We Daoists are gathered here at Qidian to strengthen, widen, and deepen our understanding of cultivation and the Essence of all Creation in the Omniverse.

However, I've found many instances that some of our fellow Daoists had been influenced badly by worldly matters: rants due to insufficient spirit stones, hatred towards the translators due to few releases.

Have we really deteriorated due to the passage of time?
Are these kinds of deeds acceptable?

I really want to know how Qidian handle these kinds of people. ๐Ÿ˜…
Clearly, they need to be punished for the dirt they've put on the titles of being a Daoist.
There were other Daoists who behave like this, but sadly, I have no other proof except this one. ๐Ÿ˜…

Are there Divine Guardians out there who have the authority to execute a Cosmic Silence for those people? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


    [unknown] Im only herr for thr chapters and thr fun on the forums. P.S. Im a fallen cultivator (for now)

      I don't think QI should do something.Yes, ฤฑ know he is an idiot but I saw the worse.translator can say "fuck off don't read my novel if you don't know what is the meaning of respectful).And this is QIDIAN fault too.They said "Introducing the Premium program BETA, giving you advanced chapters!" but a lot of novels did not get advanced chapters.(ฤฑ don't read The kings avatar so ฤฑ don't know how much they release in a week)

        UnknownDaoist Having a few spirit stones doesn't make you a fallen cultivator...just a cultivator on the edge, I guess? ๐Ÿ˜…

        If all you see are the bad things around us, I think that will really make you a fallen cultivator. ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

        I don't like your roleplay can you not?. There must be.They are human they can swear someone who swears to them.
        If it is not against the QI contract.

        I don't think "webnovel" will answer you (anyone) but good luck

          Rule # 3. SPAM posts, advertisement posts, and other inappropriate posts that may or may not contain insults and discrimination are prohibited. If these are found, the admin has the right to request for deletion or revision of these posts and the user will be warned. If no action took place in 1 hour, admin will have the right to delete the post and suspend the account.

          But you can't just make a complaint you have to report it with the details for them to be able to do something. You can't just send them on a wild goose chase.

            Citlalicue Oh.
            So It's like that.
            Thank you for your enlightening response. ๐Ÿ˜Š

            Next time, I'll try to do that. ๐Ÿ˜ณ
            I just wrote this post to know a few things anyway. ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

            Thanks again. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

            DivineSaintBrando We get the gist of what you're saying; some people that don't really act like you thnik they should, should be punished etc etc. Problem is, you say they are bad, but what exactly constitutes "bad"?

            "rants due to insufficient spirit stones, hatred towards the translators due to few releases."? To be very honest with you, authors/translators dealing with those is pretty much part of the job by now. What do you want them to do about it? Delete all reviews and not read comments at all? That won work, simply because of the authors and translators themselves. They want to read the comments and feel appreciated.

              Idk if any of u remember,,, but a month or two ago, there is this one who get banned for a year for his not so good behavior~~
              If u read old post on forum, u may see em ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

                CreamPuffDelights if it was just a rant nobody would mind. but this one guy is actually trolling, making a pest of himself and even answering his own comments and 'liked' his comments himself. How annoying. Some people told him off, but then like a true troll he would answer with more insults. Everyone learned not to respond to him. Still, it's disgusting whenever I read his inappropriate comments.

                  CreamPuffDelights nope. You're wrong. Trolls are so last decade. Nobody tolerates them anymore. That's why it's so annoying to encounter one in 2018. Like, go back to your uncivilised decade, please.

                    It'd be great to weed out incivility so that we don't descend into a toxic cesspool of a community, but it's kind of hard to prevent such occurrences altogether.
                    For readers, the report button should work.
                    For translators/editors/staff, you might have to go to Qidian International's Discord to report (There's a suggestions_bugs_feedback section, and there are usually people there who would respond to such issues)

                      Although, your complaint is understandable, it kind of sounds like youโ€™re judging too harshly: Some people are truly annoyed not only for the SS but the price some novelsโ€™ chapters are starting to cost (Iโ€™m including in this point), and some people just wants to express their annoyances and dissatisfaction because some novelsโ€™ chapters are ridiculously short or blatantly filling and cost SS. I understand this is not a free non profitable site and either authors ans translation teams are earning benefits with the current model but as readers we wish to express too, of course within the boundaries of self restraint and respect, our feelings about this. The โ€œbad wordsโ€ thing... well, Iโ€™m some of the people who likes to express some complaints and other emotions through this words and some times defy the Imperial Censoring AI but Iโ€™m totally against the devil-troll like people that just want to make mayhem and attack others for fun, arrogance or wathever twisted logic run on their rotten hamster wheel, Iโ€™m just and average netizen wich wants to have fun reading and commenting in his favorite novel... after all I got the time, Im a Lich ๐Ÿ’€.

                        It would be great if there is a spirit stone promotion. One where I won't miss it by accident.

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