The thing is most of the new authors here won't get enough readers cuz they havent familiarize themselves with the webnovel platform. The niche ones will be ignored and most of the people will always go to the mainstream, no matter how shitty, cliche, bad grammar it is. Even if you had a top notch grammar, good, well-thought out arcs, or characters it wont be noticed (only rarely), thats the sad truth in WN.

I've heard of one post, the western style of novels wont work here, people like instant gratification. If your story is about wars that better be appear on chapter 1 or 3 or 5. Or the MC have to be a gary stu. Since WN is supposed to be for light stories and not dramatic. Most popular here are often system, games, and stuff like that.

But thats just another way to look at things if you are keen on views and likes, otherwise if u dont mind views and comments, then you can choose to not mind this.

    Veronica8 I completely agree with you. We can't give so much of time and energy for writting all the time. Pen down all the emotions is not at easy task...It is time, energy consuming process. If we will tell this to readers they asks us then how others are consistent in their writing...You don't upload daily that's why your book don't have many readers. This I got to know from author from other site and I am angree with it somehow. If you will give consistent uploads then maybe your book will one day do good. Don't mind with quality work keep in mind the quantity of work...Always quantity will win.

    But dear readers do you understand every author is not same, some can write fast and some takes time... Every author doesn't get paid,they can't say or ask family or other work to wait, many of us have to go through many task daily...It really get impossible when you are working out and handling the house chores too.

    And most importantly the thing called writer's block...Which happens with me many times...Sometimes I write two- three chapters on time and sometimes not a single line come out of my brain...
    Just like any other human authors also get problems so, if possible sometimes you as a reader needs to understand and should give this little courage to author by saying I will wait...or get well soon...I am eagerly waiting for what happens get better and then write...

    Well I just hope one day Comments will come for my book from readers...lolzzz

    Janettejustynne I totally agree with you...Can feel your pain from heart because when I uploaded my first book...I waited nearly for a month to get a comment...That time I felt the same... atleast people tell me that my book isn't going to work at all...Now slowly readers started to come...Some become loyal readers but I can count them on fingers...But keep writing one day you will surely get response...

      Ghassan_ hey same thing happened with me also...After getting two three awesome comments on my book...I asked them to give review for book because after 40 chapters you expect a review but no one dropped a review not even a single line...or they could have just added hearts but nothing happened...

      CacackleLasson Yes...Readers only go for mainstream or books which rank high. They just look at actual soul of the book that is story... Grammar doesn't matter, Only main characters have to be perfectly beautiful and larger than life characters. Story how does it matter...? If ML is actor then he is supposed to lead whole film industry. If ML is ceo then whole world should fear this iceburg type of CEO...mind me all ML have to be iceburg (or frosty) for whole world, not fir FL...Yes there are people like that around us but some are actually happy go lucky types with whom you can fall in love... FL should be strong but finally she should take ML help no matter what...
      But enough of my ranting now...I think I am blessed now that I got platform to rant....Thank you everyone who is tolerating this ranting without complain...

      Scarletheart84 Oh! now I get what Drip meant. I don't usually write a lot there because no matter what I write, it won't change the fact that most readers will care less

      I read through this thread, and I completely agree with everyone! It’s really hard as writer to post like some of the other writers on WebNovel have been doing. I’m a full time student with a full time family oriented life. It’s very hard for me to even get out 2-4 chapters per week. I wanna be able to write more, but realistically I just never have enough time. When I do have the time, I want to satisfy the readers by posting as quickly as I can, but at the same time, every time I do that, I end up feeling like chapters are rushed and not as good of quality as I could do if I didn’t rush. I wish more readers tried to keep in mind that, writers aren’t writing machines, and we wanna give the best story we can write, and sometimes it does take time.

      I read through this thread, and I completely agree with everyone! It’s really hard as writer to post like some of the other writers on WebNovel have been doing. I’m a full time student with a full time family oriented life. It’s very hard for me to even get out 2-4 chapters per week. I wanna be able to write more, but realistically I just never have enough time. When I do have the time, I want to satisfy the readers and not make them wait for forever, so I’ll post as quickly as I can, but at the same time, every time I do that, I end up feeling like chapters are rushed and not as good of quality as I could do if I didn’t rush. So, sometimes it just gets frustrating when I’m constantly worried about these things.

      I started writing a year ago, prompted by this huge disappointment over a novel I read that was so good yet ... the Author just went POOF. I can understand when a novel doesn't get finished, or dropped, because of 'Life' and/or not enough readers commenting.

      But don't ghost your readers.

      Put a note, say dropped or something. It's fine. Upsetting maybe, but can be understood. But when the last words were 'will be back' and then POOF. It's like breaking up without closure. In fact, a lot of novels back then suffered such fate.

      So, I then wrote partly to vent frustrations and partly to finally do what I had always wanted to do but did not dare. I wanted to write a story till the end, and promised myself if I have readers, I would not abandon them.

      It was never meant to be a long novel. Just 80 chapters because I was sure it'd not be read. Comments were sparse but there was this ONE reader that was literally my pillar of support. Just knowing, and seeing the comments fueled me. The first two months were basically me writing for that one reader alone.

      Readers commenting really gives an Author the desire and drive to continue.

      One year later, the first novel has ended (900+ chapters) and second novel just started. I do NOT get enough income from this (unlike how I hear some Authors earn thousands per month). I continue writing not for the money (though the additional income, little as it is, is always a bonus) but because I have formed some connection / love / whatever you call it with my readers (through the novel and discord).

      Do I get Author's block? Yes.

      Do I get tired? Yes.

      Do they ask for mass release? Sometimes, but I ignore it i.e. if I can, I give. If I can't, I don't.

      At the end of the day, spurning chapters daily has become a habit for me now and it serves two purposes. Keeps the readers happy and I am more disciplined.

      At the end of the day. What is your purpose for writing? If you focus on ranking etc, it may drain you when it does not reach that. If it's more of 'wanting to write and spread joy' - and sharing it with someone (even though it is only one person), it becomes worth it.

      The rest is a bonus.

      Ignore the bad, cherish the good.

      That's how I survive and not go crazy. /heh

        PsyberRose Hey, I think we are the same but Im not sure if I can get as many reader as you. Right now, Im at chapter 39, and I only have one active reader/follower/commenter. If he drops this Im really going to be broken hearted. There are times where Im discouraged to write but because of his comments it gives me drive. But im skeptical if even he can follow me for that long, should I just continue and push through? My genre is common but I only got few views compared to my counterparts since I avoid cliches. I somewhat disliked cliches. Would I get get that many readers here?

          It's really, really a personal choice imo.

          For me, yes, I would say carry on.

          Your personal goal should be (for now) 'finish the novel for this one reader'.

          Will he/she stay? I don't know. But don't think of that. Just focus on the positive. He/she is here now.

          That one reader that pulled me through in the initial part has long dropped the novel (no more comments), but I had other readers come and start giving support.

          I'd just get my drive from anything I could. Comments, reviews (re-read the good ones that motivated me). Even if a reader only gave one comment, I'd hang on that and cherish it. Whatever it took to give me emotional support, I'd take.

          I was even tempted to rebrand the first novel from 'magical realism' to 'romance' simply because 'slice-of-life' and magical realism wasn't popular. You'd see the top 50 books would be romance - with Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl? being the only magical realism book there (not sure now though).

          I didn't look at views because I didn't quite understand it (and it could get depressing). I just focused on that one reader, and those that came after. I interact with my readers (in comments) and even would incorprate their requests in the novel. Win-win situation, really. They got happy to see their words are heard and I got inspiration from them. /heh

          If you feel disheartened, the most I can say is: at the very least, complete it. Don't keep it hanging.

          Your one reader deserves that, at least.

            I have been writing on Webnovel since 2019 and it's been difficult to get comments, vote and reviews for my work. I don't think readers understand that their comments, reviews and votes can go a long way to inspire and encourage a writer to write.

            As to the non frequent update complaint I think that is mainly brought about by writer's block. Which is also caused by lack of encouragement on the readers part. After writing for sometime now I have come to a conclusion that a good solution to that is to pile up a stockpile of Chapters before you start up a book that way you will be able to meet the demand for your books.
            Another solution is to properly plot your books, scenes and characters before publishing.

              PsyberRose Wow! I love your story. This has helped some of us recall the main reason we started writing. We were not bothered about the views, reviews then. Though most times we can't help being depressed, we mustn't forget why we're writing. And that one reader who is always there to support you is very fine.

              I remember I had a reader who read all my novels on a different platform and went to the next platform when my book went Exclusive premium. I felt bad that she was not able to continue because of the logged chapter and till now I'm still trying to reach her and a few others so, I could share the continuation with them in private. It keeps me downcast whenever I think about it.

              So, PsyberRose thanks for this. we appreciate it.

              MITCHIEWilliams Yeah... That's very true. I did that for my fourth book and I was free from stress and headache. It made my work go smoothly. Hence, I've started implementing it on my ongoing which will take me highest a week to complete. Though not more than 25chapters. I've got a series coming up and the memory of it is killing me like "I'm I sure I'll be able to do this" though an Author will help but still, it's a huge project. I've been looking for someone who is good at writing FBI, Investigations, and all the like to partner with so, we could join heads and do this smoothly but I've not found till now.

              I met a very good writer in that domain but he's in high school and has a lot of schedule and hobbies and that has really depressed me. At least, my co-writer can write on gangsters but we'll need to do a lot of research and that discourages me from the broad work we have ahead.

              Thinking of writing down all the plots, scenes, etc, kill the mind. Well, we're staying positive and hope things get better before we begin.

              PsyberRose That was a great work writing 900 chapters! I'm really confused and shock when I see books that long. Like how do y'all do it? Are they series?

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