This here could end up in a Mister Metokur video. Take that as you will. I'm out.

    7 days later

    In real life this would be troublesome. But with an anonymous avatar online, can you not just ignore each other?

    Like completely not read any messages of those bullies

      Yeah Easy enough for anyone to that, unless they are very emotional and just don't realize they can just ignore it.
      surprisingly most people can't.

      Well it's hard to ignore if you not use to it/Innocent to internet.

      Miya THX!

      Taste like a 9 days old popcorn but I can handle this

      wait I see moss I take that back.

      • Miya replied to this.

        Saint Well to be fair it's a good thing that this post was made, I was thinking of going on the Quidian Discord but after this ? no way I go on this stuff.

        DontAskMe yes please, stay the fuck away so we have less shitty persons to deal with.
        I knew this thread was useful for something

          Ummm, excuse me but what is discord? 😅 Sorry, if this question is weird or embarrassing as I'm just a random 11 year old scrolling through the conversation while saying "whaaaaaaattttttt"

            ThousandHeavens it's a type of chat where the community can gather and talk, it has voice chat too, but that is mostly used to hear music or from only a small part of the community

            4 years later
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