Gamblejay "If you don't like it then leave" is a flawed statement. If you leave, nothing improved until people notice a drop in sales due to the problems. If you stay and complain, they now have to acknowledge the flaws. The latter is more likely to get results than the former.

I want to read the novels, but this pricing formula is insulting. They go "oh yes we can translate 14 chapters a week for free" and then go "by the way, we changed it to 7 free chapters and 7-10 paid only ones". It's obvious that it could work for free or with ads; they've been doing it for like a year now.

Moreover, they have no obligations implied in this. They don't always release the same number of chapters, and there are translators who fall way behind. Same goes for quality: some translations and edits have poor quality, but you still have to pay for them. And yet they are still charging the price of a professionally edited book.

So I stay, and I complain. Because they are doing things badly, and I still have 3 non-premium books left, and I don't want them to go premium.

    I think many of us just have concerns that we want the opportunity to pair a fair p ice for the product.

    Alternatively the way things are going it’s not the case.

    A simple analogy compare it to a professional sports game. The Yankees sell the the 3rd base sections seats for 200$-$300 dollars, they only sell like 20 percent of them and tons of them go unfilled at games. Everyone is saying hey guys charge a fair price and I’ll pay and support the team. Yankees are sitting there thinking yeh no thanks, sure if we charged $50 the stand will fill out every night but at $300 or so we make just as much money off the few rich suckers who will pay. Everyone else tough luck. Yankees are thinking enough time will go buy they the tickets eventually

      GUNNY go to wuxiaworld they have some finished novel and ongoing one that are interesting

        Glad to see the great discussions and information being shared.

        The biggest thing I've learned is that everything can more or less be attributed to a system fundamentally grounded in greed/profit where self expression is only secondary. A system where word-count = money is flawed for the consumer. different culture different trends.

        I think everyone honestly knows that there are almost no eastern novels(Korean/Chinese/Japanese) that DON"T have any instances of repetition or rephrasing, or they will have a loop they follow and the other commonly seen patterns that are not commonly found in western fiction (NOT saying these make inherently non-entertaining novels something doesn't have to be groundbreaking to be enjoyable. ex. Library of heavens path is literally the EXACT same story loop AT EVERY ARC/SEQUENCE yet its still one of the novels that I find quite funny and entertaining to read) but if you think "why is this the case" it makes sense with the simple phrase "word-count = money" thus things will be this way and they most likely won't change. You could I guess make the argument that if your going to market towards western cultures/english speaking cultures you should adopt a policy that would be used by them but you could make the argument that the market is there home turf so..







          Gamblejay Except those books aren't priced on their word count. These novels contain so much unneeded drivel just to drive that word count up while real authors try to bring their word count down so there's less fluff and more story. If you want to compare 1 million words in these books with 1 million words on these web novels then you're already doing it wrong because the words aren't worth the same amount of story. One fight in BTTH takes like 5-7 chapters, random enlightenment for 2-4 chapters each, and then there's the explanations from side characters about every little thing that people don't care about.

          Gamblejay The problem is you are expecting westerners to be sold on a Chinese business model. This site isn't targeted toward Chinese users.

            Krazyguy75 Everyone that I've seen who says they hate the system brags about how they refuse to buy SS. So there isn't really a loss there anyways.

              CJofNJ And thats how business works. There is a targeted audience, is Qidian going for full seats or are they trying to meet a quota to pay everyone and keep board members happy?

              If they can sell 20 $200 books as compared to 100 $5 books I think I know which business model I'd take and which audience I'd focus on.

                Dragolax I’m tempted to just learn to read Mandarin at this point, so I can skip over all this translating bs with the Raws.

                  BigLeagueWeeb First off I'm not the one who threw Harry Potter out as a comparison. I just decided to prove a point. Secondly I'm not going to keep repeating myself by explaining what subjective means. YOU may find it drivel, not everyone does so it's not a baseline to use for a debate.

                  No the problem is you want them to conform to your needs. Which is fine and most businesses will/should do some form of it. But you don't walk into a Chinese Restaurant and then throw your hands up when there are no beef burgers because that's what you're use to. No you're there for Chinese food.

                  Everyone keeps pointing out that Qidian is/will Lose money. Yet every action and snippet they have taken or posted says things are on track... because the model and price hasn't changed. These people are very smart when it comes to business, they run a successful multi-million dollar company in China.

                  Things won't topple over and fail, if the price isn't working... It will drop. But it hasn't and more premium novels continue to come out. So, do you take the advice of a few unhappy people or follow the actions of the company?

                    Gamblejay Just like how China cares about other countries or people hardworks. Plagiarism is a common thing in China and when others do the same thing, its a crime and not supporting those who are behind the project. Yeah sure.

                      h3national If you read anything i posted rather then cherry picking I already pointed that out and said reading free is fine and doesn't make someone less of a fan. But if you do want to support the project, this is the platform the Author has chosen.

                        Gamblejay time will tell,no matter how hard qidian claim ppl like this kind of payment . If less ppl stop buying , they will still go to floor anyway,

                          Shaff which is why he said that market will determine the price, pricing strategies are complex man

                            Fuhrer 25ss per day

                            Check-in + second check-in (ad and mobile only) + energy and power stone vote = min. 24 SS max. 40 SS

                            You should get on average way more. Did you maybe forget one of the SS earning ways? I am just curious, who knows you might be unluckiest person on this platform. :D

                              Altera011 Source/Link to the thread, please.
                              Pretty sure that person just doesn't know all methods to earn SS.

                                Ebu8b some devices aren't compatible with the app, so they can't earn from watching ads.

                                Gamblejay if I walk into a Chinese restaurant and the White rice is selling at $10 a pint and I can get basmati rice at the Indian place next door for $5 a quart, you can be sure that I'm walking out. If I really need that entree, then fine, I'll shell out for only the entree and buy the side of rice next door and make sure to never go to that restaurant again

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