HUMOR_SENSE101 Here are a few I've noticed:

Trafford's Trading Club
Ghost Emperor's Wild Wife
Records of Unusual Creatures (chapters at the beginning)

    such a shame that Trafford's Trading Club doesn't seem to have an editor at all, I liked the story so much but sometimes it's very hard to understand because of all the mistakes.

    N0xiety like i said comment spamming is mostly because of exp missions. If they change that about half the people will stop spamming

    Having a report function would be nice. Especially for translations of 15 or less pages. There shouldn't be an excuse for consistently using bad grammar. Once or twice I can understand, but when every other sentence has a problem then it detracts from the reading experience.

    I submitted a comment on chapter 740 of RtW pointing out a bunch of errors in the chapter, but since it was in the comment thread, it was buried, probably around 400+ comments down (mind you, somebody did like my comment, so some people do take the time to scroll through the comments).

    It would be nice to have a separate reporting or commenting system for translation errors, so things like this can be reported properly, and people that spam on the separate system would be penalized.

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