KoraL Thanks mate, it's just that I really hate entilted kind of people. I grew up in an einvoirnment when I had to defend my beliefs (faith) against entire group of people (atheist friends) so I kinda jump on the boat when I get tilted.
Addressing Your Complaints (Coins, Fast Passes, etc.)
Fyed you need to have the Beta version I think. or to wait after three day there will be update for the app
Ok so i get the thing about farming kinda but which page is the golden bag on? Top right when reading? When looking at novel details? Where? Went to several originals and i cant tell if they have farming or not. I already checked my settings and farming is on.
not all original novel and fanfic have that feature. Golden pouch can refer as below picture.
once you open the farming novel, you must slide to chapter 1 to see that golden pouch instead look at cover page.
You can check the farming novel in feature > free > farming novel / fanfic farming
Your reading mode must in paging instead of scrolling.
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Why suddenly my account can't add any additional points ( not coin ) during farming and stuck at 418 points, please help me check this error
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MotivatedSloth it's not illegal bro. you should get your facts straight.
I can't talk for banana republics and other third rate countries but in the home of democracy, it is in fact legal.
It is not my problem you can't live with it.
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LavishSquirrel Hi there. Sorry, I'm not Cantiara, I kind of thought this might tick a box
It's an urban fantasy of a born hero doing his best not to be one. It's a teen story, but written well enough. Not much grammar issues too. At least I didn't notice any.
Price: free
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Try these ones out. Hope you like them :)
FREE Fantasy:
LGBT. This one's a contracted novel, but FREE:
FREE Romance:
Why suddenly my account can't add any additional points ( not coin ) during farming and stuck at 418 points, please help me check this error
Why suddenly my account can't add any additional points ( not coin ) during farming and stuck at 418 points, please help me check this error
yaoyueyi I don't know about you yueyi, but I was more than annoyed seeing those same posts with same questions even when WN has clearly explained everything under their new year message and also here on the forum!!! I was always like 'Ahhhhhhhhh, should I just remove WN from my pc????' seeing those same posts by different people!!! Thank you for making this well detailed post!!!!
Peeps, give some air to breath for this hard working mod!!! And make her life easier by not simply spamming with the same questions and inappropriate tags again!!! u_u
Darth_Xiane this is bullshit
yaoyueyi I've commented on post before on the forum and even commented on chapters and have had comments and replies removed. I am still able to see my comment/reply but others cant.
14) Desktop users?
Currently have limited capabilities compared to app users. Wait for WN to roll all the features out, I guess.
:( Sucks for website-only users as usual.. Hopefully, we'll get access to the points system at least eventually. Membership would be pretty good and, with the 9.99 renewal cost, at a good price point. Too bad, like the subscription before it, afaik it's not available to PC/website only users.
Wait, I thought comments in chapters can't be removed except by a mod?
I thought authors could only delete reviews?
SrtaA movies get cheaper over time. I can wait for the movie to be in the dollar theater and then I get to pay a reasonable amount for it. The novels here never get cheaper. Maybe they should make it so the newer chapters are more expensive than older ones.
If the novel has been completed for years, it shouldn't cost as much as it did when it was first being written
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Yaoyueyi can't delete chapter comments/replies. She's a forum moderator, she's only in charge of this forum. If you found your chapter comments/replies have been removed, then they've most probably been removed by a Webnovel staff. Maybe you should send them an email and ask them what's happening. But, if you still can see them and some others can't, please make sure that it's not a glitch that was occurring on the side of users' that can't view your comments first.
LavishSquirrel 1) I don't delete forum posts/threads unless they are openly violating forum guidelines, or if the user themself asks for me to delete it. Even then, I follow forum guidelines and issue a 1-hour warning before I go and delete.
2) The other forum mods/admins are far less active than I am, so I doubt they have ever deleted your posts.
3) If you think that WN deletes all criticism about their platform, just go to "questions", "diss", or "suggestion" tag and you'll see there are plenty of untouched threads.
4) No author has the right to delete comments, only reviews. If you had your comments deleted, it is likely that you were actually doing some serious-- very serious-- spamming or harassment for the staff to notice what you're doing and actually take action.
Therefore, I highly suspect that it's a bug/glitch, as Cantiara said, especially if you can still see your comment. (how do you know others can't?) File a bug report.