Actually this system give you more benefit than subs as not all reader read all novel but just as i said before its not worth it to pay to change your rights, not get more rights
lol, i just wanted to chime in and point out that there's someone here with the username @Everyone, when everyone likes your post, it looks as if everyone like your post. a consensus, and i just wanted to point out that consensuses are harder to find than unicorns, especially in a forum with 100+ people, and their 100+ voices
Missed it earlier, Qidian is still giving two +5 for voting and not just one. So yes the free SS received per day is around 19-23 total. That works fine if I log in every day but I might not and then there's the fact that Immortal Mortal has a tendency to cost 12 per chapter which is a total of 24 SS.
That said, I can live with the current situation. I don't like paying up to $60 dollars a year to get my daily fix but that's where I draw the line (that said I am a miser so I can't say I'm paying with a smile on my face.. I was upset when my phone bill went over $5 dollars on average a month... yes it can be done... it's up to $23 now...).
My main concern is, what is the plan going forward and what kind of money is it going to require if I want to keep reading at a regular pace? If there is a constant release of 7 chapters per story per week from the paid tier down to the free tier then I have no place to complain. But there has been several changes over the past year and I am a bit worried about what the executives have in mind and where they will draw the line on their side.
Qidian, please tell us where you're headed and stick with it. I know it's probably in testing at the moment but please let us know what can be released. Thanks!
I'm not sure if I am misunderstanding something here, but isn't premium novels only a few extra chapters instead of the entire novel becoming premium pay to read? Can't you just wait a little bit of time and then premium becomes free?
GodBrandy yup i'm a leecher and a miser, but im proud of it. Having anything for free is nice you see.
Has anyone discussed distribution rights with the original author and publishers before you get ahead of yourselves? translating and posting while recouping cost is one thing turning it into a business is another. In many countries if you profit from someone else intellectual properties your opening yourself up to huge lawsuits.
Warloque * you're opening
My opinion doesn't really matter, but I don't mind any of this. To be honest, I'm paying $10 a month for both Hulu and Netflix, and however much per month HBO costs. (Because I forgot to cancel after Game of Thrones season ended, I should really cancel that today now that I remembered, thanks OP!)
That being said, I spend more time on Webnovel than I do on Netflix, Hulu, or any other entertainment site. I kind of like the pay for what you need model instead of subscription. (For obvious reasons... see HBO)
There are many instances where I wouldn't watch Hulu for months at a time because of there not being any new shows. Also, I am very conscious of what I do, so I love having this platform where I can read these novels in an official manner. (I turn down people wanting to give me a copy of a pirated movie and just wait until it releases to rent or buy. I think I watched one once, but then felt bad and went and bought it...)
Anyway, what was this topic about, I've been rambling... Oh, yeah... I don't mind the pay system...
Leylin_Farlier Well, that 'little bit of time' comes down to years when you are talking about a novel with 1000 chapters... Ok imagine a novel having 21 chapter release rate per week. How long would it take to finish 1000 chapters? Just about a year right? For the 'premium' that is! How about the free reader? You might wanna add 2 more years over the original 1 year since free reader will get 7 chapters per week instead of 21... So the premium reader = 1 year, while the free reader = 3 years reading time... Just 'a little bit of time' right? It's just 2 more years. Nothing much right? ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
N0xiety Leylin_Farlier
And you still didnt add the possibility QI remove PFF from that novel. You have to buy with SS to read
- Edited
GodBrandy This is going to be long winded, so I will understand if everyone ignores it, but I have a lot to say about this issue so here it goes:
Before I rant, let me make it clear that I believe there is no such thing as a free lunch. Webnovel has been offering free spirit stones, chapters, etc. to build a following so that they could later make money off us. They had to build that following first, and now that they have done so they are moving into phase two, which they had planned all along. Fair enough. Businesses exist to make money; if anyone thought Webnovel was altruistically giving them stories to read and expecting nothing in return then they have too much trust.
In addition, I do not think that a boycott is the answer. Unless the majority of the user base agreed to a boycott, which just will not happen, it will not work, and just hurt the community. Boycotts of electronic IP rarely, if ever, work. No matter what you say, there will always be people willing to support the thing you are boycotting and undermine your protest.
My issue with this situation is that the premium model uses nonrefundable, virtual currency usable solely on one website. There are two problems to this:
One, spirit stones are basically monopoly money that costs real money. You are less likely to think about how much you are actually spending when what you are spending doesn't actually look like money. It is the same reason casinos use chips instead of cash and video games with micro-transactions have their own virtual currency. And if you ever want to back out of spending money on the spirit stones, you can't get your money back. They could theoretically just connect a bank account or credit card to your Webnovel account, but that would make people watch real money go away with each transaction, which they would be less willing to do.
The second issue ties to the first. Has anyone read the forums where people reveal personal information like age? A large portion of users are teens, who may not know how to be financially responsible yet. You can argue this however you want, but it is a fact that the human brain does not finish developing its prefrontal cortex (the decision making part of the brain) until the age of about 25. You can be addicted to anything: drugs, alcohol, food, video games, gambling, and yes even reading. This is why companies always gear advertising to younger audiences to try gain brand loyalty early on.
You can say that the premium model is not that expensive, or that any reasonable person won't lose a ton of money on it, but it could prey on a specific group of people rather viciously. Mobile game marketers have called these people 'whales.' Rather than the model in place, I would be interested in seeing a subscription service at a flat rate where you get to read ahead for every book. That would be a less predatory means to monetize in my opinion.
Here is the reason I believe Patreon, though flawed, is still the better option to support translators in comparison to the current model. If I want to give anywhere from $1-100 a month to support my favorite translator on Patreon I can do that because everything is not tied to the word count the translator pumps out. Patreon offers more reader agency and doesn't price people out of keeping up with the story. The way the premium method works you are building up a larger and larger pile of locked up chapters each day, releasing one for free and adding two to the premium bank, making everyone else fall further and further behind.
I feel tying profit to word count can be a problem for the actual quality too. From what I understand this pay model is similar to the model they use in China. I used to wonder why some webnovels were so tedious to read, going on for thousands of chapters with constant repetition and very little plot/character development from chapter to chapter. At first, I just chalked it up to cultural differences, but now I can clearly see why this happens. This payment method does not encourage quality, edited content. It just pushes the authors, translators, and editors to pump out as much as possible as quickly as possible without a lot of quality control. The more fluff you add to your novel the more it can be monetized under the pay per word model.
In the end, if you work for Webnovel then defending the premium model is in your best interests, and no one can blame you for that, but there are better ways to monetize.
Ebu8b Finally got my computer on to reply:
Ebu8b And at the same time that release rate is often lower than 7 chaps per week.
Generally most solo TLs will have a lower release as compared to bigger groups like WW, Volare, Gravity and others. So that is why the release is slow. That is a fact xD
Ebu8b Pay or wait. These are the two option you have, the same as for other translator.
You are trying to cover up the fact that.... its ok... we do not need to run around the bush.
Your stand point is you like QI and mine is I dont.
All is good.
Ebu8b First time hearing that. Maybe bug on your side
Well, my app is glitchy and even after deleting it and sending for help through email... well.. i got ignored. But with the recent app update i got to see it moving down. so all is ok for now. lol.
Ebu8b Qidian has to pay the editor, translator, author, their staff and then needs profit to increase/improve their service. Unlike other sites who don't pay the author
Well, this is messy as not all TL go through the original author and from what i remembered only WW did that and then the other people started following however I understand about QI needing profits as a company but they need to do it differently and not so blatantly shoving the SS wall into our face
50$ for 200 chapters what a bargain <___<'
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immortal_corrupt Generally most solo TLs will have a lower release as compared to bigger groups like WW, Volare, Gravity
And these bigger ones have novels with 4 chapter too. And the reason why they novels with higher release rate (7+ per week) is because of patreon. Money will always rule the motivation.
immortal_corrupt You are trying to cover up the fact that.
Yeah let us play interpretation game. Which one is it? Either say it or don't even mention it indirectly.
My guess: If you mean that PFF is a limited time event and not forever, I learned that later on and then suggested a sub system ( on a different thread) similiar to patreon with difference that unlike patreon, Qidian wont take 29 cent + 2,9% per pledge and that the gap shouldn't increase. If you know think "hey I didn't mean that", not my fault, it was a guessing game. (づ◔ ͜ʖ◔)づ
immortal_corrupt i remembered only WW
Only Deathblade and CK (shared a bigger percent) atleast the only ones who said something. Well they now have contracts with 17k or zongheng (forgot which one it was), pretty sure the authors now earn a fair share of the money (atleast I hope).
immortal_corrupt not so blatantly shoving the SS wall into our face
Agree 100% with your opinion since I know that almost all novels will become premium + that PFF is just a long-term event. Lemme just quote myself. I would be interested if you like that idea or not (well it's just a dream)
Ebu8b Actually I don't like the current system very much, but I am doing fine. I am waiting for other novels or I just watch the ads and only use my SS for RTW.
But I would prefer a sub system with 2,99€ and 4.99€ subs.
4,99€ all novel for free + no ads. 2,99€ you choose 10 premium (if we ever reach that number or higher) + no ads.Before anyone ask why 2 options. We have novel addictics and casuals here. 4,99€ for everyone would be unfair for casuals.
Second quote is from a different thread, where I explained how others regulate that stuff (you can ignore it, if you want)
Ebu8b Wattpad, Kindle Unlimited, Scribp, Playster, 24Symbols, Overdrive (I think they went the total free way with only ads now, if I am not wrong), Amazon Lending Libary (similar to audible);
Sub systems and authors get paid per chapter/book (one time fixed + ads) or clicks + ads.
I just wanted to come cry about how I cant keep up to date with freebies! Bad QI you bunch of devils! How dare you allow people to still read for free and let those who want to pay a bit more read further. Such a horrible group I mean it's most definitely not like Patreon has been doing the same thing for years! /sarcasm
Chinese company lol...
Gamblejay still read for free
Not forever and soon more Novels will join premium. Beside that these people don't cry, they want the system to be changed to something more fair and transparent. Most people who are negative towards premium, suggested a sub system.
Many readers aren't even from first world countries, so these 1$ charges for 50 spirit stones (the bonuses will be gone soon), can be life affecting for them. Localizing the prizes isn't an option to, people can use vpns, while buying and reading. So instead of making fun of them, how about talking with them?
I don't pay or anything but im not complaining.....
Some people have to make a living.....
Just watch ads ....