I've checked multiple times and it still completely possibl to edit chapters in the Inkstone page, what are you exactly talking about?
Creators need access to their novel-chapters on computer!
MyIncarnation Then you're not really a true writer, i enjoy writing without having to ask people to give me an opinion about them or send a dumb stone. Feels like you were just writing for attention? There are social media for that
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Is this even Legal what they did? None of the Authors, at least from comments side, did know of this Sudden Update.
And as Die_Jobb already said, "A author Writes Novel on PC".
Neigh0 chapters are published through the Inkstone page, nothig has happened to it, stop complaining about something that you dont even know about
PancakesWitch If he writes a Novel, so that other can read it, then why not? His Reason, as to why he writes a Novel, is for him to decide.
dont leave 1 rewiev stars on the app they delete them report them for hate and pput a capture fo some ultraracist chinese novel instead
PancakesWitch I'll clarify my words through some examples:
I wanna add a comment/picture to the text, how do I do it now?
I wish to read the latest chapter, while writing the new one, can I have an easy-access to it?
I wanna read through all the chapters, to find some scene who happened in the past, how can I easily search for it?
(...I haft to reach inside a chapter to read users-comments, ffs, it's so obvious you ain't using Inkstone yourself, or you'll know how much problems and troubles it created... Inkstone can't exist properly without Webnovel on PC...)
I write the novel using this site, only backing-up the novel to my computer later, cause it is that good of a website, but now it change my whole writing-style ... & not for the better, as Webnovel-webpage was an amazing one, which I got so used to, I don't wish to change my way of writing (as I can also read what I wrote in the PC while writing+add pics)
PancakesWitch Are you for real? This is my first web-novel...
The best thing that this site gave me is learning about writing through the comments, which no 'real' author never had a chance in his life to have without the invention of such platforms = Read feedback!
Do you know how author work in 'real-life'? They give the publisher the book, who then pass it to certain readers, for comments, and then it come back with the sum of all reviews, some detailed, some general, and you sit down to edit your work... and all of that happen before publishing...
& Now, welcome to the internet, I can skip this whole ordeal by publishing my work here, and get comments, reviews, real-responses, and all of that without hearing from any publisher, freely, openly, plus get audience...
This site actually bypass the whole publishing world, letting the writers meet the readers 'face-to-face', with no publisher in the middle. Such is the internet world, it creates what never was possible before.
I feel the writing-world took a step back after this update :/
Die_Jobb And I didn't even getting into how publisher screen the readers they give your book to, which is just a headache, cause there's just too little of them, while here you have endless amounts of readers, no prejudice, just pure-read-loving-people, who give pure-heart-comments...
& Then, if you wish to go publish your book, go meet the publisher, face the screening process, still the same as always? (Even though you can see how publishers also love this site, as they can find the book has comments and reviews, even a certain success/identification of audience/genre, making it much better for them as well)
Die_Jobb it was my favorite due to the ease of finding fanfics compared to other sites
Die_Jobb in the email they said fuck you, I already said it and they don't care
Are you retarded? I said I was disappointed, but I went and wrote my next chapter.
And yes, I write because I want to attract readers to interact and discuss the world I build together.
If there are no readers reading your novels, I doubt you will continue to write, after all, who are you writing for if there is no reader?
I only have 17 chapters, I'm a beginner, it's normal for me to have only 10 readers at the beginning.
I'm not a writer, I'm a reader. Only in the last two weeks I started writing.
Keep writing your novels like a cold machine there. Don't waste time being hateful.
Went to the discord apparently their aren’t enough PC readers to make a difference and they only care about English readers.
Why must download the App, this is so sucks like a son of a bitch
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Not quite. After the chapter is published, what we write ends up with another meaning or other mistakes. So we need to read what is translated to us and edit it at the same time. Now we can't do that.
This guy is a big hater here at Webnovel. He acts hateful because he already has his own fan base.
I always saw him attacking other authors, but I always ignored him, as it was not of my interest. Now that I've started writing, at the first opportunity, this guy comes to attack me with nonsense words.
Why is Webnovel the biggest platform on the web today? Doesn't he know it's because of the interactions between readers with authors? And, above all, the interaction between the readers themselves.
So he comes to say that I should look for a social network?
I don't know what he gets out of it.
Honestly, I'm speechless.