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  • What Helps You Stay Motivated To Continue Writing?

This is something that I struggle with. I know many people dislike "fanfiction" and think it's all crap (I admit, a good amount is, but there ARE good writers of it out there and some professional authors also write it in their spare time for fun. I was just reading an article about this yesterday), but recently that's what I've been in the mood to write and since March I've written a trilogy based on the Loki character from Marvel...three novels and also a novel length story that takes place before the first Thor movie. I've gotten "ok" numbers of readers on the sites I've posted it on but nothing spectacular. The thing is, I've been writing for over 30 years (yeah, giving away my age here lol) and I've won a few awards over the years so I'm not a hack. The people who actually bother to read the novels I'm talking about love them, but I just can't get many people to get past the "fanfiction is all crap' mindset in order to read them. Another thing that bothers me is that of those that DO read fanfiction, it seems that the stuff that truly IS crap is the stuff many of them like LOL I was joking with my son the other day that no one pays any attention to the stuff written by a good writer but someone writes about Naruto or Pokemon using the bathroom and boom! five stars and 50 glowing reviews LOL The thing is, I've been playing with some original story ideas lately but due to the weak response to my other stuff I've spent 6 months writing and poring over and putting so much work and thought into, I'm feeling a bit too depressed and unmotivated to write them.

    I have so many ideas in my head and I write them down to not forget. My mind is always thinking up a story and how everything is going to play out. Story ideas is what motivate me(besides my family telling me not to stop writing).

    Dalton_Reutlinger Same here ( ╹▽╹ ) I always believe that instead of writing something that's worth reading, one should write something that's worth writing. To put it simply, write to express, not to impress.

      My suggestion would be to create a writing schedule and adhere to it as much as possible. I believe that rushing to write is too stressful and disheartening.

      An even more important schedule is your sleep schedule. Not sleeping the full 8 hours and/or going to bed at different times everynight leaves you tired for the next day.

      Finally, before writing the chapters themselves, write an outline of where you want your story to go, as well as a glossary with all of your importannt characters, their motivations, and some basic info. This may sound constraining but it's quite the opposite. Having a clear direction beforehand helps you stay focused on the writing itself, and being familiar with your own characters allows you to quickly write how they'll act, without the need to stop every thirty seconds to think about it.

      My motivation is that Im almost done with the book. Done and then I can move to another I want to write.

      Also because everytime I write, as dreading as it is, I dive into the world of my story. Its nice as you can get away from reality for a bit.

      But yea main reason for me is definitely forcing myself to keep going so i can see the end of this stupid book.
      Mainly because Im someone who wants to do things till the end and other part because I do enjoy what Im writing, ever so slightly

      Most of the time

        Dalton_Reutlinger it is. hehehe. i write 4,500 words daily and i plan to add two more novels to that. so i'll probably be writing 7,500 words daily if those 2 novels get contracted also. i can't say that it will be easy but i'm sure that it will be fun. hehehe. writing is my passion and it also reciprocates my feelings by giving me lots of money. glhf writing! cheers!

        AJDouglas I like all sorts of novel. Others are just don't know how to appreciate others work. If in a chapter they see or read it like awful they will comment it like your novels are awful as a whole. They even not know that such awfulness sometimes are part of the scene a gimik from author to not reveal the main plot early. Others want to read immediate happy ending. And sometimes it is not readers who hate a novel of authors. it is also other authors who envy your novel. Me if I really liked the novel I cheerup the author and helping them for their novel like when I see some mispelled words or repeated statements I immediately inform them and sending them screenshots so they can immediately modify it before many readers come across on such typos.

          Don't wait for motivation.
          It's a mental thing.
          say "I just want to do 100 words."
          If you do 100 words, you'll fell like writing more, if you can't. Rest for a few minutes and do another 100.

            Don't you only get paid $0.01per 100 words? 7,000 words would only be like seven dollars or so.

              Not wanting to go crazy...seriously... I have so many ideas bouncing around that it's difficult to pull them out, but when I do...yay! Relief! Now if only I could switch from the Marvel kick back to DC...sigh 😭😭😭😭

                Dalton_Reutlinger Writing doesn't really pay unless and until you build up enough of a backlist to constantly generate royalties (or coins in this case)... that's fiction...nonfiction needs you to hustle or work for a publication...

                  Dalton_Reutlinger I have an anthology series planned so everytime I’m writing I think “Oh yeah, its all gonna come together soon.” and to me writing a novel is easier than making a webtoons cause of the amount of time I have to put into a comic is insane unlike a novel where it takes me a day to atleast write a chapter or two.

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