• Questions
  • Addressing Your Complaints (Coins, Fast Passes, etc.)

ok! the true man admits his mistakes. and that right. I really thought they are posting the translated novels here without any rights. anyway I shouldn't judge them without knowing the WHOLE work system on this platform.

and for reading novels on the pirate website, I did ask a knowledgeable person in the religious way. and the answer was, "any action with the goal of harming other shouldn't be done" but if you watch movies/ downloading games/ read novel and didn't publish them( which will resulted in harm them). you are good if it is for personal uses.
of course everyone has different beliefs and we can't always believe the "law" to be true in some cases. even though my believes may be wrong. but I still do it because beliefs are important for one identity and will not change that easily.

finally. I would like to say thank you for today experiment. and I really learn a lot of thing from it, and I will use the learned lessons to become a better person.

have a great day sir✌✌

PSA: Reading rewards are not coins. They are points.

You can use the points in the point store to get fast passes. Please read the first post for more details.
And because people don't read, this will be repeated at the bottom as well.

@MotivatedSloth I usually find myself about to like your valid points, but then I see the flaming and insults and then a war breaking out, and it really detracts from everything you say. Plus derailing the threads make this forum less usable, which is quite impressive considering that the search function is mostly inoperable.

PSA: Reading rewards are not coins. They are points.
Please read the first post for more details.

    KoraL Thanks mate, it's just that I really hate entilted kind of people. I grew up in an einvoirnment when I had to defend my beliefs (faith) against entire group of people (atheist friends) so I kinda jump on the boat when I get tilted.

    Fyed you need to have the Beta version I think. or to wait after three day there will be update for the app

      Ok so i get the thing about farming kinda but which page is the golden bag on? Top right when reading? When looking at novel details? Where? Went to several originals and i cant tell if they have farming or not. I already checked my settings and farming is on.

        not all original novel and fanfic have that feature. Golden pouch can refer as below picture.
        once you open the farming novel, you must slide to chapter 1 to see that golden pouch instead look at cover page.

        You can check the farming novel in feature > free > farming novel / fanfic farming
        Your reading mode must in paging instead of scrolling.

          Why suddenly my account can't add any additional points ( not coin ) during farming and stuck at 418 points, please help me check this error

            LavishSquirrel Hi there. Sorry, I'm not Cantiara, I kind of thought this might tick a box

            No One's Hero by @J_Tyler

            It's an urban fantasy of a born hero doing his best not to be one. It's a teen story, but written well enough. Not much grammar issues too. At least I didn't notice any.

            Price: free

            Why suddenly my account can't add any additional points ( not coin ) during farming and stuck at 418 points, please help me check this error

              Why suddenly my account can't add any additional points ( not coin ) during farming and stuck at 418 points, please help me check this error

                yaoyueyi I don't know about you yueyi, but I was more than annoyed seeing those same posts with same questions even when WN has clearly explained everything under their new year message and also here on the forum!!! I was always like 'Ahhhhhhhhh, should I just remove WN from my pc????' seeing those same posts by different people!!! Thank you for making this well detailed post!!!!
                Peeps, give some air to breath for this hard working mod!!! And make her life easier by not simply spamming with the same questions and inappropriate tags again!!! u_u

                  yaoyueyi I've commented on post before on the forum and even commented on chapters and have had comments and replies removed. I am still able to see my comment/reply but others cant.

                    14) Desktop users?
                    Currently have limited capabilities compared to app users. Wait for WN to roll all the features out, I guess.

                    :( Sucks for website-only users as usual.. Hopefully, we'll get access to the points system at least eventually. Membership would be pretty good and, with the 9.99 renewal cost, at a good price point. Too bad, like the subscription before it, afaik it's not available to PC/website only users.

                    Wait, I thought comments in chapters can't be removed except by a mod?
                    I thought authors could only delete reviews?

                      SrtaA movies get cheaper over time. I can wait for the movie to be in the dollar theater and then I get to pay a reasonable amount for it. The novels here never get cheaper. Maybe they should make it so the newer chapters are more expensive than older ones.

                      If the novel has been completed for years, it shouldn't cost as much as it did when it was first being written


                      Yaoyueyi can't delete chapter comments/replies. She's a forum moderator, she's only in charge of this forum. If you found your chapter comments/replies have been removed, then they've most probably been removed by a Webnovel staff. Maybe you should send them an email and ask them what's happening. But, if you still can see them and some others can't, please make sure that it's not a glitch that was occurring on the side of users' that can't view your comments first.

                      LavishSquirrel 1) I don't delete forum posts/threads unless they are openly violating forum guidelines, or if the user themself asks for me to delete it. Even then, I follow forum guidelines and issue a 1-hour warning before I go and delete.
                      2) The other forum mods/admins are far less active than I am, so I doubt they have ever deleted your posts.
                      3) If you think that WN deletes all criticism about their platform, just go to "questions", "diss", or "suggestion" tag and you'll see there are plenty of untouched threads.
                      4) No author has the right to delete comments, only reviews. If you had your comments deleted, it is likely that you were actually doing some serious-- very serious-- spamming or harassment for the staff to notice what you're doing and actually take action.

                      Therefore, I highly suspect that it's a bug/glitch, as Cantiara said, especially if you can still see your comment. (how do you know others can't?) File a bug report.

                        Mochimoshu haha same. :pensive: I really do hope that this thread can decrease some of the threads being continuously made. thank you though :sparkling_heart:

                        Before Friday January 10th 2020 I was using version 3.2.1 because it had a muti download option. But now I am forced to use this version because version 3.2.1 can't sign in anymore. Which makes it hard to download books because I have limited internet time to download stuff before I have to go offline again so please include a download all button

                          Before Friday January 10th 2020 I was using version 3.2.1 because it had a muti download option. But now I am forced to use this version because version 3.2.1 can't sign in anymore. Which makes it hard to download books because I have limited internet time to download stuff before I have to go offline again so please include a download all button

                            Oh well, what can we do? They already set their mind in stone. 🤷🏻‍♀️

                              My only problem here is they change SS to Coins.
                              I don't care if they decrease the farming section or increase the price of every chapters or put all their novel in the privilege chapters.
                              Money is not a problem.
                              But I'm kind of people who attached myself to things im attracted at, and SS got me. Problem is, its gone so. 🙍🏻‍♀️

                              And little fact, i don't like reading Chinese ebook at first (until now, though i choose some that are interesting enough) because, who can memorize all the weird name (no offense)? They almost rhyme and my Alexa pronounce them the same that it confused me sometimes. But then, because im fascinated with SS, i try to buy more even though i dont really read much in this platform, but because its fascinated me. Oh well, its gone. No more rant.

                              yaoyueyi maybe they're seeing duplicate deletion.

                              I've been deleting my duplicates. You know when sometimes the forum craps out when publishing the post, so you do it the second (or third) time and it publishes the post twice at the same time. It's weird to see the same message twice, even three times, in a row.

                                Chill out dude. yaoyueyi bears no responsibility to what WN does to their site at all. She's purely a forum moderator, and a new one at that.
                                Your hateful words are misdirected at the wrong person.

                                [unknown] Reminder of Forum Guidelines:

                                1. SPAM posts, advertisement posts, and other inappropriate posts that may or may not contain insults and discrimination are prohibited. If these are found, the admin has the right to request for deletion or revision of these posts and the user will be warned. If no action took place in 1 hour, admin will have the right to delete the post and suspend the account.
                                2. No excessive swearing. If you are triggered, please log off and chill for a while before posting under the influence.

                                This is a warning. You may delete or edit your post within an hour starting from right now. If no action is taken, I will delete the post for you.

                                  rolas I'm to lazy to keep arguing with people like you. Just a small reminder, I know that every american believes for his country to be the greatest, but if you speak about the home of democracy, then I should think that you are greek? Or Polish? Or maybe Venetzian? Just for your information, USA isn't democratic. USA is republican. Thats as far as your knowledge about your own country goes, silly.

                                  As far as I know, Europan Union is as far from being banana republic as it could be. But well, can't judge typical american brainless kiss who take chances when gussing the locations of the other continents. But welp, thats not your fault. It's your "perfect system" fault for creating such education that results in People lacking basic information about the world.

                                  And again - European Union actually passed new legislations. While thanks to previous point I can't judge you from being ignorant to the fact that Switzerland isn't a part of EU, but you should remember that it's already illegal in here, in the cradle of human civilisation.

                                    Yuki_Qing Thank you. Finally, someone provides complete instructions on this. It took me ages to figure out the "paging, not scrolling" part, another kind soul mentioned it in a different thread. I wish they'd add it to the official intro to farming in the app.
                                    On a separate note, I feel that the reading rewards are pitifully low. You can easily get the same number of points with a few mins of farming. Tbh it kinda killed my momentum of reading a lot in this app. Not to mention that my preferred translated works do not have farming mode too. 😔


                                      there are 2 types of farming, 1. farming point while reading slowly and 2. farming point without reading (solely focus on points).

                                      If you enjoy reading while farming (No. 1), guess you will receive the same points with reading rewards section and lower too.

                                      if you choose no. 2, there is no need for reading, just farming points with slide the page fast till you saw ads, keep sliding or can do backward/forward the slide till saw the ads. For records, the reader can get 1500-2000/ hour. Mine got 900 points/30 mins. Disadvantage your finger will feel hurt🤣yeah, some people will think it so stupid and pointless, 🤣but nvm, you can do it when you feel free/bored.

                                      Just suggestion, for translation, maybe you can turn off the farming mode if you don't like to see the ads in the middle of reading.

                                      paging/ scrolling is when you tap the chapter > tap the display, you can explore many things in that setting, such as dark/light mode, auto unlock, etc :)

                                      I love books and i tend to drop a series soon as its locked since i can't afford to pay 10 thousand dollars to read all the books i want to read but i do agree with some people that if you are making people pay like 100 dollars for 1 volume of a web novel that is kinda outrageous. especially when light novels that are being translated into english language through real publishers cost around 10 dollars per volume. I think you should all take a good hard look at the pricing each chapter should truly cost and maybe not go by oh its 2k words so lets squeeze out 5 dollars but maybe take a better idea of have 1-so and so chapters be volume 1 and you pay 10 bucks for volume 1 and so forth to give a fair chance for normal people that may turn to pirating to finish an addictive story to read it here for an amount they can actually afford.

                                      p.s to everyone saying oh they got to pay for this pay for this pay for this. even an actual publisher that prints on paper covers there cost on 10 bucks a volume because the costs of editing and proof reading and printing on paper and cost of the paper and the ink gets covered by the fact that instead of 1-2 people paying 300 dollars they have 1000-10000 spending that 10 dollars on that book. so i'm sure you all are smart enough to realize you can get more out of your novels if you have higher quality standards on translations and maybe a more reasonable amount of money per volume instead of per chapter

                                      yaoyueyi My problem is the massive amount of translated content available is mostly machine translations with shoddy editing. It's the number 2 reason I quit spending money on here. Number 1 is my appetite was too expensive. All these changes won't fix the fact I could go machine translate the required amount of chapters and do a poor editing job and get a job translating here and that is an issue.

                                      Quality is necessary, doesn't need to be perfect but some of the translations on here could be done by a real translator and probably make a sizable increase to the cash flow but instead y'all ascribe to the "quantity over quality" method which to be honest is infuriating to me as I genuinely enjoy many aspects of Chinese web novels but less so when tenses are wrong many times in a paragraph or names are translated differently randomly, chapters are posted out of order, or chapters are repeated (don't know how much those two things have cost me in ss and $), whole paragraphs left out or left in but untranslated, allowing basically the last half the previous chapter to be the first half of the next chapter (infrequent but still should be against the rules both for author's and translations lol).

                                      I'm not gonna threaten to do anything. Just as a customer who has in fact spent money reading on here I'd like to say the quality had sorely disappointed after many of the original translations were finished most of the new translations are sloppy and some may even be a copy & paste directly from a certain website with comrade in the name and that truly doesn't make me want to be a big spender as poor translations just ruin the author's work.

                                      Memberships should have unlimited access across the platform coin system is a scam and web novel knows this quite well rebranding a already better rewards system just to ruin it with making out you are gaining something by the new system now is false advertising if this platform keeps this up i am taking my money elsewhere

                                        Memberships should have unlimited access across the platform coin system is a scam and web novel knows this quite well rebranding a already better rewards system just to ruin it with making out you are gaining something by the new system now is false advertising if this platform keeps this up i am taking my money elsewhere

                                          yaoyueyi If they remove ss, it’s not as personal as before. At least they’re pretending to be hip. Can’t they have some shame? Also I’m registering my name in the free covers for next batch

                                            Web Novel Novel Ask