered discord around New Years. I think my complaining started in December so is that not new?

        There are many who saw my posts on Novel Pick Up requests about how qidian could be better if they made translators do such and such or they made things like such and such. I have always done so, in the same way I have now, It's just now there are more posts to respond to about it?

        And as I said i will refrain from sharing those complaints and ideas in the future and just let people drown in their fantasy.

          noobslayer wait ahahaha I dont even remember I call her/him ( not sure about the gender ) little bitch

            Hyper_pumpkin Well I linked the thread where I lay out what transpired in the discord server, I made an apology, I do not want people to feel uncomfortable and seems no matter what I say while expressing my own opinion I will feel strongly about damn near everything. So better to just keep it to myself.

            I realize now this is International, but freedom of speech is not as appreciated as it is in America yet. So I seek to make everyone feel more at ease by holding my tongue even when I do not think there is a reason to, until people catch up. But I will always have room to say I told you so, no matter what, even if I only said it in my head, I will put it on forums, in bold letters. just those words "I TOLD YOU SO" no explanation just that if no one understands it's ok, but I reserve that one right.

              Darnsky No No I wasn't able to edit it further, the first part was for you, the second part was for Arch, so right after the question mark the rest was for Arch lol. Sorry that was not meant for you.

                qidian is a business that has shady ethics, poor morals, and have taken the hard work of the translators before them and have bastardized the community. I wouldn't mind paying for patreon or whatever, but I refuse to support a huge conglomerate that goes back on their promises and uses other people's work to continually screw over a scene that was built by translators, and that gave them the base to start on. So, yes qidian is an ungrateful piece of shit who really should be apologizing to RWX and WXW

                  You people just don’t understand, this is peferct example of a company from a communist country is supposed to opperate, milk all the capitalists, create more capital and show those westerners how to make real money from explointing everyone (translators and readers) to show how great CPR is.

                  I am not joking around it is just perfect example for how chineese companies should operate. Could make great propaganda material.

                  Lovemusic101 Of course. Why wouldn't I be? I'm upset that people are supporting a company that is only here because of the support and base that a community has built them, who are also milking said community dry. The fact that so many people support qidian is a testament to the mentality and maturity of the community as a whole. I'm fine with a patreon type system where you're a fixed number of chapters behind, but even that's a monthly payment of 5 dollars. With Qidian you have to first buy spirit stones, and somehow that doesnt make it a paywall. With patreon, it's at least readable because you're not too far behind. But with Qidian, they ramp this shit up to such high levels that I wouldn't be surprised that you would have to buy premium for any chance of completing a novel.

                    derangedlol Milking them dry. Hm. 70 USD per bonus chapter is not milking people dry? 100 USD for 20 chapters is not milking people dry? You still get free chapters. Look at some of WXW's novels. Less than 7 chapters a week, asks for 100 USD in donation to provide more chapters in said week. And people pay for that. Now, without the 5000 ss bonus, paying 50 USD in QI, which is equal to 2500 SS, is equal to to 150 chapters at least. Now that's a bargain. You say qi has terrible business practices but ignore those who do so much worse.

                    QI made terrible pr decisions, but who is to say who is wrong or right? Do we all know the content of the contract? Didn't WXW file a lawsuit against QI? Do we have any status about what is happening over there? They have massive failures in public relation, but the content they put up provides hours of entertainment to people, and you can't ignore the fact that compared to any other sites, with the exception of Wuxiaworld and a select few, QI is practicing so much better industry practice.

                      Arch Because those are supporting the TRANSLATORS who are using their own time and skills to translate. Translators on QI get paid on a per chapter basis, and most of the money from spirit stones aren't going to go to the translators. I'm gonna copy and paste something by /u/baoluvba, a translator for Emperor's Domination.

                      I'm copy and pasting some of my comments on NU.

                      If there is no change in regular schedule, then it is just Patreon. If some series are purposely lowering the weekly free chapters for premium chapters, then that's a different story, but I'm sure we need to see the actual implementation before making any judgment.

                      Some people have said that certain series will lower the free weekly rate, and use some of those chapters as premium. That will be a net-loss for free users, but this is all speculations.

                      What does that mean? For example, I would be releasing 7 chapters of ED instead, and 7 would be going to premium each week.

                      Overall, the changes are fine unless the free rate is changed. It is just like Patreon except translators are much worse off.

                      As for how much translators get from this, it will be much less than before, unless the scene has a new influx of readers. Imagine this, this is essentially Patreon with a huge % going to the site and authors instead of just to the translators. Now, I'm not saying that there is a problem with giving money to the authors but 50% is a substantial amount unless the pie gets much larger.

                      From my own experience and the reader amount for QI, translators will make much less money unless the model has a high initial price and more are willing to pay on the website versus Patreon, which I don't see happening.

                      Patreon is fueled by people with disposable income for the higher tiers. This will remove those options, unless they keep the tiers the same for the on-site chapters.

                      This is Qidian's way of taking back money from the translators after seeing that the real money is in Patreon. Noted, they were going to do this regardless to match the Chinese mode.

                      It's hard to say that as the scene grows, this model will outstrip the earning that translators got from Patreon, especially with the 50% reduction. I don't think any translator should be happy about this move from a financial perspective, but I can't predict the future.

                      • end

                      So, as we've seen, it's most definitely not patreon. Secondly, the fact that WXW had to file a lawsuit at all is ridiculous. QI had no right to do that at all, and I don't see how WXW filing a lawsuit makes them any more legitimate. I'd rather pay more to translators who actually do work, and probably could do translation work as a side job and make much more money, than pay this huge conglomerate shitdian to reap most of the profit.

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