
  • Nov 24, 2020
  • Joined Feb 3, 2018
  • The way they react with the bans on here is similar to bans for mentioning Tiananmen Square on any Chinese server. Instant disconnect. (not surprising)

  • Well crud the web browser didn’t mention anything about That novel being free for a day, I only read 2 free chapters before I was locked back out...

    • It has been very disheartening because this novel isn’t alone, there are other great works which were more than halfway through translation elsewhere before being shut down. Once they reached agreements, work proceeded without much issue here instead and all was well in the world of webnovels once again but suddenly BOOM they go on what seems to be a hiatus only to “get a new translator” (who we can only hope has all the notes on what special moves, city’s, and specific persons names were.)
      I applaud the new translators who pick up the dusty mantle because I know it must not be easy. I am simply sad to see others who were passionate get shut down. I understand the legal reasoning and ramifications its just disappointing when the ball is dropped and the novels pay the price. (Less people get access to great content due to the prices being, let’s be honest, “sky” high for any work which is by all definition “still in progress.”)
      If they want 40-100 USD for a novel that I enjoy then I would be fine paying for said work and supporting the author and translators/webnovel who allowed their work to reach me. But know that can only apply to something I can pay for and read now knowing full well that the content is edited and all here.
      Investing 60 USD into a novel only to get to chapter 1180 and see comments from 5 months ago saying “more chapters please” feels like a balloon speed deflating and making users disappointment extrapolate out of hand.

      • I see the hammer of bureaucracy strikes again. Thank you for your swift reply! I do hope the workers are not stretched to thin, I like the things they do. 👍🏼

        • Was there a problem with the previous group who translated/edited The World Online? They’ve been very consistent for as long as I can remember....

          • The thing is they only allow those fan-fic on here so they get first swing at the contract and licensing. I have a sneaking suspicion that on the one off chance a phenomenal story begins here and wants to leave to go elsewhere then Webnovel will do everything in their power to beat it either into the ground or into submission.
            Support budding authors patron if you enjoy their work! Every little bit adds up to become their next meal or the roof sheltering them from the wind and rain!

          • This was already nearing the end of translations on a different site before qq decided to bring it here exclusively... sadly it just collects dust

            • Not even close. Although it’s a great read and it’s translation quality is very respectable the price is simply to high. (Truly regrettable, I made it through over 1400 chapters before it was locked, never to be finished on this site.)

              • Is there is a loss of meaning (definition) between the term premium in English vs premium in Chinese?
                Premium on this website is similar to how a restaurant says they have the “best meats in town”, nothing but hot air blown our way to make us “happy” to pay more than what the product is worth.

              • I believe the term premium was misunderstood. The quality of these latest locked works are quite lacking in quality and consistency (bad release schedules or no schedule at all) if I pay a premium I demand a premium product. I will not pay premium value for dog meat here anymore. A few SS for free each day let’s me read a chapter (sometimes) but I will never start another long term read here with this site. It’s easier to wait for it to be posted on reddit. (And many of them have better schedules on releases than here, they’re nearing the same quality of translation, and best of all they are free!)

              • I believe they should re-define their pay to read chapters. The term “premium” is getting less and less appropriate as time goes by.

              • And don’t forget how important your synopsis is new authors! If your story is a wine then the synopsis is the sweet scent that draws in the crowds. Very important stuff.

              • Won’t ever happen, there’s no money in it. They need your red packets.

                • VladdyPutin I don’t dislike webnovel since they’re a business; but it has hit a bit of a peak. Any further and they WILL push some loyal consumers away.

                  Honestly I’m still shocked there are not more business popping up selling translations as actual physical books internationally (while expensive they’re great translations yet still cheaper than reading from beginning to end here at current word to SS rates.) For those who binge read this is by far a superior method yet it just lacks supply.

                  stares into the distance dreaming of missed business opportunities since we spent all of our $ On SS

                  • Synopsis is as pivotal as the first chapter if not more so. You’ve got my upvote.

                    • Someone should open a translation business and sell books on hardback. Business opportunity is there now that this is on the rise and premium has become standard. (I’d rather pay 60 usd for a hardback vs paying 110usd for webnovels permission to read.)
                      And yes I believe you are correct about it pinging to collect data for the consumer base. Uncomfortable but nothing unethical.

                    • It’s been mentioned before yet no confirmation was given about the “latest updates” section returning.
                      Willing to trade the “daily updates” section, “popular tags”, and a big thumbs up if it could return swiftly. Making the assumption that it isn’t to much trouble. Please, ty.

                      • I logged in less than ten minutes after new website went active and immediately made a post requesting the “latest updates” section to be re-included in the coding because it’s very useful. (Many times I was just browsing and saw a novel be updated twice or thrice in one day so i had the thought “I should check it out since the translator/author is putting in the good work!) But I digress.
                        Hopefully they bring it back swiftly.

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