At least buying the coins shld start from 1 dollar so that some if us can continue to if u dnt hv 3 dollars u cant buy coins
Addressing Your Complaints (Coins, Fast Passes, etc.)
ThiccSkinn you dont talk to people like that..there is no filthy poor person on wn... learn how to talk
I don't have complain to the new system but to support it and thank the webnovel to understand the authors who struggle to wrote this novels that I read in this site. webnovel support this authors to had a financial assistance and enjoy their works. I am a newbie author and I appreciate that webnovel had a platform like this. (sorry if my english is bad). Thank you and God bless,
I have no complaints, I am fine with everything. I was just wondering why when I am trying to buy coins, it just takes me to a blank page that says "about blank"?
Please include expiring dates to the fast passes. This will be helpful and greatly appreciated to get the full use out of them.
dragongirl25 it should have text that you completed reading a book for 30 mins + 100 points reward (for the first read) or 50 points for the subsequent 30 minutes read of the book.
Points are still deposited to your account though.
I dont see that button that you mention using fp
Changing my comments...I received my SS ...yes thank you webnovel
Changing my comments...I received my SS ...yes thank you webnovel
I still don't get why you limit the stock of fp can be redeemed from points. What's the point of farming and giving points if in the end the are useless and can't be redeemed? If you don't want people to get fp for free from farming then don't half assing and just don't do it. This is the same as deception.
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I still don't get why you limit the stock of fp can be redeemed from points. What's the point of farming and giving points if in the end they are useless and can't be redeemed? If you don't want people to get fp for free from farming then don't half assing and just don't do it. This is the same as deception.
Can I farm points when I'm not reading? If I can, then how?
yaoyueyi super helpful! Thanks :)
How I wish that when I read offline the farming still continues
Apps always crash when i read. Im just ignoring it for the past 3 weeks but now im super annoyed when i read my stacks. Know any method to stop the annoying crash?? I updated everything but still the same!
Cantiara yeah it still not free, and wifi is not free to access wn too.. but thats just how i see it.. the reason it still not enought (3 pass daily) is that im reading MYBWH, they release 4 chaps a day plus with bonuses almost every weekend.. im still here, voting, and reading some novels, but im having a hard time keeping up now to my fave book.. its fine with me paying if ever i have extra money coz i really love reading.. im just expressing how i am feeling right now, i will get used to it, someday..hahaha
My reward coins were not used but it disappear instantly seconds after I claimed it. Now where did it go?
SPEND for your coins to UNLOCK CHAPTERS, a lot of Good
NOVELS are HERE the effects of reading their work is more than the Actual Vitamins or Stress Tabs available in our local Drugstore it 's the same, spend and save for the Coins At least they give us 3 free everyday. Thank You for that . I now UNDERSTAND THE SYSTEM HE HE. I hope our Dear Author's don't get sick and be energetic to create more interesting stories for us to read, because of the rewards from our coins. Most of the stories in my Library is worth of the Coins I Spend .... TRY IT !!!! One at a time ....
SPEND for your coins to UNLOCK CHAPTERS, a lot of Good
NOVELS are HERE the effects of reading their work is more than the Actual Vitamins or Stress Tabs available in our local Drugstore it 's the same, spend and save for the Coins At least they give us 3 free everyday. Thank You for that . I now UNDERSTAND THE SYSTEM HE HE. I hope our Dear Author's don't get sick and be energetic to create more interesting stories for us to read, because of the rewards from our coins. Most of the stories in my Library is worth of the Coins I Spend .... TRY IT !!!! One at a time ....
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yaoyueyi Sorry can i point out sth really quick? I buy coins, i am on a membership so i guess you will allow me to speak, right?
So i would like to have access to more ways to get free coins. I read a lot and no 3 FP a day doesn't cover it. And my money leaves fast especially after the privileged chapters appeared.
I do not know where you live but in my country first the privileges were applied and then the farming. It was so comfusing reading about it and seeing it for one time last week. Especially when most things to buy with coins are over. Yay right?
And how are these adds that pop all the time choesn by? I got the same disterbing add at the course of 5 chapters miltiple times just slighly different image.
Next, the privileged chapters.. So i can not use FP on them right? Even if it costs 1 coin to get access to them. I had to learn the hard way that the extra chapter on the day of buying was and is the only extra chapter i am going to read from that novel by buying the privilege.. Yay again.
I just bought an extra chapter on expense of several coins i have to burn daily to read these right now named privileged chapters. Good thing they expire at the end of the month. But answer me this. Do you get to keep unlocked the chapters you paid to read while on privilege? I strongly believe that no; you don't.
And webnovel likes to rub things on your face too. I 've bought a membership. All is fine for a couple of days and then i get a message "buy a membership etc etc" for less than i bought mine mind you. Yay again right?
Do i sound bitter? Well maybe i am. Frankly disappointed as hell. If things go the way i believe they ll go i will have to spend the next half month waiting for a new chapter on my earlier "privileged novels". And as a result more money. Yay for me right?
Complains end here. Sorry for damping it all onto you but this thread stuck out a lot! And i get that it all works better for the authors. But i just feel let down. BB.
NightGale35 "Do you get to keep unlocked the chapters you paid to read while on privilege? I strongly believe that no; you don't."
I hate to break this news to you. But yes you do get to keep your privileged chapters. I'm paying for privilege for 5 novels, for the past half year since the program started. I can still read those chapters
XOMatsumaeohana Thank god! I was already crying.
Honestly though. The update was only available a couple a weeks ago in my country! And you had it for months?
Well at least i was not wasting money mindlessly.
yaoyueyi i think you forgot something- wn get constants ad traffic that brings them a lot of traffic, point hunting system just leveled up it a lot. So you come to the shop, pay to enter it, pay for service and then pay for the phone you chosen, but then again they compare finished and edited well structured book with mtl translation. Does it sound nice now? I understand that civic and Porsche are both cars, but it doesn't mean their pricing should be the same.
Point about paying authors- wn doesn't have open statistics, if they pay 5% of income to authors - that's good already, but i doubt even that. They can talk all they like but they never keep their promises and are inclined to talk bs.
Just use wn for searching novels, then search them up on google. Ez.
Bcoz my fcking 200+ coins went to nothing. Bcoz where the f will u see a coin with a expiration date!!!??
Looking at the financials of the parent company, I would assume the cost of revenues line is due to royalties, so the authors, editors, and translators should be getting at least 35% of the revenue, but I can't say for certain that it's a similar profit sharing arrangement between Qidian and Webnovel. A 20-25% AOI really isn't that terribly unreasonable or unexpected.
yaoyueyi 122$ for 5000 coins (btw 500 coins is cheaper to buy in the ratio to cost\value, but wn thinks evryone here is mind challenged) so we get 333 chapters for 15 coins. On average that's about 3330 pages a4, something like 5 to 10 books. One fiction book costs 2,5-10$, one wn "book" costs 12,2 $. I think, you missed the point greatly. Everyone connotations that wn is getting more and more greedy, and it doesn't provide value it prices itself for.
I'm using wn since the alpha release days and i can assure you- this platform just gets more and more greedy from year to year, and I don't buy it that's authors gain all the shairs - they are just shield to be used, really available mortirs.
KoraL fun thing is Chinese version has most of the novels free, and with mtl you can read them with nearly the same quality wn translates them. So i bet wn gets more in the rest of the world them they do in China.
complaint about erasing all vouchers in the store without any announcement can someone explaint to me why?
Dear webnovels staff ;
I just purchased priviledge to advance reading 25 chapters,,but there's only 5 chapters that I have read..what is this??? Please kindly check it..please be considerate to us readers..
Dear webnovels staff ;
I just purchased priviledge to advance reading 25 chapters,,but there's only 5 chapters that I have read..what is this??? Please kindly check it..please be considerate to us readers..
DevilsMocktail I'm not bored enough to look 3 years back in financials (if they even exist that far back) to see whether this is true or not, but I believe the royalty structure for Chinese authors was 50/50. I suppose if you plot the revenue stream that most of the growth post 2016 should be due to the international segment. If you do look into it, let me know what you find. I know that they use(d) a similar SS/coin scheme on their Chinese platform, but the price after currency conversion is about 10-20x less. I'm absolutely certain you can find every novel in Chinese free quite easily, but are you sure they're not pirated versions? Also, the majority of novels on Webnovel are currently free as well; most aren't very popular (or readable in some cases).
KoraL i'm taking about official qidian, the Chinese version of this site, - most of the novels are free there
DevilsMocktail and with mtl you can read them with nearly the same quality wn translates them.
What nonsense. Some translated novels here may have a way below par translation quality, but to generalize, stating that they all have the same quality as MTL is a libel against all the other hardworking translators/editors who produce decent works here.
Yeah, a lot of their end products may still be subpar compared to traditionally published books that have gone through several phases of rigorous editing before they are put on the market. But which web novels' translators/editors could afford the same kind of luxury when most of their readers demand that they work as fast as lightning, the faster, the better, because readers want an average release rate of at least two chapters a day plus a mass release every weekend? In a sense, they are expected to work like a machine, and hence the subpar quality.
But as I said before, to say that their works are at the same level as MTL isn't true. Maybe a few, but definitely not enough to generalize. And there are even a select few that have excellent translation quality that are just a little under par to the level of traditionally published books which, again, have gone through several rounds of quality check.
Cantiara for this reason, I do have a few translation groups that I notice. I think Atlas Studios is near the top of my list while EFT sits close to the bottom. For many, I won't even bother to remember who is responsible for butchering language. Although if they do produce excessive amounts of garbage, I may take care to remember to avoid them.
I purchase the membership that gives me 10coins a day but why is it I only received 5coins instead of 10coins???
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Unstickied (for now). If mass complaints rise up again, will sticky once more.