The extremely pure, nice, or innocent character whose only purpose is to die, so the reader feels bad or angry at the bad guy.

It feels like such a cheap trick most of the time...

If they at least properly developed the impact of the character death in the world and the characters in the story it could be good, but again... if it was well executed I wouldn't be talking about it here.

  1. Little sister
  2. Big sister
  3. Any freaking sister
  4. Mother is alive dad is dead/captured/etc
  5. Dad is alive mother is captured
  6. Horny retarded MCs whose first thoughts are "I'm going to build a harem". God help chinese authors.
  7. Any object turning into a female character for whatever the fucking reason
  8. Enemies face is revealed "GASP! OH ME GUUUD IT"S A WOMAAN!"
  9. Sexism
  10. Retarded MCS
  11. Greedy authors
  12. Garbage authors who copy and paste their country onto their novel
  13. Everything is east. I once read a novel where it went "Eastern Region, East XX, Eastern side, eastern port(something similar). No fucking joke.
  14. Authors being unable to use more than 1 braincell and actually write realistic characters, even slightly.
  15. Every fucking women, except like maybe .000001%, will do anything to look beautiful, because of course, wamen?
  16. "Ye Yun, look at Jake other there, with his mother annabele.".... hmhmhmhmh, there's something suspicous here?
  17. I can go on for a long time, these are tropes, fight me on it I have a lot of time on my hands.


    “I hate east,” Rooster says.

    “The direction?” I ask.

    “Yeah, fuck anything east of here.”

    “Oh… is that really a trope around here?”

    “Fight me, Shadowdrake!”

    That one story must have been really specific about the east. I haven’t read many of the “popular” books on this site, but I kind of want to poke around and see how much is written about the east now.

    Also, while I agree with you on most of these, it seems like you hate all female characters. Male authors tend to be really bad at writing real female characters in general, but you really called them all out at once… lol.


      They just ruin novels. I understand certain people like certain things, but when the novels ruined by it, which to me and a lot others they are, I will call them out. I also hate how authors ruin their novels when they had so much potential.

      shadowdrake27 no no, not hate. Love. Adore. Worship.

      Also some authors can write Decent female characters, but the vast fucking majortity that I've read are absolutely hot god damn garbage.

      It's not even the writing, it's how they are used. I won't even say much, except as long as they are Japanese or chinese authors.... welp, you should know. Can't trust any of them to write without personal biz. Or they milk it for greed. Either way, fuck them.

      And yes, absolutely, that one story was so spefic about the east i'm not lying when I say it's mentioned for anything and everything.


        I can agree with you there.

        However, I now want to write a story about an MC that is trying to build a harem, whose mother is missing. His mom will really be the major villain (gasp), and her henchmen are the big and little sisters that he didn’t even know that he had.

        These three women left the MC and his father to search for everlasting beauty at any cost. They also used to be spindles (all three of them) from the Far East, but an evil sorcerer turned them into women.

        Yes… it’s all coming together… I hope you will read my novel when I’m finished. It’s going to be called “Spindle Mom Villain from the East—A Harem story” please look it up.

          shadowdrake27 LOL laughing so hard, too hard. But I gotta add my trope too. Ye Yun is sitting in a restaurant. A young master walks up. Ye Yun stares at him. The young master instantly gets enraged and shouts, "who are u looking at you mongrel peasant! Beat him to death, I will take responsibility!" Bet you can guess what happens next... Arrogant young master is beaten, then later on more conflict yadda yadda yadda, and then he is killed. Then comes big brother, uncle, third uncle, eldest uncle, father, grandfather, and then ancestor. Yeah no. NO ARROGANT YOUNG MASTER IT DRIVES ME INSANE! Also, adding to this please no stories where the mc gets his arse kicked around all the time. I can accept being weak in the beginning but surely there is no need to always be fighting against fate with all odds against him? Why can't he be actually stronger than his enemy and not just win because of plot armor? And hey if you want a good female lead book try Azarinth Healer from royalroad. Not chinese but it's a good book. If you dislike litrpg though then don't bother.

          Misguided_Rooster You're right, it is. Whoops. Sorry. Actually, I think Mo Fan only had Xin Xia and Mu Ning Xue, but even having 2 wives (or whatever) just makes him a cheating scumbag.

          Also, I’d like to this other trope and that’s:

          The sibling with no blood relationship being the main character’s love interest.

          Like, ugh! It is SO WRONG and SO INFURIATING! I hate this! Why authors so this?!

            1. Yes, 21st Century assassin transmigrated into a bullied girl shit.
            2. I'm poor and fell in In love with CEO shit
            3. Betrayed and killed by family so now I got another chance shit
            4. Systems and I got to survive/do missions shit
            5. Forced marriage but we love each other shit
            6. Ice-face or intimidating main guy, but loves the main girl for no reason shit
            7. Smut that only exists to attract horny people and makes no sense shit
            8. Harem that happens just because they're the MC shit
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