Blackturtle okay
I want to give free review but-
Back to Necro my own thread- let the suffering continue.
It has been 1000 years but the review for "Stardom Gone wrong" is finally up.
It's a pretty niche category with the Western Reality show concept, which I feel can still be made to work beautifully. But there would need to be more focus on the shows- and a lot more social media. I also felt the interaction wasn't appealing/natural- with this genre people often go for the Youtube approach when showing how people talk or get along. It balances and evens things out, so we don't just hav boring and random bulks, with a bit of "exciting" focus on the male interests.
Thanks for waiting.
CCmei Hello I would really appreciate it if you could give me your honest opinions and criticisms about my novel here is the link:
Thank you and I don't mind if you could be harsh. I think that criticisms will make me grow as a writer since I'm new to this field once again thank you :)
Ok, i really do want an honest review to improve, so if you can, please review my story: The Vulgar Mortal
I do fear brutal honesty, but sometimes I need it to improve, so, slap me with the truth. I can take it, I hope.
Hope this thread is still active. I'd really appreciate a look at my novel. Its still early days with only a few chapters but it would be great to know what things I need to fix before its too late.
Here is the link:
I want to hear your honest thoughts. I need good advice on what to improve and constructive criticism is the best way. Hopefully I wont cry too much afterwards T.T
Thank you!
- Edited -Mr. Zhang Hello.
This is my book. I welcome any reviews swaps and adds. Also honestly tell me what you think. Thank you.
I want to grow honestly so please feel free to tell me anything I need to work on. I'm scared though
Switching the order up to stay fresh, though the queue is still going on.
The review for The Wicked Rose is up.
It's still very early in the story so not much to judge yet. I would most recommend to focus on character development and world. Since it's a modern world- isolate those elements.
Haha, it's been many months. Still waiting for your review, lol. CCmei
No rush though. I just keep on doing what I have.
AHahaha, unlike the others I legitimately, have your story in my library to enjoy. Good work, I shall review when I catch up.
Hello, I have already published a little more than ten chapters and I plan to continue until I am satisfied. but obviously, I don't know what people who read it think about the story, I have no comments about it or more, I would like to read someone's sincere opinion about the work I am doing if you have time I invite you to read it. -Mr. Zhang Hello.
This is my book. I welcome any reviews swaps and adds. Also honestly tell me what you think. Thank you.
I want to grow honestly so please feel free to tell me anything I need to work on. I'm scared though
CCmei This is what I've been looking for. I honestly am thankful for all the people who have left nice reviews and full star reviews but I feel like I need to know where I can improve. The only consistent feedback that I have gotten is that some find a particular female character in my story annoying but they fail to say how I could have written her better or what exactly it is about her that makes her annoying. I would be very grateful if you could take a look at my story. Even if you end up giving it a single star review I wouldn't delete it. I would use it as a reminder of what I need to improve on as a writer. Oh and if you do decide to read my story sorry about my grammar. I know that it's bad but I am trying to improve.
This is my story if you would like to take a look.
If it's to your liking, kindly review mine? It's my own take on the 'done to death CEO trope.'
- Edited
Hi, Seeing all the popular books and their popularity, I feel there are many things I don't know as a writer and many things i am not doing as a writer , Although i have a glass heart, i want someone to criticise me and i understand its a part of the journey. i would like to improve so leave some tips along with your honest review.