EVERY single fucking author on web novel delete reviews! I give 3 paragraphs of words to authors that can and will improve their story. What do they do with this information? they fucking delete every single one. I reviewed so many stories and i'm just sick and tired of webnovels systems of giving the authors the power to delete any review they want!

I spent my time READING their story and giving them my time giving them helpful feed back. IT IS POINTLESS on this site. IM DONE with reviewing stories. I tried, but, fuck it. There are too many ppl in this world that are a fucking joke. I have contemplated suicide many times in my life due "whats the point when all of humanity are full of fucking retards". I'm just tired of this crap in the real world and here. I just can't anymore. Goodbye

    sounds rough bro... Id probably welcome a 1 star review at least it meant someone read my stories besides myself XD

      AzureWolf Chill dude. If it make it better for you, go review mine, I don't delete reviews. But seriously, what did you expect? You are not on this website for a day. We had such power for a long time now. Yes people abuse it, but that only tells you what type of people they are. Fake and full of shit, not worthy of contemplating suicide over. There will be authors who value your opinions, and for those who didn't, I thank you in their stead. You took your time writing something constructive, and that is a lot. There are people who value someone like you, and I'm one of such people.

      AzureWolf I'm rather interested in honest reviews actually. That's why I am trying hard in editing the chapters of my story. But I feel you though... There's a reason why I hold back sometimes in giving reviews.

        In school I loved it when my friends would take a red pen to a story I had written. I wish more people would give honest feedback on this site, and more authors would take it. When authors grow, especially on a site like this, it is so fascinating to watch their writing style change over time.

        I would really appreciate if you come review my story since I need honest thoughts on how to make my writing better. :)

          AzureWolf i understand what your saying but it’s already a known fact that WN reviews suck. No one truly pays attention to them.

            Low reviews impact a contracted writer's income or uncontracted writer's chance of getting a contract so that's a big reason why they delete them. It all just part of a game that people play to get ahead on this site.

            But for people that don't care at all about contracts (like me, who rejected an offer), they tend to not care about poor reviews.

              kazesenken Unfortunately the author LuckGod apparently can. He just deleted all my reviews and comments toward him. I gave his story a 3 star review and showed how it can be improved yet he attacked me then deleted his comment and my review. I then went to reply to him on his top review and he removed those without even trying to start a conversation.

              Edit: Never mind I thought you meant replies on reviews. Forget what I about said about him being able to delete chapter comments.

                Of course, he's going to delete that review. His story does not deserve to be 4.8 and he's about to go premium. A low rating that would shift it down would damage that when it starts going on the front page.

                Why don't you review other works? Go ahead and give your honest opinion for mine if you want. the only time I've ever deleted a rating was when someone gave me a 5* gibberish rating where it said nothing but random letters. I know my work has a lot to improve on, so input is always good.


                My thought is that the review system is so broken, that any story below 4 in rating is perceived as bad.

                So if i had to let a review, i would let one at 4.0 minimum, but i would still say all i have to say. Feedback is necessary to improve. Especially uncontracted authors, they need to be motivated not discouraged.

                4.8 should be a masterpiece. Even movies with several oscars rarely go above 90% in rating. Yet, there are 4.8 rating everywhere, my novel with bad grammar included.

                  An honest review is what allows the author to grow by rewriting the novel, it only gets better, the text block itself becomes richer. Provided that the reviewer himself is adequate, he writes practical advice on how to improve the novel in his opinion.

                  On the other hand, the reviewer should not be intrusive, because he can be perceived not as a good Samaritan but as a malicious troll pursuing his victim.

                  Many novels are tied to the rating, and when you give him 3 stars, he will not be able to get more readers, etc.

                    Mainly the reason why I don’t rely on the reviews or ratings here before I read a book.
                    It be good if we have sites with better review system or tag searching like goodreads or novelupdates for originals.

                      If for a well-written review they would give something - free pass pieces of 5 or 10, then those who write the review would treat them differently. And not just stupidly read the previous reviewer, slightly changed the text and wrote some kind of hell.

                      Most reviewers do not read novels, you can understand, they do not want to spend time on a poorly written novel or with poor grammar. But they require other reviewers to read their novels. This is not very honest.

                      I usually read 10-15 chapters, if I like the novel I can read 60 chapters, then I write my thoughts, this is not a classic review, but I write about the minuses and the pros. My thoughts are how to improve the novel. Of course, this is a subjective assessment of the author’s work, but it’s honest.

                        The review system isn't going to change here since it's a reflection of practice.

                        I recommend placing objective growth inspiring constructive feedback as a chapter comment instead.

                        yea Ive seen a lot of people give criticism though and still give like a 4.8 star rating, Id much rather know what my work is actually worth, even if it is just a 3 star right now... Otherwise ill probably just think I'm awesome and wonder why no one recognizes my supreme talent and mater craftmanship of words... XD

                        burntpotato The only real time I rely on a review for reading material is if I am checking to make sure it isn't being pirated. There are some translator sites off webnovel that I use, and a lot that I don't, but sometimes you'll find someone trying to post it here, just because they want to "share it with more people."

                        Personally I would love to have reviews on mine because it would mean I could work on the novel.

                        I think what luckgod should have done is to reply to AzureWolf with thanks for the criticism and that they would either pay more attention to it in the future, or would try to do exercises to become better.

                        4 days later

                        burntpotato so you're saying someone should create an independent site to catalogue and review originals on Webnovel?

                          yansusustories I love their search function there, easy to narrow down what you’re searching for (NU and ScribbleH). Scribblehub is their writing platform though, not a catalogue/directory.

                          KoraL yeah.

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