SlaveOfTheLord Historically wise, farmers in China and Japan do not eat bread. They eat rice. And famines were frequent throughout, so they tended to starve. They were subjected to high taxes, so most of their crops get taken away by officials, and they have to make do with whatever they were left with. Many farmers were reduced to selling their children (to brothels, for example) just to survive.

Let's just say such times were...bad for anyone who wasn't a noble. Sure, they can eke out a living through farming, and there were a few farmers who became landlords, renting out their lands and fields to poorer farmers. It is indeed complex, and there was inequality, but even so, these "middle-class" farmers usually couldn't afford multiple wives or to think about chastity or whatever. The education they receive will be different from nobles or samurai or the gentry.

    To be honest, I'm not sure where history came into this at all. I'm a bit confused about how it went from a discussion regarding the effects of culture on sexual morality, to an in-depth analysis of historical power disparities between elites and the poor in Asian countries.

    I think things went a little off track. Does anyone mind if I right this locomotive before it careens into the abyss?

    Gee, Chinese authors sure are racists, am I right fellas?

      Just saying that discrimination and misogny aren't so much culturally embedded as they are universal. You can find people like that all over the world, it's not culturally inherent. Or maybe you could say it's a culture of its own (incel culture, for example) rather than try to point it toward a specific national culture.

      dakoma every time I see this shit I feel amazed of how stupid can someone be to think so. You have to add the line about them eating a human baby soup 😂

      I am creating an honest wage from home 18K Dollars/week , that is wonderful, below a year gone i used to be unemployed during an atrocious economy. I convey God on a daily basis. I used to be endowed with these directions and currently it’s my duty to pay it forward and share it with everybody.

      Here is where I started….......

        8 days later
        a month later

        I have read a lot of racist novels like this. I really liked Chinese novels when I started, but as I ventured toward Urban, Racism was pushed to the extreme. To the point, I have to question how it could even be accepted by their own country. No matter what, Racism is bad. Sure, America is racist and many others. However, that doesn't mean it's fine to be racist. It's like just because others are eating craps, would you also eat crap? No! That is the point.

        8 days later
        12 days later

        ThyUnknownSaint yeah and those morons love Putin as muvh as the nazis loved hitler. One of them wanted Putin as their leader. Even wrote that the russian people are stupid for not supporting Putin .

          Before someone turns this into "all Chinese love Putin" or "Chinese hate Ukraine" or whatever nonsense, here's some data from actual research conducted by Blackbox, who interviewed 7,000 people in Australia, China, Singapore and India.

          In China - where respondents are mostly from urban cities Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen - 3 per cent said they were behind Russia in the conflict, with 71 per cent saying they sympathised with Ukraine instead.

          More than eight in 10 in China were undecided on their government's stance, which Blackbox framed as not taking sides in the conflict.

          Beijing has not condemned Russia's actions, saying it recognises Ukraine's sovereignty but that Moscow has legitimate security concerns.

          In the Blackbox poll, nearly seven in 10 Singaporean respondents said they blamed Russia for the crisis, while just over half of those in China said they did not know. Three per cent in China said the US was at fault.

          The Chinese were particularly ambivalent on Russia - with 46 per cent neutral and 45 per cent viewing Moscow negatively; while nearly seven in 10 were neutral on Ukraine.

          On how Mr Putin and Mr Zelensky came across to them, the same majority proportion of Chinese - 74 per cent - said they were neutral.

          So yeah, let's not turn this into an anti-Chinese rant or whatever. Otherwise you are guilty of the same racial discrimination or whatever you're accusing Chinese authors of.

            Tomoyuki First of all, I am not saying all Chinese are like that. I am merely pointing out that there are Chinese people supporting the war and Putin.

            Here are some of the comments:
            "Putin is awesome!"
            "I support Russia, oppose the US. That's all I wanna say."
            "America always wants to create a mess in the world!"

            And that survey didn't mention the other 29% of people's views on the war. And since we can just google facts and respond to random facts. According to the Diplomat news magazine in polls on several Chinese websites, generally, about 40 percent of Chinese people remain neutral, about 30 percent support Russia, and about 20 percent support Ukraine.

            The Chinese government has one of the most censored social media environments which makes it hard to judge people's opinions. The Chinese government owns media several times created only pro-Russian news. Which has impacted the Chinese people. Chinese people lack the channels to obtain objective news and information. And the Chinese government's media combined with nationalism has colored their perception of the world. Making this into Western against us once again. Yes, the U.S has its faults but the sudden invasion and massacre committed by Russia are also wrong. But the Chinese government has never even come close to anything like that. They don't even use the word invasion and have ambiguous attitudes toward the war.

            Xu Guogi a Chinese historian said: This is an invasion. As the Chinese saying goes: you cannot call a deer a horse".

            The Chinese government is using this war as propaganda against the West. Mainly against the US and blaming the war on them. Even though is Russia who started the war and is not the victim in this war.

            But yes you are correct when you said I shouldn't say all Chinese. I am merely stating there are Chinese people supporting Putin and the war. And their ongoing nationalism will sooner or later spiral out of control.

              TravelingPoet That's because China is a Russian ally, so you can't really expect Beijing to come out and say, "Russia is wrong and we condemn you." The political situation is more complex than I'm making it out to be, but essentially you have NATO on one side, and the communist bloc (Russia, China, North Korea) on the other. It's actually in China's best interests to remain neutral. Yes, Russia is in the wrong (in my opinion), but China can't just condemn their ally, especially when political and national ties are so fragile. There's also a risk of starting a nuclear war.

              I'm not saying there aren't any Chinese who support Russia, or denying that there are some jokers who love Putin. I'm simply pointing that out because you're making these comments in a thread titled "racial discrimination" and you were responding to TheeUnknownSaint, who was in turn responding to the opening thread, which could be construed as a race or national thing. It's just a disclaimer - I'm not accusing you or TheeUnknownSaint of anything, but I know for sure you'll have some clowns coming in here eventually and start making such extreme comments about China/Chinese/whoever.

              Also, you're exaggerating on the nationalist thing. You'll always have right wing extremists, no matter what country you're in, but they will "never spiral out of control" unless you're talking about how they'll invade the parliament or White House (or Beijing's equivalent) to force the Chinese government to join Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Which will never happen because they'll get shot if they try. Also, the Chinese government has maintained neutrality, not using this as a war as propaganda and blaming the West. Rather, Biden is criticizing China for not taking a stronger stand, and they are arguing back, but officially nobody is making this a "West against us" thing. Yeah, you have offhand comments, extreme right wing people who do, but for the most part the Chinese government insists on maintaining its neutrality.

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