Tomoyuki Providing you the context, and you call me a liar. What the f

You literally said that I threatened you, which I didn’t. Falsely accusing people is in no way an appropriate way to provide context.

Tomoyuki Around 43% of internships are unpaid. ... Paid internships are 34% more likely to lead to at least one job offer after graduation versus unpaid internships. Among 2019 graduates, 66% of them who went through a paid internship got a job offer. Only 43.7% of graduates with unpaid internships received job offers.

I apologize for not being specific enough so let me take this chance to elaborate. I was describing the situation as how it stands in first world countries. wink wink

    Sythcake i think what he meant in threathen is if free readers threathen him with the content above, he just miss type the free readers to you lol


    Sythcake You literally said that I threatened you, which I didn’t. Falsely accusing people is in no way an appropriate way to provide context.

    As ExodusGaming55 said, I didn't mean you as in literally "you" but the readers I was talking about in my context in general. Sorry for the ambiguity. It's a habit of mine to refer to the general audience in second person.

    I assume you mean that America isn't a first world country now?

      Tomoyuki I assume you mean that America isn't a first world country now?

      Yap, I was worried that I’m being too ambiguous with the joke but glad that you got it.)) I don’t truly believe that ‘Murcia is not a first world country but it is being commonly referred to as Dumbfuckistan for a reason.

      As for the internships, it is a broad topic that is affected by a lot of different factors that I have neither the interest nor the qualifications to dive deeply into. So I suggest we drop it at this point.


      Cuz in the end, you still did describe a type of internship in your original post! Evil Laugh

      Tomoyuki I didn't mean you as in literally "you" but the readers I was talking about in my context in general. Sorry for the ambiguity. It's a habit of mine to refer to the general audience in second person.

      No worries, I was mostly screwing around with you. Just was a bit salty that you kinda generalized all the free readers together with the idiot that originally wrote that crap.)

        Well to be honest, i do agree that free readers really can't demand much to webnovel to give more freebies and the likes. Free pass and other rewards were already quite generous as there really is no ads in this site/app which is the main/major income for most site/app.

        But i also agree that free users still can demand things like quality content, the fulfilment of promises, etc. This thing is not only the free readers right but all readers right. So many trial reads that honestly was chosen with (mostly) bad criteria in mind, some people complain about not getting coins from unchoosen trial reads, and many other things that i couldnt begin to list was things they rightfully allowed to demand. Those problems(and many more) i just listed was things that damages the platform integrity and reputation, reducing readers, authors, and translators confidence in the platform which in turn slowly/fasten the destruction of the platform.

        Remember, in ANY business, you need to mantain an ecosystem which all in it benefit. If not slowly that ecosystem will breakdown as more and more of its components leave/die and no balance could be created. Once it break down, it will be a near impossible dream to rebuild it again.

        There is a reason why things like genshin impact can flourish greatly in a short time and create a huge amount of fan base in it.

        Tomoyuki man this guy's thread blew up. Also, i'm a free reader but that's because i have no disposable income as a teenager. One day ill get a job and then i can support the authors. For now though i'm just living off the free benefits WN gives, but i WOULD have contributed in the future. If while i'm young and saw that WN keeps reducing these little benefits i get, then maybe ill try and see if there are other competitors. I don't really understand why just because you read for free doesn't mean you can't give your opinion, it's not like you'll remain that way right?

          AbsoluteReader001 Sure, no problem. I started as your typical pirate with no regard for other people IP (mostly in games and anime). I had to become an author to realise how infuriating this reality is for the creators. And yes, I bought every single game that I used to play the pirate version of it. Since you are a teengater unable to get a real job, how about trying to write instead? This is one thing that does not bar others because of their age, and the earlier you start, the more time you have to get better! :D


          Well, I can comment it only in two possible ways:

          1. <3
          2. Am I still considered as viable for the spot of marriage candidate?

          Skavven Who are you again?

          Sythcake Nah, my requirements are pretty low, but even when I'm just bashing at the idiots left and right there is this minimal level they need to achieve with their post for me to bother. You can imagine in in this way - If I see some Karen in a shop where I know the manager, I would exercise my oratory muscles for fun. If I see someone geniuenly discussing a more serious topic, I will do my best to get on his level. But if I see a dog barking in the street, do you really think I would bother? Barking is the one thing allowed for the stray dogs and there is no point in even attempting to reign that behaviour in.

          Just like there are smart people who come with valid points, just like there are honest people that admit to stuff or explain their position, they are people like the kid above who things that putting several insults in his reply will make bitches fall his way, world adore him, and <self-censored, don't want him committing suicide on me, you kill a dog and get blamed for a human after all> him or something I guess? Sorry, I can't really fathom what kind of turn-on this kind of lowest behaviour would be.

            PopRocknRoll I don't know if you can understand this, you little reader, but we write not just for you to read for free. We write to earn! You know the meaning of earn, right?! We get that you are in rage with the Fast Passes and everything, but as long as we know the issue with free and a non-paying reader, you should have not said that you will be finding some alternative for Webnovel site. Why do you read here in the first place, care to explain?


            Let me comment your thread first.

            If you're ranting. Then "Question" tag isn't yours.

            And second.
            Do fix your paragraphs first. It's all over there.

            Alright. Let me talk in a perspective as a content creator.

            Asking something for completely free like that is impossible.

            "Being a content creator won't had a future"

            I guess, everyone had heard that before from your parents, do you?

            If yes, then did you wonder why they had said that?
            It's because that you guys are not considerate enough to think about that. And only thinking about "how I can read this by free"

            You can read it by free. It's your choice since we are not having a right to force you for doing so.

            But did you asked yourself of how many authors were dropping their book and even giving up their writing just because of your (sorry if it's harsh) stupid action?

            Being writer isn't easy. Yet we choose that cause we want to entertain you guys. But, it doesn't mean that we are a robot or something. We need cash as a sustainable tool for us to survive.

            And you guys are spoiled enough to the level that you guys won't need to watch ads everytime you guys reading the chapters.

            Imagine webnovel uses that way and you need to watch 1000 ads for 1000 chapters. Do you want it?

            So, I hope you guys should be bit considerate by at least... Buying the chapters when you can.


              Sythcake I must say this dude is downright idiotic.
              You don't pay yet you make demands than those who do.
              You don't support yet you claim you do.
              You're the type to read a novel for free and complain in the comments about how the author is writing shit and how you hate this character or that character needs to be changed...
              You're reading for free yet you have the audacity to make unreasonable demands.
              Tsk tsk, Your shamelessness really makes me feel speechless.
              Imagine going to the bookstore and asking to read twenty chapters of a book for free before purchasing it.
              In your case, you don't even plan to purchase it. You only want to read for free.
              At least have a little bit of shame


                Let me ask you a quick question, can you eat fast passes? Can they gas up your car? Authors are human beings that have daily expenses.

                Nothing in life is free, you pay for the shoes you wear because it is made by someone, to make it there is a cost and a profit is placed to support those that made the product.

                I was once a reader too, but I understood that writing is a skill, something people put in time and effort to learn and develop. If you are willing to work for free then I pity you, that's slavery, I suggest you find a lawyer.

                AbsoluteReader001 Absolutely nothing wrong with expressing your opinion. But I'm going to respond to your opinion with my own opinion.

                Also, I think there's nothing wrong with reading for free and using fast passes. I'm just annoyed by people who threaten to pirate/plagiarize stuff if they don't get more fast passes. And these are the same people who accuse Webovel or authors of being greedy. Like...what the f? Sorry for the misunderstanding, my statement wasn't directed at you. It was directed at the guy I quoted.

                  aLamFan Not only was that biased against free readers but it was extremely long. 7/10 good opinion but instantly goes back on what they said

                  Well, I tried my best not to be biased, but if you feel it's unbiased, tbh I can't help. I tried to show you what free readers are getting from this platform. But it's all upto you all to see my perspective.

                  Dwarkin Are you unable to explain your thoughts without using five (or whatever) styles? Do you believe that using bold, italics or big letters make your speech more impressive?
                  Too bad, this excessive use of font styles only makes your text unreadable

                  Is that so? I tried to highlight the points that I think are important to be seen first.

                  Sythcake imagineTishaD
                  Dear Webnovel Bot,

                  Thank you for your unbiased opinion.

                  Much love,
                  A Free Reader

                  Well, I wouldn't repeat what I said. I tried my best to explain. It's all upto you readers how you all will perceive this situation.


                    No idea what gen you are, tomo. I was once in this shoe.

                    In previous age, intern used to work for free and be used freely like slaves in exchange for good review. That age is no more.

                    Still, it is not ethical to ask for free stuff and threatened the author's in exchange for some view here and there. Always remember...

                    You might feel you're important, but the time keeps going with or without you. You're not entitled nor the people you know.

                    Only fools think like that. I like playing final fantasy too, why the hell Google play charge few quids for every series I'm trying to download? Bloodsucker. If I'm tomorrow, should I bash Sony and square enix for trying to sell their old games?

                    Btw, this reply is for cake. I tapped wrongly at replying tomo my mistake lol!


                    Perhaps this is why books sold in stores now comes with a wrapper. And hell, based on his attitude and behaviour, he'll be the arse that tearing that wrapper off to say he wanna take a look at the content before buying.

                    He might as well don't get married too. Since he's too stingy for it. Too self entitled.

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