Citlalicue That is just how you perceive brother, in China it can mean alot of things, up to and including a distant relation. Person A is a 3rd generation disciple who is a woman. Person B (Senior Brother, aka older disciple) is entertaining Person C (A visiting sect representative). Persons B and C are equal in status, and person A is of same generation, just a bit younger, therefore in that culture brother can mean anything.
Oppa vs Brother.
adgsad Yeah, that I read in novels junior/senior sister junior/senior brother in training or battle scripts.... but, "I been in love with you brother" just sounded weird to me. I'll get used to it as I read along I suppose.
NewCultivator Hahaha and I hate when they say it but here, I'm asking for it
- Edited
Citlalicue actually the majority of chinese males hate the word oppa as make them thinking of korean feminine men stars. some teen girls in China watch korean dramas.maybe they like it and you may find the word "oppa" in chinese female authors' works.
Confucious I can see why they hate it. Korean actors/singers nowadays are very feminine indeed.
Saying Oppa in English sounds ridiculously weird cause it sounds like old pa and when you. Are reading a novel and then in your head you 'say' old pa ,Oppa ,it will creep you out
Thanks for telling sharing this to us, I won't be able to remove this shit in my head now.
It could be present in the novel because the original author wrote it like that.
Gege/jiejie then
Citlalicue It is cultural you have to compare with others cultures like Brazilian(My) that you father call your mother "MOTHER" and she calls he "FATHER" when them have small children to them learn to call them mother and father.(the same way that makes weird you call you husband bother is calling he father(if you have kids).
You get the gist, ps sorry for the long text it is just context to you compare 2 different cultures.
Citlalicue You are mean kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Shameless7kim kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
animangaex But is true right?
animangaex Thanks!! I'm getting used to it now
I actually read in another novel the term "gan brother" and "gan sister" that seems to work a little better for me.
As someone than read IRAS, i have to say than if there is a translator using OPPA on a chinese novel, he deserves
Ge isn't anything special. Oppa is a bit better than Ge in an informal thing, but formal like a junior disciple would benefit more from Ge. However the best will always be either Uncle, Daddy, Otousan/sama, Ojiichan/sama, and lastly Oniichan/sama. Afterall, Oniichan is the worst because the other options are just better.
Weird or wrong?
I am from east coast USA and many people call people unrelated to them “brother”/“brotha”/“bro” or “sister”/“sista”/“sis” depending on your environment. It’s not as uncommon as you think.
23DN4L Not when you're flirting and trying to hook up .