Seeing that original works don’t get the chance to be polished by an editor until they’re made premium, I’ve decided to offer my services to Webnovel writers! I can improve your grammar, formatting, and content.
For copy editing (format and grammar), I can fix your grammar, improve word choice and phrasing. Besides this, I can also help you fix your formatting to make your work more readable.
For content editing, I can help make your story more engaging.
For web novels with less than 10 chapters, I can help you polish your story from the beginning.
For web novels with more than 10 chapters, I can help you revise future story arcs and the direction of your story.
Here are my fees per chapter:
Copy Editing (Format and Grammar):
- 5USD for the first 1000 words and 2USD every 1000 words after.
Copy and Content Editing:
- 8USD for the first 1000 words and 3USD every 1000 words after.
If you want to avail my services, you may contact me through my email or my discord Mr_Scary_Cat #2913.