PopRocknRoll I don't know if you can understand this, you little reader, but we write not just for you to read for free. We write to earn! You know the meaning of earn, right?! We get that you are in rage with the Fast Passes and everything, but as long as we know the issue with free and a non-paying reader, you should have not said that you will be finding some alternative for Webnovel site. Why do you read here in the first place, care to explain?
Webnovel strikes again
Let me comment your thread first.
If you're ranting. Then "Question" tag isn't yours.
And second.
Do fix your paragraphs first. It's all over there.
Alright. Let me talk in a perspective as a content creator.
Asking something for completely free like that is impossible.
"Being a content creator won't had a future"
I guess, everyone had heard that before from your parents, do you?
If yes, then did you wonder why they had said that?
It's because that you guys are not considerate enough to think about that. And only thinking about "how I can read this by free"
You can read it by free. It's your choice since we are not having a right to force you for doing so.
But did you asked yourself of how many authors were dropping their book and even giving up their writing just because of your (sorry if it's harsh) stupid action?
Being writer isn't easy. Yet we choose that cause we want to entertain you guys. But, it doesn't mean that we are a robot or something. We need cash as a sustainable tool for us to survive.
And you guys are spoiled enough to the level that you guys won't need to watch ads everytime you guys reading the chapters.
Imagine webnovel uses that way and you need to watch 1000 ads for 1000 chapters. Do you want it?
So, I hope you guys should be bit considerate by at least... Buying the chapters when you can.
Sythcake I must say this dude is downright idiotic.
You don't pay yet you make demands than those who do.
You don't support yet you claim you do.
You're the type to read a novel for free and complain in the comments about how the author is writing shit and how you hate this character or that character needs to be changed...
You're reading for free yet you have the audacity to make unreasonable demands.
Tsk tsk, Your shamelessness really makes me feel speechless.
Imagine going to the bookstore and asking to read twenty chapters of a book for free before purchasing it.
In your case, you don't even plan to purchase it. You only want to read for free.
At least have a little bit of shame
Let me ask you a quick question, can you eat fast passes? Can they gas up your car? Authors are human beings that have daily expenses.
Nothing in life is free, you pay for the shoes you wear because it is made by someone, to make it there is a cost and a profit is placed to support those that made the product.
I was once a reader too, but I understood that writing is a skill, something people put in time and effort to learn and develop. If you are willing to work for free then I pity you, that's slavery, I suggest you find a lawyer.
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MotivatedSloth imagineTishaD
Well, I can comment it only in two possible ways:
- <3
- Am I still considered as viable for the spot of marriage candidate?
I didn't get what you asked ....
AbsoluteReader001 Absolutely nothing wrong with expressing your opinion. But I'm going to respond to your opinion with my own opinion.
Also, I think there's nothing wrong with reading for free and using fast passes. I'm just annoyed by people who threaten to pirate/plagiarize stuff if they don't get more fast passes. And these are the same people who accuse Webovel or authors of being greedy. Like...what the f? Sorry for the misunderstanding, my statement wasn't directed at you. It was directed at the guy I quoted.
aLamFan Not only was that biased against free readers but it was extremely long. 7/10 good opinion but instantly goes back on what they said
Well, I tried my best not to be biased, but if you feel it's unbiased, tbh I can't help. I tried to show you what free readers are getting from this platform. But it's all upto you all to see my perspective.
Dwarkin Are you unable to explain your thoughts without using five (or whatever) styles? Do you believe that using bold, italics or big letters make your speech more impressive?
Too bad, this excessive use of font styles only makes your text unreadable
Is that so? I tried to highlight the points that I think are important to be seen first.
Sythcake imagineTishaD
Dear Webnovel Bot,Thank you for your unbiased opinion.
Much love,
A Free Reader
Well, I wouldn't repeat what I said. I tried my best to explain. It's all upto you readers how you all will perceive this situation.
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No idea what gen you are, tomo. I was once in this shoe.
In previous age, intern used to work for free and be used freely like slaves in exchange for good review. That age is no more.
Still, it is not ethical to ask for free stuff and threatened the author's in exchange for some view here and there. Always remember...
You might feel you're important, but the time keeps going with or without you. You're not entitled nor the people you know.
Only fools think like that. I like playing final fantasy too, why the hell Google play charge few quids for every series I'm trying to download? Bloodsucker. If I'm tomorrow, should I bash Sony and square enix for trying to sell their old games?
Btw, this reply is for cake. I tapped wrongly at replying tomo my mistake lol!
Perhaps this is why books sold in stores now comes with a wrapper. And hell, based on his attitude and behaviour, he'll be the arse that tearing that wrapper off to say he wanna take a look at the content before buying.
He might as well don't get married too. Since he's too stingy for it. Too self entitled.
MotivatedSloth Skavven Who are you again?
imagineTishaD It just means Sloth is that much impressed by your comment to apply for your marriage partner candidate position :laughing:
Mcdavis_Octavia Yep, nailed it.
I see threads like this often. Not just entitled children asking for more like low EQ Oliver Twists, but trolls who consciously stir up discord and bolt when trouble comes.
So far, after dropping his rant, OP has yet to respond sensibly to... literally anything. If he is aware of what going on, either he's biting his fingernails in regret for what he did (unlikely) or he's laughing at all the havoc he caused because he likely could never get this much attention in real life (most likely).
I've been writing on this site since early 2018 and I've seen them all, all shades of readers who come here. The Op, that idiot who insulted sloth, and that sythcake guy are the typical representation of the lowest grade of readers, so try to avoid engaging them.
Sythcake Tisha is not a WN Bot, she's a legit author. And, her opinion was pretty unbiased and valid.
imagineTishaD FREE READERS:β
Let me point out that you are all getting plenty of equal resources:β
2 fast passes per day
Initial chapters are free up to 40 chapters.
You are not interrupted by ads
Regular updates on all original novels.
What she is saying here is pretty simple. You are having an Ad-free experience in this market where all sites are plagues by ads for every click. And, every book has at least 40 free chapters (Which is equivalent to a traditionally published book in length). And, even for the paid content, WN is giving you a method to read it for free (The Gracious Fast Passes). You also get daily updates in every book you read here. If you are patient, you can finish a book literally for free. Now, tell me, which store out there (Considering any and all consumer products) gives you freebies like this? None!
And you people say WN is greedy?
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imagineTishaD Is that so? I tried to highlight the points that I think are important to be seen first.
Yep, it's better to use good rhetorics to "highlight" the points in your post, excessive formatting only makes people annoyed.
Sythcake wow calling an author a bot.
Also you are such an entitled freeloader. The app is not your right you know, it's not a basic human right. It's a product.
imagineTishaD lol it means you are awesome!!!!
Book stores with free reads is exist. In Japan lot of book stores use this model business. In the US and EU, some bookstores also give free reads for books from specific publishers like Equinox from Singapore or Osprey from the UK, and some other publishers.
I don't know for sure, but maybe WN fast pass is adopted from those book stores. Of course the free read also has a limit with one or two books for each title while people who want to free read are a few dozens or more.
And those free readers never complain about the limitation, content, or price.
For limitation they will patiently wait. For the content, they just drop it if they don't like it. For the price, they will save some money until they are able to buy the book. These free readers also understand they can't decide which book will have free read.
Do you know why? Because the bookstores will kick out the trouble maker free reader.
Maybe WN needs to adopts same policy. Cause in the end most of the free readers will go to piracy sites when the time to give real support to the author is coming. That way, they will leave without causing ruckus.
The idea artists are working for free is the idea in stone age, and there are solid reasons why the idea got left behind. So let's leave it behind in stone age.
For anyone who has intention to pay when someday they have legit income, have you ever consider there is a high chance the writer you want to support already changes profession at that time, because writing didn't gave them enough income.
I don't doubt your good intention, but until you able give real support to the writer you want to support, please mind your words or just don't utter any words of complaint.
Thank you.
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MotivatedSloth imagineTishaD
Well, I can comment it only in two possible ways:
- <3
- Am I still considered as viable for the spot of marriage candidate?
Overlord_Venus imagineTishaD It just means Sloth is that much impressed by your comment to apply for your marriage partner candidate position
wounded_warrior imagineTishaD lol it means you are awesome!!!!
I'm speechless. Thank you guys but I didn't know you all liked that piece so much. I'm honoured.
I just said what I thought while reading the comments from free readers. I hope they would also try to understand what I said.
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Mcdavis_Octavia Imagine going to the bookstore and asking to read twenty chapters of a book for free before purchasing it.
In your case, you don't even plan to purchase it. You only want to read for free.
At least have a little bit of shame
This is beautiful.
Now imagine trying to pass off the crap written here as proper books that deserve to be on the shelves of legitimate book stores.
At least have a little bit of shame.
Overlord_Venus You literally quoted the wrong post and spewed a bunch of nonsense that had had nothing much to do with my reply to said post. Now maybe if you werenβt stuck a foot deep up your fellow creatorβs ass, den maybe you mightβve noticed.
wounded_warrior wow calling an author a bot.
Also you are such an entitled freeloader. The app is not your right you know, it's not a basic human right. It's a product.
Wow, imagine calling a reader an entitled freeloader.
Now find a single post in this thread where I demanded anything from Webnovel. Take your time.