Y'all hear that?? The warden has been absent for a few days!! Let's riot! I've got my shank and a cup of frozen pee.
Uncontracted Webnovels.
Wolfick I've stopped reading here so I have nothing to boost. I've put the contract on a backburner because I'm torn by indecision. I think if I sign, I'll feel compelled to put out only my absolute best (since people will be paying for it) and that's the kind of pressure that will ruin my creativity. And yet I want to make some pocket change.sigh
SrtaA Self promotion is, yes. If they specifically wanted something new to read, and a free one, I had thought it would be okay to choose someone else's work and recommend that novel to them and any other who was interested.
I tried to at least bring some readers to another author, and was technically in the grey area. But if other disagree with it, oh well.
melonbread Whether you sign or don't sign the contract is entirely up to you. Just read it over and if you consider it good for you, sign it, if you don't consider it good for you, don't sign it.
I find that the concept of having money is a very compelling motivation to write. And usually you tend to fail a lot at putting out your absolute best, so... Prob best to get used to feeling like you've betrayed everyone
I'm new to this platform and I'm just learning right now. Plus, I don't think that I've actually looked at any book that isn't a contracted book. I have seen other posts stating that you can filter and only pull book into your search list that aren't contracted. However, I haven't played with that yet.
On the flip side, I'm also toying with the idea of trying to write something original that isn't fanfiction so I could possibly get a contract. I have to say that the idea of getting some money from my hobby is rather inviting.
Great idea.
Unfortunately, this would fall under self-promotion if people do their own.
However, if people recommend other authors uncontracted works. The thread could be legit.
Whycanti Yeah, we can recommend the books of others (those that are free) without any intention of self-promoting.
I just know one free book on WN now, one that I could love and enjoy. That's Chrysalis. So, I'll recommend this for any readers wanting to read a free novel. It has around 700+ chapters now
Wolfick Yeah, I understand. But we know that some not well-intentioned authors will create dummy accounts to recommend their own work as readers.
sighs It happened before. It happens all the time.
Anyway, it just doesn't work. Nobody comes to the forum and thinks: "Gosh, a thread with uncontracted authors' works. Just what I needed!"
In fact, when someone wishes to read a new book, they write a post requesting what they want.
But well, when this thread is full of Cden Sh nd Gl and fake 'readers', we'll see it.
Overlord_Venus Aren't you forgetting someone?
- Edited
XOMatsumaeohana ehehehe oops
Read mine, I don't have a contract: https://www.webnovel.com/book/street-lights_19769068006333205
Leave a review and if you have a novel let me know and give me the link.
Well gentlemen, looks like were turning this into self promotion threat muahaha... here's mine, uncontracted.
But I'll add in another that I enjoyed as well. I don't read too many novels on this site but here you are.
I clearly remember our bot left just after this thread...