Okay. Now I get the gist of this discussion, which kept getting locked in previous versions. The previous version OP didn't really make much sense to me tbh. Yeah, if it's a translation thing to try to make the content relevant to the publishing location. Don't think this is a good move. It's cool to keep the novel's location as is since there's so much sentiment and relevance to that particular culture.

Is it a specific translation group that has opted to do this? Or seems to be a WN new requirement?

    me totally waiting for a mod 2 lock this thread

      I don't think this would be locked now as the discussion makes sense.

      It's good to talk on the ways of content relevance for different audiences.

      I think if a story is too steeped to one culture, it should continue to carry those cultural elements. An example are Japanese honorifics in stories. Some people hate it, but if the honorific is removed it might also remove the charm of the culture's hierarchy respect from the story.

      Hmm...wondering if this relates...sometimes when I'm reading Webtoons (for example, Lookism) the translator gives the characters Western first names, for example, the MC, Park Hyung Suk is Daniel Park in the English translation. I don't really mind it when translators do just this, since it helps me remember character names more and not butcher it in speaking. As a Chinese American a lot of my Chinese friends go by Western names as well. So my question is, how would people feel about this in a novel? Not localising, just not directly bringing over the pinyin for names.

        LinYang I think names change are fine, because they aren't really changing the story context. Yeah, we're all aware Chinese, Korean, and so forth also have the courtesy English name and vice versa.

          LinYang No, not the same at all. The courtesy name (or having a real name from another culture) is fine. The weird thing is:
          Catarina Pereira (or Alma Rosensworth), 21 yo, married Leopoldo Silva (or Clarence William Jameson), 30, the Multibillionaire CEO of the Comida Feliz Industries (Happy Meal Industries.), in Rio de Janeiro (Boston). He gave her a Lamborghini Gallardo and she gave him a little bun called Mario (or Earl). Catarina's stepsister Teresa (Juliet) envied their happy marriage and, most of all, the beach house in Rocinha (West Roxbury). When they're having a brunch in a hotel Teresa humiliates Catarina and slapfaces her in front of her new friends.
          Also, due to Teresa's plots Catarina discovers her husband has a lover, Amalia (Dahlia).
          "Oh, divorce! My life is over! I'll fake my dead and Mario's! Leopoldo Will never let me be with my little bun!"
          Two years later, a Comida Feliz's employee phones his boss: Boss, I just saw Mrs. Catarina and a little boy just like you in the airport!"
          "Close the airport!" Yells Leopold.

            SrtaA omg, I laughed so hard!!!
            Now I wanna read a few chapters of this novel 😂😂😂

            Did anyone check new trial novels? It happened again, at least a few of them are localized. I believe that finally I'll be able to drop this bad habit of reading trial reads now

              SrtaA Latin American, of course! They are more dramatic. I had grown up watching Brazilian (Escrava Isaura) and Mexican (starring Veronica Castro) telenovelas.
              I can already imagine how overbearing CEO Louis Alberto is chasing after young and naive Marianna Villareal

              I think what they want is to globalize a story. However, such an attempt should be done with the participation of the author. So, the story won't become weird.

              There are many cases Chinese, Japanese, or Korean authors made foreign settings but with their cultural mindset. Most of the novels were welcomed by most readers after being translated.

              Because every novel is a universe that is separated from the real world. Law, culture, event, plot, character, etc are created based on author's understanding and imagination. Because of that, novel is categorized as fiction.

                Ron_Azure There are many cases Chinese, Japanese, or Korean authors made foreign settings but with their cultural mindset. Most of the novels were welcomed by most readers after being translated

                Indeed, but usually author does some research or writes about own experience.
                I believe that the only way to "localize" the novel is to change the names of the countries to fictional. Don't write USA, just use M-country; H-country instead of Korea and R-country instead of Japan.
                And pick reasonable human names that doesn't sound too weird

                I deliberately avoid stories that have Western names copy/pasted in place of Chinese ones. It reads strangely, and translators do not seem to be good at picking names. Every one of them is old fashioned or strange. My man, is the divine-level cultivator really named Reginald, or are you just pulling things out of a hat?

                  5 days later

                  Damn, I think that the most novels from the last batch of trial reads are from faloo too. @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL did you buy faloo or you are pirating their novels? Because I can't imagine even a one good reason to do it.
                  I'm somewhat pissed off and laughed at the latest trial reads - do you really think we can't find them on faloo? Yeah, we can't do it in two minutes like before, but we still can do this in half an hour, if the novel is up to our taste

                    Dwarkin I want to know about this as well. Did they got the right for the english publication, or was that just good ol' taking notes from the competition? Iirc, some of them have slight difference, but still very much similar.

                      Dr_Radiaki Yo i am Victor

                      Dr_Radiaki Reginald

                      The translator is a TSM fan xD

                      SrtaA Such as billionaires CEOs

                      We dont use CEOs here as far as i know, the boss is "El Presidente" of the company

                        Dwarkin Nobody can pirate their novels haha. It is most likely a deal between Qidian and Faloo to have their works translated here, where there is already an established market.

                          Wolfick Yeah, I even slightly suspect that tencent (or whoever owns Qidian) had bought faloo.
                          But I don't understand why do they have to "localize" their novels, it only makes them weird

                            Dwarkin They shouldn't, and that is a culture thing. Readers who like chinese novels like and are used to the cultural side of them, so I am in complete agreement with you.

                            It is the same reason I generally won't bother reading a novel by a western author imitating eastern culture. They go "I like that, so I will write one of those" and try to imitate a classic xianxia or god forbid a wuxia. But they don't have that cultural background and are at best relying on second-hand imitation. Whilst there are a few that are good, even great, the overwhelming majority of them are garbage because they are trying to write in another person's style.

                            It's the same as when people try sing songs in the same voice as the singer.

                            Culture is important in writing a novel, and changing it so that it doesn't match is never a good idea. If they truly wanted to westernize these novels, they would have to basically rewrite the entire thing, to the point it would basically be a new story. Simply replacing names and stuff is quick and sloppy.

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