You mean similar to Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot?
Possibly because that trope is not as popular in webnovel culture.
I read Sherlock Holmes myself. Like it very much. I have the full canon version.
There's something seriously wrong with a lot of authors
Misguided_Rooster I morbidly curious, what story touched you enough to are this rant? What story broke the camel's back?
ThePotatoKing interesting .You always are
Read a story where the author repeated the sentences "her pink lips" "her jade hands" "her beautiful eyes" "her cute pretty little face" more times than actual story progression.
Misguided_Rooster Yeah, well, um, I guess that certainly could break some camel back.
It was just sad honestly, every singe chinese author or at least the vast majority do this and it's gotten sickening.
Misguided_Rooster yeah, after reading hundreds of Chinese/Korean/Japanese novels they all look similar. Now I read just three Chinese novels here and a few Korean on WW. I tried to read "original" novels from the local top-50, and didn't find even a single good one.
I'll never read anything from this site.
just looking at the top novels already tells me enough.
you could try my new novel
Misguided_Rooster I did cringe while reading this response. LOL.
Misguided_Rooster almost puked here, too cringe hahaha
You sound like you have no personal life.
Find another hobby.
Petty little thing.
Misguided_Rooster Never give up hope, Mr Rooster, for one day, you will find one that meets your tastes. Some hidden jewels are waiting for readers like you to discover.
But when you are sorting through rubbish and find something that appeals to your taste, the author stops writing, sad.
By the way, what is your favourite genre, if I may ask?
It's kinda true, authors just copy themselves at times, no having any new ideas btw can u read mine, it's totally my idea, no copied from any where or any famous work
Names: have to get it back and heart made of stone
If there's any problem, u can complain and criticize it
Ah yes, I have no personal life and I'm a petty thing for stating complete facts.
Please go back into your dumpster.
Anything that's not romance honestly
Misguided_Rooster same sentiments!
man_of_culture3030 were you also referring to yourself?
Zherie17 Could I ask why you decided not to continue writing your novel and instead removed the already written chapter? Although I am eager to read it and provide feedback on it if you ask.