Mute Ok let me give you an example from Library of Heaven's Path... Mc says he doesn't want to reveal his ability. Mc proceeds to say something that would %100 reveal his ability. Even a 10 yo would be able to connect the dots. It's that goddamn obvious! But some of the most revered alchamists of the world are too oblivious to even notice such a thing. So the excuse? Because it's a different world people aren't as smart as us... FFS...........
Tfw people justify everything with different 'world' or 'universe' excuse...
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Mute Everyone bickers about fiction that depicts reality, How are you gonna mention planets and then try to say its not loosely based on the authors small knowledge of planets in our solar system...? Then try to convince me that the planet doesn't have gravity like earth when clearly when mc was falling to the ground scared for an obvious reason that gravity was about to pull him down to his death? But it's fiction, so....gravity isn't the same as earth....the boy would have been fine, though the author never mentions anything like that cause well ofc he loosely based it on our world!
People are allowed to question logic in something that is a fictional depiction of reality, We aren't reading care bears guys.....this stuff written here was not just shot out of someones rainbow arse, martial arts did exist and people had believed following the way would give you extrodinary powers, this stuff comes from real things.
You wouldn't tell someone who just watched an area 51 depiction movie/TV Show that they shouldn't "bitch" about faulty logic now would you? No you wouldn't really, cause its a real place with real lore and culture surrounding it, and people can debate as they please how logical it is for the fun of it.
Then again I guess you have to be smart to really enjoy the convo with someone about logic of fictional content since it requires a certain amount of intellect.
N0xiety That is logic is really ever used, LOHP is supposed to be stupid that way, it's honestly pure comedy. And here I thought you were serious for a second >~< You tricked me!
"mc can shoot out fart rainbows out of his bum that can evaporate mountains and smell like tacos." If Lin fan (TST) did sometin like this, I would just laught. C'mon, dudes, just imagine if to every novel the author has to make reserach to know if that things if possible or not, if the author has to spend a lot of time to build up a good logic instead of just spitinig some twisted logic? The story would be a boring shit.
Also, think about it, is the people saying "is another universe" 'cause they really don't want to think about it, or 'cause you are using our reallty to compare with a fantasy?
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Cytric No one said it had to be extensive, research other people do that for them star wars is amazing and it has tons of illogical crap. No one truly expects author to know it all...if they did then they should start rewiring those boring non fiction novels instead of these things lol.
I thought nox was talking about what other people use as an excuse to defend the authors knowledge gap, and try to justify it to be in the novel. There is no defense or justiification for an author using faulty logic, other than it was faulty logic that author overlooked.
Some people cannot accept it and make up shiz for em, oh it's different his or that. Like I said a paranoid person trying to justify their own paranoia.
N0xiety .
There is a guy being examined in front of several masters, the masters who prepared the room and everthing else to ensure that the guy examined can not cheat, so this guy sitting, without leaving his seat, only sees the masters practicing their 'arts' and tells the faults of these arts or answers some questions of these masters.
And you expect these masters to deduce that the guy being examined has divine power?
It is very clear from the beginning of LOHP that the place where the MC starts is a rotten land, instead of thinking that the Alchemist Masters have for some reason to guess that the protagonist has a divine power, why do not you consider that the Masters may have been thinking "this kid is probably apprentice of a Master from outside these rotten lands"?
Dan, I'm on chapter 550 and there not one metion to sometin close to the Mc power, not one, is basically sometin never seen before in that world and you espect to some Masters of a rotten land to guess it?
Flaffy I've seen authors who do not know math, imagine all this.
The key is to read through the main story and not cling to the details. Want to stick to the details? Go read something like GoT, where the author spends a page just to describe the costumes of a character. At least some serialized Japanese novel and never a webnovel.
Cytric Why are you missing the details? Mc literally said the name of the formula that no one but the alchemist master can know! The name isn't even official. It's just in his head! And mc can know that how? If they weren't compelte morons i guess they could think he is reading their mind at the very least right?
Cytric speaking of details I think you are lost in them. This is not about the author or the book it's about people who take to defend the novel or it's authors mistakes with stupid simple and holey reasonings like n0xiety said. Some people find it fun to prove or disprove their favorite works with logic, because that logic comes in handy to bash another novel that they hate xD. It's just something readers do, you don't have those scenarios where "who would in a fight spongebob or dora?" For nothing, the logic the author did or did not put into the character will bind or make more possibilities for these kinds of things and it's fun.
In this case these authors leave things open and sometimes end up contradicting themselves making it hard for anyone to really have confidence of a stable character. Arguments that the character would win would be throttled by "oh but he could change his mind about it like he did that one time remember, and that other time too" and then people bring up the "that was a different world though!! In this world he was like blah blah" and the shiz just never ends.
"People are allowed to question logic in something that is a fictional depiction of reality"
They are allowed but it's a pointless mundane complaint that can be applied to every novel in the genre, questioning idiotic decisions by people based off the knowledge they possess is fine.
"Then again I guess you have to be smart to really enjoy the convo with someone about logic of fictional content since it requires a certain amount of intellect."
Lol this is one of the most neckbeard things i've read here, you're saying debating illogical things in a fantasy genre completely based on illogical and mythological things is something someone possessing any real intellect would do?
There was a novel where a dude got reborn and he programmed windows 95 himself in like a week, which made me sad, this is the kind of logical errors i understand complaining about, but when it comes to physics involved? I'd say it's stupid.
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N0xiety 'cause, like I said, im on chapter 550. It's been a long time since I read this part of the story.
You can now choose what to believe in:
The name of the technique is an anagram, hence why so much emphasis on the name.
The alchemist in question really believed that Zhang was a demon (I do not need to explain the belief that usually exists in these stories, right?).
The alchemist knew the "seer" occupation, which would explain how Zhang know the name of the skill. ** "seer" is mentioned by Shen Bi Ru in some other chapter.
This is to be just a simple explanation, but let's now consider the whole image;
If that alchemist said that Zhang read his mind, what would happen? Someone who has just been exposed stealing the techniques of others, would anyone take him seriously?
Whereas that alchemist was only a mediocre 1-star, would he seek trouble with Zhang, who is also an alchemist 1-star?
Supposing he had the guts to do this, would he continue with this after three Master Teachers started trying to befriend with Zhang?
Again; stop measuring fantasy stories using our reality as a medium or you will always get the answer "is another world".
Flaffy I mentioned the details only in my advice on how to take the better of the chinese novels and I'm just talking about LOHP because the OP mentioned it.
well i mean the story we are reading is fiction the whole point that it doesnt really need a logical basis and i can understand how youre frustrated sometimes with like characters doing stupid things but the setting ca be whatever dude like if the mc craps out rainbows let him crap rainbows dude if i wanted reality i wouldnt be reading a story about a dude that transmigrates and has a system that literally helps out of any situation
People shouldn't try to justify story's.... Cuz that's what they are...just stories
MonstrousBirdOfQin That's like saying people shouldn't think and shouldn't have a brain...
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MonstrousBirdOfQin People shouldn't try to justify story's.... Cuz that's what they are...just stories
MonstrousBirdOfQin And I find people who want novels to be logical even more stupid.... Its a Gdamn novel, logic doesn't apply to them.
If people shouldn't try to justify stories, then that means it's pointless to think on it, because no matter how much you think on it, you shouldn't question the novel by your logic. If people shouldn't search for logic in novels, then that means people should leave their brain behind when reading novels. That's exactly what you are saying...
Mute tell that to the scientists in big bang theory and the thousands out there who go to comic con and debate these's part of the fictional culture...just cause you don't like to do it doesn't mean everyone is like you.
To me people saying you cannot debate fiction is like a person saying in an art gallery "What are yyou all measuring? It's all based on opinion anyways isn't that art!??!"
I'm sorry you don't enjoy those convos. You don't have to join.
N0xiety "Isn't it annoying when people reply to your comments that question the logic of novel by claiming everything is perfectly fine because it's a different world or universe?"
Right. If you find it annoying, then stop arguing with them and move on. You can clearly understand that it's their favourite novel, yet they may not know exactly why. It's like having a different taste in food; some people like a certain food, and when questioned about it, they just say they like it because it tastes good :)
If you're getting annoyed by their argument, about a fantasy web novel might I add, then just move on.
Flaffy I don't have to join and i can also say you're ridiculous and pathetic for discussing realism in a genre where realism has never nor will it ever be considered.
If you think thousands go to comic con and debate actual flaws in physics in fiction then you're delusional, they certainly debate characters, but in the real world, supermans punch would cause an atomic bomb like explosion, yet you don't see people commenting on that, or when superman moved the freaking planet back into orbit, or you know, the fact he shoots freaking lasers out his eyes.
This thread... was destined to become a warzone... As for this matter, I really wouldn't know because I've never thought too deeply about the things that go on in these novels... If someone replied to you and said something you don't like or are annoyed by, just pretend they said anything to get exp points, therefore it's not really valid :smiley: Just float away into your own world... (Like I do)