Misguided_Rooster almost puked here, too cringe hahaha
There's something seriously wrong with a lot of authors
You sound like you have no personal life.
Find another hobby.
Petty little thing.
Misguided_Rooster Never give up hope, Mr Rooster, for one day, you will find one that meets your tastes. Some hidden jewels are waiting for readers like you to discover.
But when you are sorting through rubbish and find something that appeals to your taste, the author stops writing, sad.
By the way, what is your favourite genre, if I may ask?
It's kinda true, authors just copy themselves at times, no having any new ideas btw can u read mine, it's totally my idea, no copied from any where or any famous work
Names: have to get it back and heart made of stone
If there's any problem, u can complain and criticize it
Ah yes, I have no personal life and I'm a petty thing for stating complete facts.
Please go back into your dumpster.
Anything that's not romance honestly
Misguided_Rooster same sentiments!
man_of_culture3030 were you also referring to yourself?
Zherie17 Could I ask why you decided not to continue writing your novel and instead removed the already written chapter? Although I am eager to read it and provide feedback on it if you ask.
InstaMoist I did not stop writing my story. I just pulled it out of WN since it is utterly pointless to promote in here.
Also, thank you for your interest in mine.
fanfics are more fun, I can't read a novel if I see that the main character has a Chinese name. I just can not.
Misguided_Rooster Hey you can check out my book. If you don't like it, I don't mind if you leave a constructibe review for me, and if you do like it, you can continue.
Give my book a chance, it'll change your mind.
Empe_ror99 Lol.
Mine isn't like that, can you check it out and if you don't like it, you can leave a constructibe review for me, but if you do, then you can continue.
Try my book and tell me if it's of the same calibre, the synopsis should change your mind.
Dwarkin Try out my book, I'm different. https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/22596612005311005?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4309104437
Sunus_Writes why should I read your trashy novel?
It's definitely pointless giving you a saucy reply.
All I said was that you should give a try and all.
I doubt you have read it but it's all good.
I'm not calling out name of some author but there one message I would like to say please stop copying someone's work before it too late you will become hollow person without effort
I dare say I'm an exception. You can check my page to confirm.