Tomoyuki I hate hearing assholes. Abusing from an individual because they feel safe form the other end of the screen. F those people I have little to no care for any disrespectful, inconsiderate, individuals. I'm in only one discord server and that's my own that was built by coincidence, with a small group that dont wish to be in any big community just have a place to talk, feel safe and joke around every now and then we deal with vants, depression and a variety of dellemas. We are just a dysfunctional group of close strangers.

Hope you get better.

And truth be told getting a person to look at your book means you did something right. Getting them to read it and share their thoughts shows that it did something. Any person who takes the time to look at your book, then read, and still have the time to comment. They are bull shiting when they say you don't deserve to be a writer. I know if to give a book a chance by the first few sentences, and afterwards it's up to the author. I read on a regular basis and I don't believe in the thought of a bad story. Only things I see are different styles of delivery and editing issues. I have yet to see any author struggle with story.

The fact that you are willing to write and share your work you are truly amazing and I respect you to the fullest. I had opportunities to publish, and surfed various writing outlets and never really took any major opportunities, just jumped in and out of scenes to develop and learn from more veteran writers. This is gonna be the first time I publish a full composition to a community of people. And I'm still nervous and questioning if I should publish or not. I have a few stories hidden away that I've shared with several people throughout my life that I met along the way and were interested in just looking into what I was doing. Hell I even orally delivered hrs of content, that felt like mins to me. But some people remember me from. Those truly interested and invested in your writing will always share their true thoughts, show their appreciation and aim to help and develop your craft everyone else is just there for attention.

Guess one thing I tell every writer is the best story you can write is one that you yourself is willing to read.


    You won't find my other writing under this name. The only things under this pseudonym are on this site.

    That said, you're welcome to read the work I post on this site, if you'd like! <3

    Rak0 Thanks. And I think you should give it a shot and publish your stories . If someone like me can do it, I think you can too. Go for it. You have a few? Publish them all! I think that's great.

      Tomoyuki Okay, just know if you ever decide to create a new discord account and wanna talk, my offer still stands. Gonna delete my discord id in my previous post, though, don't really want to announce it publicly. I'm guessing those hurtful incidents happened not too long ago? That's why the pain is still gnawing at your heart. That's natural because you're still traumatized. It's really not okay what they did to you, even if they think they had the right reasons to justify it, it's just not okay. Talking about those events over and over again can help with your healing process, so don't hesitate to do so just because you're afraid that it would only waste someone else's time. I hope you'll be able to heal and come out a stronger person. Take good care of yourself. You're worth it.

        Cantiara Thank you. Yeah, it was not too long ago, sometime this year. And I will do my best.

        • SinB replied to this.


          I'm down to talk as well if you ever do come back to Discord.

          I despise people who 'abuse' people's novel for amusement.

          Criticism is fine, but not toxicity.

          You do seem like a person who does bring reasoning into arguments, I think I'd enjoy having a chat, haha.

          Continue writing, ignore the haters!

            Tomoyuki I agree that the harm done by inappropriate readers or trolls to the author, rude and boorish remarks, they harm two people. First, the author, bringing him emotional and heart trauma. And then spoiling your(reader who scolds the author) karma as a person, having done evil, it will return to the one who created it. So readers be kind, and you will be helped in difficult times, karma will work for good and not for evil.

              Gourmet_DAO SinB Thank you both. I will do my best to continue writing, and I am blessed to have quite a few kind readers who encourage me. Which is actually the reason why I didn't give up and persisted. I don't want to disappoint the people who like my stuff.

              Sometimes people make fun of other people in what they think is a harmless manner, and I don't think they mean any real harm or had any malicious intent. But their amusement sometimes comes at the expense of others, and it is the victims that I really feel for, especially since I experienced it myself and know how much it hurts.

                Ok thank you but we are captivated to you r story so sorry for interpreputed

                  How are you author? :)

                    yaoyueyi hellos from a fellow reader here. I read your statement above and i do agree with some of your notions but also do disagree with some of them mostly related to what you are implying about us readers. While it is true that we expect a faster uploads or even mass releases, it is not to the point where we go and beg for it or even rant or curse the author about it. If you do it we’re happy and if you don’t we’re just reading on your update schedule. From the way you spoke about your stress, it seems you only read the rants and demands and ignore the positive comments about your story.
                    Even as a reader, i can understand how hard it must be to make the readers stick their attention into your book and it must cause a lot of stress, you can just write notices that you’re having a hard time thinking what to write and take a break while having mental peace. No one is coming to raid your house for the next release of chapters anyways. Its your choice whether to upload it or not. There are “some” who curse the writers when they do not meet the expectations they have set on the novel but there are also readers like us/me (whatever makes you happy) who only wait for whats gonna happen next or who keep mum even if they do not meet the expectations. I read novels that does weekly updates and i think im not the only one who has a tolerance for updates like these.

                    Up until now since I can’t scroll up i don’t know what i have written xD but you can get the gist of it.
                    As a webnovel reader/follower the thing i hate right now is this sh*tty privilege system brought right now. I preferred the elite membership subscription. As for the authors who will read this, please look at the bright side and read the positive comments, not from “some” trashes/dweebs who only try to demotivate people from writing. There are “some” people like us/me who like to enjoy and recreate your writings into a scene. Just treat those rants as a small setback for a bigger happiness.
                    Thank you.
                    Yours truly,
                    Just a fellow reader who has no idea what he wrote at the top since he cant scroll up in mobile 😭😭

                    P.s: this privilege system is really a shit system i hope webnovel changes it

                      yaoyueyi I love my authors and that’s why I would have my favorite authors healthy and happy before writing their stories. That’s why I distract myself with other stories and save up my favorite author chapters before having them crank out 4 chapters a day or week it’s just so draining and tiring for the authors. I understand the struggles of writing and I wouldn’t want my authors to be hospitalized because they are forced to write so many chapters a day. I’d rather them be healthy and happy. Either way because I love the stories that they have already written that’s why I always consider my authors health and happiness before the chapters. I always tell them take your time I have other stories to read and they’re fine taking there time because I’d rather have them healthy and not healthy and have something bad happens to them I don’t want that to happen. I love the authors and that just that. I don’t want the author to be Burntout from writing. You also have to remember that author are human to and they need sleep, food and be healthy so they can be strong enough to finish your stories. Be kind to your author and show your gratitude of the chapters you do get. Thanks for reading.

                      happyjunior I did not quite understand your idea and your slang, but yes we are all people, and we all have our own mistakes and our own opinion about the world, no one is allowed to impose our opinion, for this will already be a bad man from the dark era. If you do not think about others, then you need to live on a desert island and not society, where you need to follow the rules of social dormitory, observe network ethics, do no evil, do not offend people ... otherwise it will all come back. This right is not worth it. On the Internet, people think that they can water everyone with their shit and that they will not get it back, they are mistaken, they may not believe it, but this does not mean that karma does not work for them.

                      yaoyueyi It is a sad situation and I do understand that's why I never demand nor disrespect authors, not to mention I am reading for free. Don't give up continue to shine, All the best

                      I wish there is a report button for spam. God, I know you're desperate for readers, but there's no need to spam your story link on a hundred different threads, where it's irrelevant in 90% of the threads you post on.

                      If you do that, you're going to invite a lot of nasty and mean comments, which kind of defeats the purpose of your shameless advertising in the first place. I don't know about the others, I personally will blacklist you when I see someone pulling this kind of stunt and never touch your story. But I wouldn't be surprised if people click on the link just to leave a scathing comment or two, or spam your story with one-star reviews in the same way you're pretty much spamming the forum.

                        Tomoyuki I agree with you, this is really surprising. In any topic, a link to the novel, where appropriate and where not.

                          Gourmet_DAO Let me preface by saying that the quality of work on here varies, but it does not in any way mean that you have the right to demand or expect more from them than normal authors. Normal authors often take years writing a book, which ranges from 80,000 words to 120,000 words. People who write 1k words per chapter on webnovel or other sites like it, do a novel's worth of work in 100 chapters. IN 100 CHAPTERS. Most novels on this site go well above that.

                          So to all readers out there. Please. PLEASE. Take a moment and realize what you are demanding of people. Even George R. R. Martin's most recent book A Dance with Dragons, clocking in at a massive 420,000 words, took 5+ years to do. That is the equivalent of 420 chapters at 1k words. And if an author does 1 chapter a day, that amount is completed in 15 months. 15 months versus 60 months.

                          Here is my cited source for novel lengths:

                            I'm an original author, writing a scifi-romance called Artificial mates. I'm not a native English speaker. I work all week and only have weekends to rest since my job is very physical. I use to update daily of about 1k-2k words. Some times I didn't have time to edit typos or grammar. When I reached 100k I slowed down my updates to 3-4 times a week cause I was cutting into my sleep and other activities. Writing like that is not healthy at all...for the body and for my sanity. So now I don't even update on weekends...except I get very guilty about letting my readers down. I've never been on a platform this extreme. It will drive creative authors away. We are not machines. Writing is an art. Robots don't produce art.

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