The fact of the matter that the value of SS right now is to high is not hard to figure out. Its been mentioned by myself and others several times and its something that so far has been felt to be ignored. This is QI's right to do, I do not judge them for it and anyone wants to make a profit. Problem is that at current devolopment rate it will collapse at some point, Fan Translators gave life to this genere online, QI taking over alot of is not a bad thing, it has increased release speed drasticaly and I praise QI for this fact as this was Fan Translators biggest flaw, they where to slow. QI however is not.

But QI is forgetting that before this most of us did not spend alot of money on LN content, but we do have game subscriptions, netflix, hbo and other services going. Our Funds are limited hence QI is now competing against all other sources of entertainment online, and their prices is sky high by comparison. This, means that while people will probably still read their current novel/s they are reluctant to pick up new ones, I know I am. Because its not sustainable for us to continue to read at this current rate, this in turn helps to kill alot of the interest that Fan Translators built up in the first place, hence QI will at one point be forced to make a change when it comes to SS.

The best change is to create a subscription model to compliment SS stones pr chapter allowing us to read either X amount of chapters pr day, If so 20 Minimum a day regardless of their cost. This means if current max price is 17, we should be able to read 20 of them a day with a subscription model. I dont see a cost somewhere around 19.99USD as a wrong place to land this subscription. Our fix gets met, and QI gains far more from the average consumer then it does currently win win. But this still needs to be complimented by a free SS system like today, but the numbers are currently to low to support 1 novel, and this is the key. Give out enough FREE ss a day to allow a person to follow 1 series based on weekly releases. This will ensure someone will read, get hooked and eventualy want more. If their willing to go slow then QI earns nothing and loses nothing, but most of us love these novels enough to know that we would probably subscribe at that point.

Hope QI takes interests in this, because I feel it would just benefit them period to take these steps.

    Zhevons i agree
    they should hire you as their finance manager
    @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL where you at. read this text, it's good suggestion ^
    although i wouldn't be willing to pay $20 per month. start with $5, netflix did that and it works for them, discord, dramafever, etc did too.
    the higher the price, the fewer the customers, keep that kind mind. you gotta reach the saturation of customers with the maximum increase in price without losing profit.
    i learned all this in an online simulation game, but i think it should apply to real life. try out a bunch of models to see which works and which doesn't. QI is a startup anyways, so you have very little to lose at this point, don't wait until you're some business giant and then decide to try something new because that would be detrimental.

    SS cost really doesn't bother me too much, but if the ss cost is too much then why are the translators unhappy? I'm seeing too many translators drop novels because of the ss issue. Authors, Translators and Editors are people too and need to make enough to put food on their tables and other essential living expenses. Is qidian taking too much of a cut? I can understand if translators aren't being paid a living wage if they are only translating 5 or less chapters a week, but what about the rest? I still use this app for convenience sake.

      Zhevons it's looks like my mind still childish compare to other. But, but...(╥﹏╥)...

      If they put <<Reign of the Hunter>> here, then I'm truly facing bankruptcy. @All_Night said roughly 1 SS = 200 words, in ROTH have more than 10,000 words. (╥_╥)

        iidako The thing is Qidian is double dipping in their profits. Let’s say you buy SS... Qidian gets 100% of that profit. When you spend those SS: The author gets 50%, Qidian takes another cut but a % is not mentioned, and the translator gets the rest.

        Slightly different for free SS as they don’t probably don’t make money off those?

          All_Night To be a bit more precise, about 30% first gets taken by Apple or Google if you buy through the app. That is a standard fee Apple and Google takes.

          Of the remaining money, Qidian will be the custodian of the money until the money is split among translator, author and themselves through a particular ratio. For ease, you can think that each party gets 33.3%.

          Free SS (check in, voting, etc) doesn't benefit any of the three parties, only readers

            CKtalon - You should give more SS (at least 25% more overall) to people who buy directly through the website and pay through paypal and not through Apple or Google since you will be making 30% more given you don't have to pay Apple or Google their 30% cut. This would incent all of us to buy through the site. Its a long term win win as it will keep overall costs low

              lately it's bothering me on how many spirit stone do i need to pay for the new chapter of superstar of tommorow they're getting higher.

              CKtalon you could incent other behavior like cc etc. that wouldn't cost everyone 30%. This increases the app payers an incentive to get paypal or other cheaper alrenative. This 30% overhead is really killing the business for you and I - only person benefiting is apple or google. I have been buying ss through paypal but knowing there is no difference to me to keep doing that extra step to log in and pay through paypal and instead just pay through the app -which ultimately increases the cost on you with no benefit reduction to me (maybe i don't have to log in to paypal) and only apple being happier.

              It is also very fair as people realize that there is a cost that apple charges for using that service which is substantial. Please do think about this.

              All_Night yeah, I've said this before the word count is a con as I'm sure some TKA and RTW chapters were not worth the word counts also a few other novels love to repeat un-needed lines or comments

                CKtalon i dont get it, was it paypal who took 30% or google/apple? is it even the same when buying ss outside mobile?

                  inovade2 Google/Apple takes 30%


                  For apps and in-app products offered through Google Play, the transaction fee is equivalent to 30% of the price. You receive 70% of the payment. The remaining 30% goes to the distribution partner and operating fees.


                  You get 70% of sales revenue.

                  PayPal takes a fee too, but it's much lower.

                  However, if you receive money for goods or services (such as from selling an item on eBay), the fee for each transaction is 2.9% plus $0.30 USD of the amount you receive.

                    CKtalon I don’t understand’ when we unlock chapters with SS, do the authors benefit from it? For exemple if oneauthor translate a popular story,and everyone is unlocking chapters on it, will he get a better « salary » out of it?

                      Bendo When you unlock chapters for Premium chapters with paid SS, authors will benefit from it. Free bonus SS do not benefit anyone except the readers themselves.

                        CKtalon How do we, as readers, know the difference though? I have bought spirit stones, and I naturally also get free ones, so when do I actually pay with the "free" ones, that do not benefit the translator/author, and when do i use the ones who benefit?

                          CKtalon Fortnite actually do this. 1000 V-bucks is like £8 on console but it's £10 on mobile. I don't think there have been many complaints. People who want to save money know to not buy on mobile.

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