Yakumo nah. The fact that you can't have a straight argument proves your lack of comprehension.
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bachingchung what? I refuted your argument, which stated that the amazon version wouldn't sell if the version here would be free, with a common known fact, that products can sell (and in some cases sell even better) with coexisting paid and free versions, examples would be fan fictions, pirated movies, novels. And you say I cannot have a straight argument? I didn't see any logical comment from you since then, only nonsense.
OMG I'm always annoyed with their excessive explanations like they're narrating to a baby or something
ShiiiMiiing usually not a translator's fault. It has more to do with original authors being paid by the word count and their need to dish out as much as possible in the shortest amount of time. So the novels get a lot of padding.
Yakumo you refuted it with an argument that also refuted your original complaint about locked chapters. Way to play yourself bud.
ShiiiMiiing are you that gullible? Why would they have to do that? The word count quota was for the original authors to fill, not the translators. If the translators changed the content then that won't be a translation but a fanfiction. The TLs are getting a flat rate salary.
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bachingchung explain pls your reasoning?! You state this again and again, but your statement has no logical proof. I didn't hear any reasonable explanation yet. Yes there are always completely free sources, but I still complain about the perma locked chapters here. Just because there are free sources, doesn't mean that they are the best and morally right sources or legal. With a lot of time you could unlock a complete premium novel here, but if you don't abuse alt accounts, you would have to focus on 1 novel for months or even more than a year. The prices are unreasonable and so is the free chapter unlock system. So why not try to improve this app?
DeJeL yea the premium system is quite devious. Either you go FULL premium or FULL free... there is no middle ground.
If you go premium, its like paying to eating the food you would get tomorrow... what are you going to do tomorrow tho? you already ate it. so either you starve (get no champs till the free chapters catch up) or you pay again to eat the foot of the next day... and so on. The deeper you are into premium the worse this becomes... its a pure money milk system.
Id rather prefere that either the "free chapters" would actually unlock my next chapter or i can pay a fixed amount per month, like a subscription.
All in all there is no point in reading more then 1 premium novel at once... otherwise they will wring you out for money like wet rag
Elder_Hill It's a pretty simple fix that they won't do. Like you said when the next "free chapter is unlocked make it so that your lowest locked chapter is unlocked. It's a quick fix to a major problem with unlocking chapters and going ahead.
Lomacris it is not that i dont read other novel in NU.
But majority of the novel i read published by QIDIAN.
This is so frustrating...
boglayt143 lmaol!! You guys are pretty smart. I only have one account and more have almost 900 spirit stones from checking in daily but that was because i only like and follow one premiun novel, actually two novels but one is not premium. But thanks for the idea, i may need that for the future. Lol..