The fact of the matter that the value of SS right now is to high is not hard to figure out. Its been mentioned by myself and others several times and its something that so far has been felt to be ignored. This is QI's right to do, I do not judge them for it and anyone wants to make a profit. Problem is that at current devolopment rate it will collapse at some point, Fan Translators gave life to this genere online, QI taking over alot of is not a bad thing, it has increased release speed drasticaly and I praise QI for this fact as this was Fan Translators biggest flaw, they where to slow. QI however is not.
But QI is forgetting that before this most of us did not spend alot of money on LN content, but we do have game subscriptions, netflix, hbo and other services going. Our Funds are limited hence QI is now competing against all other sources of entertainment online, and their prices is sky high by comparison. This, means that while people will probably still read their current novel/s they are reluctant to pick up new ones, I know I am. Because its not sustainable for us to continue to read at this current rate, this in turn helps to kill alot of the interest that Fan Translators built up in the first place, hence QI will at one point be forced to make a change when it comes to SS.
The best change is to create a subscription model to compliment SS stones pr chapter allowing us to read either X amount of chapters pr day, If so 20 Minimum a day regardless of their cost. This means if current max price is 17, we should be able to read 20 of them a day with a subscription model. I dont see a cost somewhere around 19.99USD as a wrong place to land this subscription. Our fix gets met, and QI gains far more from the average consumer then it does currently win win. But this still needs to be complimented by a free SS system like today, but the numbers are currently to low to support 1 novel, and this is the key. Give out enough FREE ss a day to allow a person to follow 1 series based on weekly releases. This will ensure someone will read, get hooked and eventualy want more. If their willing to go slow then QI earns nothing and loses nothing, but most of us love these novels enough to know that we would probably subscribe at that point.
Hope QI takes interests in this, because I feel it would just benefit them period to take these steps.