
  • Dec 1, 2022
  • Joined Jul 25, 2022
  • Well, as a writer here myself (fan-fic), I have reasons to be against this change as well, but...

    ... I'm just wishing for an official-announcement. Just want to know what's up. Like, say anything, even without info, just, respond, or better yet, say something before you're doing anything ... (for there or there, cause in both cases, you said nothing to us)

    I ain't a lil'-kid who blow off, I knew that in 80% likelihood it will return to before, but knowing there's no public-announcement is a shocking thing to me, which tells me there's something wrong here.

    The only thing that pop in my mind is 'If you don't want to hear lies, then don't ask questions', so maybe I am a lil'-kid, who still ask questions :?

  • It's a trust issue for me, and I believe for all ...

    Is there even a single company who will change it policy and core-functions without informing the existing users?

    It's absurd, I think it's even rise to the level of illegality, as maybe they can do it for future content, but not to existing content..? Their legal-team should be well-aware of such facts, yet...

    Anyway, WEBNOVEL, please, tell us something, anything ... I still trust you, or at least have hope in you, and would've chosen to keep using this app-novel (yeah, 'Web'-novel ain't the best name for someone who got no computer presence, it's kinda screams 'Website'..) even without the web-browser, that's how good your products is (even though your web-browser functions are above your actual app, just so you know. like, the page ain't flowing smoothly, which is super-important for book-reading in small-screens, cause we scroll all the time).

    Thanks ahead,


      Good! Bad! Just that you're alive! I ain't your mama, but at least let us know you're here?

      I demand a comment/ announcement/ massage/ name it as you want...
      ...Even if it contain zero-info, just, communicate into the community.

      I'm digging the net and find no word from you, but you change your whole being. stop with it.

      SHOUT OUT! If you're with me. comment, make'em react.

      (p.s: imo, webnovel should fire any advisor/worker who offered doing a sudden change without communicating with the users. not even a post here/anywhere about it. We're not your dogs you take for a walk, wake up please).

    • I still believe Inkstone must have an update if webnovel gets an update ... it was inseparable parts for writing ... the 'preview chapter' in inkstone ain't worth nothing, I doubt anyone press this button, ever.

      [I guess in 1-2 days we'll know about the impact, by readers activity statistics, how much the update really influenced... so I'll shut-up till I see the real results of it...]

      ... But for writers, right now, I wish to at least :
      Change the 'preview chapter' button, in published-chapters, to the actual web-page of the chapter. (in inkstone)

      Hope someone from Webnovel read this o.o

    • MyIncarnation I feel the same...
      This is a social-network, right? I have so many features to interact with the readers, it's everything that is social. This site is a social-book-site, where you can comment on each paragraph, truly amazing feature I haven't seen anywhere else (like discussions open up for a mere sentence, how beautiful is that?)

      & Authors love this community for the added value it gives to books, HONESTLY: I thought my books are mine, and mine only, BUT, if most readers hate a twist-plot, I learnt that I can change it, because I publish a book for the readers to enjoy, and this is just 1 major example I learnt here.

      • I saw books who are absolutely influenced, and co-written, by the author+readers, which was my first time seeing such an art, and I adore this site to open-up a new art-form, even if not intentional by them, yet taking the web-community off now ... I feel it won't come to existence no more ... this won't be WEB-novel, just novel, here.

      [clarification for my side: I downloaded the APP, it is a great one, and I learn to use many ways to keep creating here, even without the website, but now I run on 2 devices in the same time, which is cumbersome, so I still in the same thoughts ... you should think again about this update, and remember the authors in it, as we wish for the option to at least have our own novel open to us in the browser] [Inkstone needs an update if webnovel gets an update, and in the same time, which is already due]

    • max360 You're against an author reading his own work on PC?
      & How am I suppose to upload comments/pics/etc from PC into the chapter?

      • Die_Jobb And I didn't even getting into how publisher screen the readers they give your book to, which is just a headache, cause there's just too little of them, while here you have endless amounts of readers, no prejudice, just pure-read-loving-people, who give pure-heart-comments...

        & Then, if you wish to go publish your book, go meet the publisher, face the screening process, still the same as always? (Even though you can see how publishers also love this site, as they can find the book has comments and reviews, even a certain success/identification of audience/genre, making it much better for them as well)

      • PancakesWitch Are you for real? This is my first web-novel...
        The best thing that this site gave me is learning about writing through the comments, which no 'real' author never had a chance in his life to have without the invention of such platforms = Read feedback!

        Do you know how author work in 'real-life'? They give the publisher the book, who then pass it to certain readers, for comments, and then it come back with the sum of all reviews, some detailed, some general, and you sit down to edit your work... and all of that happen before publishing...

        & Now, welcome to the internet, I can skip this whole ordeal by publishing my work here, and get comments, reviews, real-responses, and all of that without hearing from any publisher, freely, openly, plus get audience...

        This site actually bypass the whole publishing world, letting the writers meet the readers 'face-to-face', with no publisher in the middle. Such is the internet world, it creates what never was possible before.

        I feel the writing-world took a step back after this update :/

        • PancakesWitch I'll clarify my words through some examples:
          I wanna add a comment/picture to the text, how do I do it now?
          I wish to read the latest chapter, while writing the new one, can I have an easy-access to it?
          I wanna read through all the chapters, to find some scene who happened in the past, how can I easily search for it?
          (...I haft to reach inside a chapter to read users-comments, ffs, it's so obvious you ain't using Inkstone yourself, or you'll know how much problems and troubles it created... Inkstone can't exist properly without Webnovel on PC...)
          I write the novel using this site, only backing-up the novel to my computer later, cause it is that good of a website, but now it change my whole writing-style ... & not for the better, as Webnovel-webpage was an amazing one, which I got so used to, I don't wish to change my way of writing (as I can also read what I wrote in the PC while writing+add pics)

        • sebas325 I get what you mean, but this site is so good, I like it so much, I really wish it will stay alive and well, to the point I didn't even go into other sites :'/

          Never read/watched Gantz, but I'll try your novel 🙂 V.

          • I'm willing to offer solutions (even if I don't know this site prob):

            1. Threaten any fan-fic in here by 'approval-needed', or 'cancellation', to protect this site from copyright-acts
            2. Create a definite guide-lines for writers about 'what shouldn't be written about'/ 'the limit of plagiarize'/ 'what is and what isn't protected under copyright laws'/ etc.
            3. Separate between free+paid novels! Let the readers know that a writer they like created a 'paid novel', but as for the free-novels, leave this site as it is, don't change a thing, cause WE PUBLISHED IT HERE FOR FREE ANYWAY! (&You say you protect my work, but damn, I made it for free, are you really protecting me?)
            4. Tell us, Mr.Webnovel, you problems, so we can be a part of the help and solution, and not another part of your problem!
          • Iseeyou But I got some hope in me, cause if they won't do anything to correct it, I can't see why would they shoot thei own leg? I mean, who would use what they spent so much to create?

            [My guess: a lot of plagiarized content exist inside this site, like, using fan-fics can be illegal, 'a-fine-line' you got to walk here, and it also must be free, plus, all the usage of pics without owning it ... Maybe this site got threats? From major-companies? Even countries? ... I dunno ... but such act must have a real threat over their head, even if they chose the wrong way to solve it ...]

          • Authors, Creators, Content-writes, please make some noise as well?

            It barely been a day since the update, but I hope no user will leave this site yet, and instead fight to keep this community alive and well, plus I hope the site-management will respond to the users asap, cause it can't keep being like this...

            ...the damage in the long-run ain't worth this forceful-act, and the longer you fight against the users, the more damage accumulate to yourselves...

            My wish to write a free-novel here just got fulfilled, and it's going great, even got the basic audience, but it's like it was done for nothing now, as I planned to use this platform to create in the future another novel ppl will pay to read, meaning, it's a stepping-stone, for free+paid novels, a place for new creators+proven creators ... but now, it ain't that anymore

            • How am I suppose to edit my chapters now? :/

              I'm really feeling lost right now, should I stay in this site?

              Will any writer stay in this site?

              [How can things, like photos, who are major part in most novels, can be added now to the novels? O_O -.- ]

            • It's not practical to write novels on mobile, so I bet everyone write on a computer, or at least edit on computer...
              So... I must see the chapter on my computer! Of my own novel! It's the minimal requirement for me to write here!

              & I'm totally against this update, and like everybody else search other options for the first time ever, as Webnovel was my one-and-only favorite site, to the extent I wouldn't even read or search novels in other sites (on web).
              ...It seems as if the readers won't even exist after this forceful act
              ...like you don't really know your clients and the usage of browsers for this site?

              [btw, I thought it's the most secure website for novels existing, did I miss something here? Since when there's theft? I can't even copy-paste a word here, like searching online to know what the novel meant ... Can you at least explain/expose why's this update necessary?]

              • I'm +1 , BUT, as a writer, PLEASE, at least let me see the chapters on the PC, I wish to edit it on my computer!
                Do you expect creators to go to the mobile chapter also ?!? Have some sense to at least limit this forceful act of yours, I can't even create normally now ...

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