They just ruin novels. I understand certain people like certain things, but when the novels ruined by it, which to me and a lot others they are, I will call them out. I also hate how authors ruin their novels when they had so much potential.
shadowdrake27 no no, not hate. Love. Adore. Worship.
Also some authors can write Decent female characters, but the vast fucking majortity that I've read are absolutely hot god damn garbage.
It's not even the writing, it's how they are used. I won't even say much, except as long as they are Japanese or chinese authors.... welp, you should know. Can't trust any of them to write without personal biz. Or they milk it for greed. Either way, fuck them.
And yes, absolutely, that one story was so spefic about the east i'm not lying when I say it's mentioned for anything and everything.