So premium is pretty much BS. the majority of readers will be lost by this move, but those who do stay for some god forsaken reason will be enough to keep translators paid because of how crazy this is. The vast majority of qidians readers do not have this kind of money, its just encouraging pirating. On top of that the most expensive fiction novel you'd find in a box store tops out around 40$ with variance of course. Your telling me even with translation work I have to pay 7x that to read. no. thank you qidian for completly ruining half of my the novels i'm currently reading. I am of average class income I can't afford this, I didn't really care all that much for the controversy around you guys and all the shady and shameless stuff you do as you guys delivered. But this, this is way to much. I just feel cheated and discarded, so much for support that the majority of your readers have given you guys i guess.

    Playeone Completely agree, the whole per page pricing is the biggest scam in the world.

    Honestly look at game of thrones, Harry Potter, twilight or other professional books, cost sub $10. Putting a book at $100-200 plus is a downright scam.

    Supporting author, yeh ok in China they charge $2-3 for entire ebooks or less than 1 cent a page. Translators / editors are getting greedy. Say if it took an hour to edit and translate a chapter. At 1k chapters at $30/hr your looking at a cost per book of $60k. So break even would be somewhere in 10-12k books. However at rate they are charging they just need 600 suckers to pay spirit stones to cover entire cost.

      Cruel Yeah I was using there slightly older "best bang for buck" from memory which was was 75$ for 3250 it still stands even so with the new change (looked again after your post). At the best bang for buck 49.99 for 3250 stones. one SS is about 0.018$ which is .18$ per chapter at 12 SS. thats about 180$ (downwards rounding). That is still by far crazy. and some go up to 17SS per chapter.

      Tybork Problem with the free chapter a day what does one really going to take 3 years to read a book that’s completely translated also many translators haven’t even bother to work faster after charging you $1 plus per chapter view while claiming they are broke

      Honestly if people treat this as an occupation 1-2 a day is a disgrace. Sorry but that productivity this gig is a meat side hussle. Charging these prices is no different than me walking around trying to charge $500 to mow some ones lawn, hoping to find 1 sucker to pay me a day. Rather than doing 10 for a reasonable $50

        Ive just been introduced to this sort of app. If I'm going to have to pay instead of earning SS, ill just skip this app and find the book somewhere else. The books arent proprietary to here.

          GUNNY well, legally, they are proprietary since Qidian holds the publishing rights. But by out pricing the markets they're definitely encouraging pirating.

          You are conveniently forgetting that your are paying FOR A THOUSAND chapters. That is about 2 million words. Battle through the heavens had about 3 million words.


            Ah nice to see some of the editors on here! Definitely appreciate your input.

            I’m curious what your thoughts are on the per page pricing.

            I think to many who are looking at the whole cost of the novel it’s seems way out of line with market value.

            I can’t keep scratching my head as to why Webnovel/Qidan is only using adds / spirit stones on new chapters when the should be monitizing the entire novel (maybe add every 2/3 chapters) stones to unlock set of 5 etc.

            It seems like the cost per novel seems to be out of line when looking at normal books , granted some web novels can be much larger.

            It just seems the whole economy of book industry of inciting fixed costs in writing / editing etc then profiting on sales and other monitization that has worked well for hundreds of years seemed to have been thrown out the window with little thought.

            Perhaps we consumers have been spoiled by cheap amazon prices and Netflix all inclusive pricing so we want those payment models elsewhere in the entertainment world.

            Appreciate your work. I’m sure qidan will smooth this out eventually

              CJofNJ I think the biggest problem is that most people don't tend to read ONE novel, and for a lot of people, to stably stay up to date is financially not possible for most people. This is where I truly base my reasoning as why I think its overpriced. I can't support my favorite novels on other sites such as w*uxia via pateron and do stuff like this. 3 of the novels I keep up to date on (mind you I watch the advertisements to support) went premium. Now I can't even support them if I want to, since I don't have the budget and ads are no longer a thing for these.

              Besides I also have to agree with what CJofNJ said about this being a full time job. (40 hours a week on average) say it takes 2 hours minimum to translate and edit. thats 20 chapters a week. If this was the case I honestly think the price is close to being justified a little to much but really not far off. But the large majority of novels this isn't the case. And more so if you work on multiple projects you also have to realize this doesn't work out well as a model because most people don't read ALL of the things your "in-charge" of its like paying for something you don't use. Thats all. (in this case i'm merely suggesting this system isn't optimial)

              TLDR: I can no longer support the translators for any novel that goes premium nor can I stay up to date on it. I would think this to be the case for quite a number of people. It hurts because I feel discarded in favor of those who can and will pay this larger amount which would more then make up the difference for our lost support. And i'm upset about a change that impacts me negatively. say what you will.

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