• Questions
  • Is the video section removed from rewards

This update is a money grab attempt, forcing users to buy stones and cutting down on access to free rewards that can be used. Instead of getting around 25 to 35 free a day, now you get 15 to 25. Also cutting back on the reward for reading time, making it less tempting to binge another story to stock up on Stones to read that other story you love so much.
This will hurt creators as well, as traffic will slow down now that readers have less stones to purchase more chapters each day

    The update was not really great. I didn't claim my SS for Reading till I got 670mins,
    to have more SS at once but when I updated the app, the 10SS for certain mins got reduced. I just lost about 20SS because of this update 😬

    Lily5010 only some novels have farming enabled and it doesn't always work. They didn't bother fixing this before removing parts of the stone reward system. Shows how much they care about their users.

      I wish they would have made an announcement if this was intentional. I need to know how many Webnovel series I can keep while dropping all the others. It sucks that I can't even give new series a chance.

        What a hunk of junk. Just slowly remove all features that let you read free and ta-da! Pay to read literally everything! What a fantastic update!

        dsmitty do you happen to know which novels or where to find? I’ve looked at tons of free novels but to know avail

          Pon4o correct!!same with me I was surprised to see it....

            At this point might as well wait til novel are properly translated and buy a kindle subscription for like 10€/month and read all of them.

            Wish they kept Eliter subscription instead of going the stupidly greedy way. Come on Qidian this isn't 2000. People will not stay for a stupidly overpriced service. Your elite subscription was already twice the price of kindle unlimited and really popular yet somehow that's not enough for you to charge twice more than a bigger and better service?

            Chrisco to find the novels that reward coins for watch ads, go to the featured and then free tab. There you will find a section labeled "farming" novels. Also, you should know that unless they changed it you only receive 2 coins per ad. Taking that into consideration, half the total required coins per each reward and that's how many repetitive scam ads you will have to watch in order to redeem coins for rewards. One ad usually appears every 6 pages, one ad provides 2 coins, rewards cost 500 to 20,000 coins. That means 250 to 10,000 ads and 1,500 pages to 60,000 pages to redeem for rewards

            Protip for doing business beyond China: it's not advisable to take things away from your customers/readers. People outside of authotarian regimes are not usually okay with having "their" things taken away.

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