vesnxx awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, I wish I had emojis to express myself, that is the energy I wish I had when I got my first rejection, and it was my first book ever to be seen, so I felt awful, and it is the same play I am working on here on web novel, Thank you because although the book isn't getting the view I want, it is my story and it is beautiful to me, and my family who are my biggest views always ask about how the story is going, that joy is worth so much sooooooo much so this energy is what I'll keep no matter how scary or tough the world get... There will always be rejections, criticism, and haters but Hey my mom, my dad my sisters and brothers and my best friends love the play so f**k it, I am not changing my play to a story because I believe it can become a beautiful play(someday) WOW I just typed this