• Balabala...
  • Someone's Selling My Book On Amazon, And It's Not Me

Yeah, some dude is selling my work on Amazon. Already sent a report, but now Amazon has made money off my work. Even if they take it down, it's unlikely I'll even get anything from the sold products. Yep, the novel is already getting some steam as it's in the top 55,000's, it was in the 150,000's when I last checked. This sucks...

The novel there is named:

System Overlord, listed by Oreya Kane.

He just replaced the names of organization, characters and locations. Didn't change anything else, not even the numbers. Please, if you can, make a review there that says it's a pirated copy. I don't use Amazon since I'm from the Philippines, and I can't leave a review without spending at least $50. If some or even one of you guys can do it, that would mean a lot to me. Thanks for taking the time if you do. If you can't, thanks for reading this anyway.


    But... you already made a thread with the same issue yesterday.

    And this is what I said:

    Cantiara If you're contracted you should contact your content editor about this.

    If you're not, you still own the copyright and have to file a DMCA takedown notice to Amazon yourself. Amazon will have to comply because they're under US jurisdiction.

    You need to file a DMCA notice to Amazon for them to heed your words. A mere email won't do.

      Cantiara I already made a report to Amazon about it, just wanted someone to leave a review on the work itself. Amazon said it would take 1-2 days, but people will still buy the work. Sorry I didn't reply to you yesterday, was kinda busy.

        ChuYang just wanted someone to leave a review on the work itself.

        Ah, okay, sorry I missed this part of your original post.


        I downloaded the sample and cross-checked it with your story. Oh my gosh. It's beyond me that how someone can even do this. This is sick, disgusting and unacceptable! I really wish I could leave a review. I really do but I am not eligible to for I haven't spent anything on Amazon in the last one year. I am sorry but I'll see if I can get someone to do that.

          Ah this reminds me years back when someone copies and pasted fanfic writers stuff from ao3 and tweaked the names to sell as individual stories on Kindle.

          Wow was that a disaster.

          Yeah, I just took a look and it doesn't have a single review. I reccomend starting the review call out chain since your the rightful author.

            I took a look. It’s disgraceful. But it is not currently available for purchase.

            Sadly, I cannot leave a review. To be able to do so, you must have spent a certain amount on Amazon in the past 12 months.

              I'm too lazy to download a sample or read the kindle edition so I'll just trust everyone's words when they say it is a copied/pasted work. Good luck.

              On the plus side, once you've dealt with Amazon's DMCA, that action helps with the case you can file against the plagiarist. Because he had to file real info in order to get paid for his plagiarism...

                Tashady don't know if I will take it that far. Legal action is too much trouble for me, and I don't think I have people to rely on for that.

                I just want my work to be mine, don't really care about the money.

                This story has elements from my life, and I shared it to the world for free. Just makes me sick knowing that someone took that from me.

                  LostInFictions thanks for trying. I can't do it myself and have no one else I personally know who can do it for me.

                    CCmei Yeah, I do want to do that. But I can't since I don't use Amazon. They have guidelines for reviews, I can't fulfill it.

                      CCmei Yeah, already did. I actually got to know about this from a kind reader, pretty nice guy really.

                        Sigheti but it's ranked in the rankings regarding paid books. It's even in rising pretty quick in the rankings, pretty good for a novel that was posted on January 10. Sadly, I won't get anything but stress from this.

                        Also had a reader who paid for it, but they deleted the review when they found out it's not me who was selling it. Found out from another reader who sent me a name, then I got here.

                        ChuYang if not mistaken. you can register your work in some "Copyright" organization for this problem. it's doesn't matter who copyrighted your work, they will help. I'm not sure about the details. but even government website used this organization for their copyrights.

                          Oh man. That's harsh. I hope Amazon takes action soon. Since you have evidence of original works and witnesses to support the claim. They should be able to do so. Amazon doesn't take plagiarism lightly from what I've heard.

                          Edit: I just noticed your novel is contracted. Place a request with your Editor to file a DMCA with Amazon. This is Webnovel's issue to deal with. They'll have been weight to stop the plagiarism and reclaim compensation.

                          This is different to a "my story has been pirated" scenario. The theft has gone on a reputable distributor. As Webnovel is the copyright holder, they'll need to take some action.

                            @ChuYang I went on Amazon and submitted a review. It's now pending for approval. I hope that this issue gets resolved for you!

                            Also, I noticed that there was a report button for plagiarism or inappropriate content on the book, so maybe at the very least, others could report for inappropriate as a way to call attention to it be plagiarized?

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