Cilliez, to tell the truth, I am pretty much the same except I used to be jealous of my brother even
though I was better than him at most stuff, so that ate at me so bad till I was 14 when I stopped giving a shit and
started enjoying little things in life. I started watching anime and I came to America and life has been good. I don't feel
jealous anymore and I don't blame anyone for how I felt or expect my mom to give me the same love for me as
my brother. we are all human and parents always have a favorite so. if you ever have kids make sure the other
kids don't notice, I was a smarty pants and figured my mom loved my brother more than me when I was ten, after
that discovery I tried my best to impress her as I was a kid but never got anything back and that made me mad
and I used to fight a lot with other kids and my impression in my family dropped and after that, I just smile for
them whenever I meet them but never seek them out if I need something. But I guess that is life. Novels,
manga, anime, and games barely filled that hole till I got a girlfriend, kinda feels weird being loved and not
expected anything in return. So now I am emotional free like a mc making a mental breakthrough, I feel so fresh, so my friend hang in there you will leave that shadow world for I am too familiar with it.
L-l-lvl2 fo-fodder h-here!! (Trembling)
On another note- I have 88 notifications on the forum.
drowns in the notifications I can't even see in the notifications tab
just has to awkwardly press the and will never know where the other notifications are coming from
Cilliez S-senior p-pl-please don't h-hurt m-me!! I-I'll do a-anything you wanted!! (Smiles fawningly)
(I'll smash your head when I brokethrough with my Eternal Heaven Technique.. I just need 1 more day!!.. he he he evil laugh)-while thinking inwardly
Even if you're evil, it's unsightly to bear teeth to your loving senpai~
;c You must repent.
Cilliez S-senpai yo-you're so cute! I think I love you!!.
face glowing red
(Its so shameful. I think I'll leech this BEAUTIFUL senior for a while)
Daoist_Eternal_Sky what is that i smell, ooh it is you , did the manager tell you, what u need to do? today u r late, Guards give him 50 lashes. Come to my office after ur punishment then you can be my callboy
cough I mean, it's good that you've repented!
zswaleh N-NOOOO!!!
:O !!
Nonono, you don't touch @Daoist_Eternal_Sky !
I've finally got myself a kouhai. You will not take him from me! :C
Daoist_Eternal_Sky looking at me while u say that in ur mind. i look at u and feel a bad feeling? what happens next find out next time in Qidian international