Please add more novels with truly evil protagonist.. Altough it’s pretty niche but there is still a substantial audience for this types of novels with how rare they actually are
More novels with evil protagonist!
Sythcake reverend insanity
Warlock of magus world
Wizard world
Death notice
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Reverend insanity - Is just painful to read.. It’s a type of 2 steps forward 3 steps back story, the mc can’t even fart without attracting trouble. Whats the point of having an evil protagonist when he’s not the one plotting against others hut instead has to dedicate all his attention into fending for his own miserly life in the tutorial
Warlock of the magus world - The writing is bland and so is the protagonists personality, add to that the overused cliche tropes..
Wizard World - from what I’d heard, it’s just a copy of warlock or the other way around
Death Notice - Never heard about this one before, can u tell somethin about the story?
I HEAVILY disagree with Sythcake for that negative review of Reverend Insanity. FY obviously will attract a lot of attention since everything is so high profile and he's just one guy facing huge thousand year long sects. With high rewards come high risks and consequences. The story is unapologetically realistic and despite everything the MC is pretty damn OP.
I would love to see more novels in the same vibe as RI
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Sythcake Death notice is about a guy with split personality which enjoys killing in a sci-fi setting.
For evil mc, You can also try dungeon defence.
For evil side characters, try 'your and my asylum'.
Sythcake if you'll think about it, all of them are evil. Even in romance they raped women. In Xianxias they always go for genocidal massacre as a solution to every problem. Maybe there's just something wrong with you that you think such acts are good and justified.
There is nothing better than tales of the herding gods
bachingchung Tbh. in my opinion too many MCs let their enemies survive time and time again, instead of simply killing them and all their kin. A few genocides would do wonder in some novels...
This is not truly evil, but perhaps you'll like it?
Awaken Online 1, Catharsis
Karyehs so genocide is good in your opinion?
bachingchung If it makes the main character not die, yes. Being nice and dead or doing genocide and live, what would you prefer? Would you really choose to die?
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bachingchung At least it's a permanent solution, I guess? I am simply annoyed by stupid antagonists with more plot-armor than even the the MC.
Too many MCs: "Oh, I could kill that enemy who swore eternal revenge towards me, but it's slighty inconvenient to kill that ticking timebomb, which surely once again get a power-up and a family member/friend to attack me."
Quiescent_Rumble the upper echelons will be able to harm the MC. But the rest of the clan mostly were just to make up the numbers and scrubs.
Karyehs I'm aware of that, but that doesn't mean it's not evil. There are few members of every villain's clan that actually could hrm the MC.
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bachingchung Well, since all those "scrubs" are the "foundation" of the clan, they do have their use and danger. They are basically a huge information network, always working against the MC and swearing revenge for every Elder, Patriarch, Youg Patriarch, whatever,... gets killed.
Destroying the whole foundation makes a well connected patriarch of a huge sect to a lone rouge cultivator who sweared revenge. Also they are directly and indirectly providing cultivation resources for the upper echelon, which makes them stronger.
And there is no real "evil" in those novels, simply because everybody (except female leads, MCs masters and the MC himself) is only "nice" as long they are weak/no chance to survive being "evil"... Oh, and rapists ofcourse... You can be an evil cultivator, consuming souls of slaughtered enemies and innocents, torturing them to death for research on the soul.... But if you ever rape a single woman, you're evil! (except you are an antagonist young master, then your whole clan/sect stands behind you)
Dreadful radio game has a evil Mc who wants to be good but really to survive he must be worst than those around him
Karyehs once the upper echelons are gone. Those scrubs would be scared shitless to do anything.
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bachingchung If we consider that the MC is often a 14-30 year old young person who had the luck to find a cheat/super resource and became strong, it is quite possible for a sect of hundreds or even thousands to have a single person get lucky, too.... Or a team of them.... Or one of their heaven toppling, city destroying beauties catches an OP husband, who wants to unknot her "heart demon" by killing the MC. etcetc...
Maybe they will be scared, or maybe some super talent hides between the scrubs. We - as the readers - know that the MC will win at the end, but in the world itself only a dead enemy without loose ends is a good enemy(also he should drop all his treasures if possible).
There are no innocent bystanders in sects. The upper echelon uses and exploits, but also educates, protects and represents the other parts of the sect.
It's not even real genocide, if simply the whole sect gets killed. Genocide would imply you kill the whole race.
Karyehs there's something you didn't took notice of, they are not the main character. The luck the MC have is not luck if 1 out of 1 chance always go his way. So you have nothing to worry about those scrubs.