lately it's bothering me on how many spirit stone do i need to pay for the new chapter of superstar of tommorow they're getting higher.
Way too expensive!!
CKtalon you could incent other behavior like cc etc. that wouldn't cost everyone 30%. This increases the app payers an incentive to get paypal or other cheaper alrenative. This 30% overhead is really killing the business for you and I - only person benefiting is apple or google. I have been buying ss through paypal but knowing there is no difference to me to keep doing that extra step to log in and pay through paypal and instead just pay through the app -which ultimately increases the cost on you with no benefit reduction to me (maybe i don't have to log in to paypal) and only apple being happier.
It is also very fair as people realize that there is a cost that apple charges for using that service which is substantial. Please do think about this.
inovade2 Google/Apple takes 30%
For apps and in-app products offered through Google Play, the transaction fee is equivalent to 30% of the price. You receive 70% of the payment. The remaining 30% goes to the distribution partner and operating fees.
You get 70% of sales revenue.
PayPal takes a fee too, but it's much lower.
However, if you receive money for goods or services (such as from selling an item on eBay), the fee for each transaction is 2.9% plus $0.30 USD of the amount you receive.
CKtalon How do we, as readers, know the difference though? I have bought spirit stones, and I naturally also get free ones, so when do I actually pay with the "free" ones, that do not benefit the translator/author, and when do i use the ones who benefit?
I kinda feel QI doesn't try and make enough money off of the free spirit stones.
I'd happily watch a 30s unskippable advert in exchange for the 20(ish) stones I get daily, that way QI could make some money off of free spirit stones and their model will hopefully be more sustainable.
I use to have more than 6000 ss, now Im broke as hell
Krazyguy75 I have 1 main novel that i buy whenever new chapter is released (Strongest System-hillarious novel with a good translator) and one novel that i'm mildly interested in (Avalon of Five Elements- started awesome but filler chapters got really out of hand). You can read 1.5. novels with a fast release speed, anything else is way too expensive. I mean let's be honest 70 percent of chapters in novels are either compleatly fillers or have only minimal impact on the story. And before reading you can't know it it is a filler or not. How can i pay my hard earned money for a chapter filled with "boooms" and loud shouts of disbeliev that i will skip anyway...
SS is expensive that's why you have to stop reading loop settings novel. I'm sure your reading list has at least one of loop novel, for example 'meet problem-MC get ridiculed-face slap-finish', reuse this setup with different new side characters. Might as well just read first 200-300ch to get the feel of the setting and then read straight to the ending. Spend your SS wisely on the better novel
Zogarth1337 If your account page ever has "Including XXX bonus", it means those SS will not be benefiting translators or authors.
Daoist_1283163933 You are earning about 10x more on average of what a video ad earns QI. If QI really wanted to make every cent count, you will need to watch 10 video ads to get one 'draw' at the random SS.
CKtalon If your account page ever has "Including XXX bonus", it means those SS will not be benefiting translators or authors.
That's a horribly designed system. Doesn't that mean that the most popular novels will get shortchanged in revenue?
There are about 30 SS that are bonus spirit stones every day. That means that the most popular novels will frequently lose out on revenue since the majority of readers use those daily spirit stones towards the more popular novels first.
What about the bonus spirit stones earned from buying SS. Does that mean that authors are screwed by those bonus spirit stones? Example, 100 bonus spirit stones for buying 500 SS. It's a completely stupid system.
it is very easy to criticize anything, because nothing is perfect
if you have a better idea, why not run a site yourself, and prove it
(it literally take less than 1 week to create a similar site, with so many framework and template on the internet)
SoybeanTheBlackCat invite your friends. Most of my SS came from them.
I've been reading LNs for over a year now, I usually read on browsers and it could be a hassle specially if you're in a country with an unstable connection. The main use of the app for me is the download function. It's really hard to find epubs nowadays without missing chapters or contents, so this app is really convenient than just reading on a browser.
The matter of spirit stones is really easy to resolve since there are ways to earn SS for free. This function alone is heaven sent already. Besides, premium novels will unlock chapters daily just like any other novel. The privilege is you have an option to unlock those advance chapters. So I don't see why everyone complains about the price. I complain more for the lack of chapters.
I'm not gonna mention it, but if you couldn't figure out the trick around it, then you only have yourself to blame for being an idiot.
- Edited
Daoist2017 LOL, it is shortchanging revenue is all I'm saying.
Most systems like this factor in bonus stones as part of the revenue model. It's built into the rate that authors are paid regardless of where the bonus spirit stones are spent. Instead, what QI is saying is that bonus stones don't count AT ALL towards authors revenue regardless if they generate revenue.
There is a lot of hidden revenue that QI isn't showing.
For example,
Daily Video Check-In ads for Mobile
CPM (per 1000 views) rates for Rewarded video ads for Android and iOS is around $13 and $16 respectively. This is direct revenue yet is treated as the same 'bonus' as when users do other daily check-ins (like power stone & energy voting which are not direct revenue generators).
Bonus Stones from purchased Spirit Stones.
When a user makes a purchase of spirit stones they get a bonus amount. Example 600SS (500purchased+100bonus). This means that bonus spirit stones are ~16% the total value in the spirit stone purchase. Since those bonus spirit stones aren't a part of what is counted towards what authors are paid it allows QI to skim off the top the 16% revenue.
Why QI is saying that ads are not a way to make money I don't know. Rewarded Video Ads are a huge revenue generator for companies. If they threw the option of a15-30 second fullscreen video ad in front of most chapters they stand to make a ton of money especially from all the people who are complaining about the cost.