For the last 2 days, I've been getting genre free passes from the daily check-in...
If needed I can send a print of it!
I'm inclined to believe that Webnovel is scamming me....
Actually nvm about the print, for some reason can't copy paste one into my post
TheF16 Please, do yourself a favour and go google what "scamming" means. You are getting freebies and now what you get for free slightly changed and you have the damned balls to call it a scam? You are pretty insensitive to use that word in regards to receiving something for free that's not exactly to your liking, when people who are actually scammed are losing thousands of dollars, their entire life savings because they were conned... Have some self-respect.
MotivatedSloth Hey man, do you know how to fix this?
MotivatedSloth scam = a dishonest scheme; a fraud.
fraud = a person or thing intended to deceive others
according to the dictionary, I seem to be using the word "scam" correctly...
TheF16 Still don't see what the "scam" is... you're getting fast passes from checking in... were you expecting something else?
LordSputnik bruh, should I copy what I wrote or are you actually going to read it?
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I was just going to ask why that was changed!! I get that they want you to read the books, but if it's not the genre you favor, then it's a waste. Even if it's free.. I get where you're coming from, but it's not a scam. Apparently they've just decided to change things up to make more money. And we just so happen to not like the change. So either we pony up to pay for coins to read whatever we want, or we delete the app and look elsewhere for reading material..
To be fair, from my experiences WN does not really announce their changes. So from his POV this was probably a change out of the blue.
That's my take on the situation
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Hi dear! If you are unhappy about the new system of Genre FP, please write about your problems into the link! Click on the below link here:
WN App service Uptill 6pm GMT+8
REMEMBER, It will be open from 6am - 6pm GMT+08 China Time, only Monday to Friday.
OR you may send email at webnovel service at stating your problems you are facing here, if the above link doesn't work. But that's a ONLINE SERVICE, so it is more effective.
i HOPE THIS HELPS YOU. Be polite to them !!
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The OP wrote that Webnovel is scamming him. Using the word 'scam' is a little hysterical, but then complaints made here tend to be hysterical.
My take on this situation: what is actually happening is that many readers are scamming Webnovel. They set up multiple accounts, and collect Fast Passes from each. In this way, they get to read all the Premium content free of charge.
The Fast Pass, as implemented, was a bad idea. I suspect Webnovel is trying to contain the damage by tinkering with the Fast Passes. The simplest way would be to limit them to one a day, but that would cause screams of outrage that would be heard from here to Honolulu (I'm writing this in Warsaw, Poland). Maybe there even would be a suicide or two.
Get real, people. Maintaining a portal like Webnovel costs serious cash. Of course they have to make money. They likely have to flip somersaults to break even. However, IMO they should definitely splurge on an extra salary, and get someone skilled at public and customer relations. The way they are handled now is very poor.
You'd naturally prefer to be given everything for free, but that's your problem. Yes, a problem: the sooner you discover everything in life carries a price, even the supposed freebies, the better for you.
Tini_Gonzalez Ahh no, there is that. But the prime reason behind that is to make readers try more Genres. Statistically speaking, most readers tend to stick with one Genre here and read books only in that. WN plans to make them try out other Genres too. This way, when a Genre become stale or boring after they have read hundreds of such books, they won't leave WN and would opt to try out a new Genre.
Michael_Ryman The simplest way would be to limit them to one a day, but that would cause screams of outrage that would be heard from here to Honolulu (I'm writing this in Warsaw, Poland)
Damn right it would. Whilst I can agree on you with people scamming webnovel by creating multiple accounts, this isn't a solution to that at all. People who make multiple accounts are still going to be scamming webnovel, while those with a single account will be hit with the reduction.
Those who make multiple accounts, can always make more accounts, so it wouldn't affect them at all if they were determined, and cutting off the people who are more honest just to try mitigate said damage is a very poor move.
Michael_Ryman Well, I wrote it in such a way intentionally...
In reality, I genuinely believed it was just a bug and not a change!
TheF16 where did the web novel scam you? By making you buying coins for no bonus?
Or by telling you that you'll get a free pass but it's genre lock?
It's like saying a coffee shop scam you with their Americano because you're lactose intolerant and they got no soymilk for you, weakling.
Be a smart reader, not a fool. You read to inspire, not to be an idiot. Fer-gawd-sake.