Haha, well done, that was a fun read, keep it up.
September 2020: Review Swap Here
pravikk Done, good job, keep it up :)
If anyone wants to swap reviews with me, press link below !
Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/memories-like-a-dagger_17680816405282205
Anyone up for a review swap?
I'm writing a fantasy called "Mages of the North" you can find here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/mages-of-the-north%3A-the-adventure-begins_17791057805925605
I would recommend trying to get to chapter 7 when a new character is introduced, but the chapters re very short and get straight to the point.
finished reviewing yours. Sorry if I was a little critical; I tend to be blunt and honest with my reviews
sure, man i will give it a try, heres mine by the way
title: Endbringer
Avidfan i will left my comment please, if you have time and can give some suggestions about the translation of my first novel in english i will thanks you! Im not english native .. when i read yours i will vote whit powerstone so you will know im reading and soporting you!
Hello! Im new and Im not english native but Im writing my novel in Spanish and english, so if someone could let me know if Im doing it well I will thanks you so much! and I will left my review in your and suport your work whit my powerstons and votes..
texascann I will! and if you can help me whit mine i will apreciate that! https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/17158676305682805?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4306159928
Anyone want to review swap? I have two stories but you can choose either one.
First: Villain to Hero (it is LGBT, but not focus except him thinking about his crush only in the first chapter)
Link: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/17821839205077305?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4313534681
Second: Hybrid’s Revelation( I started this yesterday and only have two chapters for now. This is a contest story so I don’t know if I can review swap with this?????) (Note: this is no romance but family and protection based)
Link: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/17889792105404905?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4313534681
Done! High quality of writing, well done!
Done ur story is awesome, pls check mine:)
I fix your link. It is broken in your post~
Here mine, thanks!
Like to review swap? Not a lot of chapters yet since it's still ongoing.
Here's the link if interested, https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-shadow-i-live-with_17855656405243405
Willing to do review swaps. Hope you guys will take a gander. Let me know I do actually read at least first 3 chaoters abd give honest review. If really my cup of tea I save it haah.
I've done urs. Please help with mine, thanks!
Mar_Urbano want a review swap?
Here's mine if you want.
Title: Dear My Living Dead