I shameless recommend my two novels: A History in Shanghai and Sylvia

    Too late... I recommend Battle of Ascension. Its an original work and the story is easy to follow. I can also be shameless and recommend my own, The Red Lands.


      I reincarnated into a harem game that my best friend loves, my past memories are of a young gay man that was killed tragically by a drunk driver. I am now Yuki Aikyo a young aristocrat and main villain in the game Romance Fantasy ++ My fiance is the main capture target, she is pretty, spirited and wonderful... It’s too bad I like men! Please let me finish high school without being left destitute by the male lead!

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        Read this if you want to read a steampunk/magic novel. If you like Naruto, My Hero Academia, or Avatar then you might like it. It is much darker than those shows though.
        Steampunk Apocalypse!

        Read this if you want to read a comedy/magic novel.
        Uniform System

        [unknown] Mm there is quite a bit of humor. Unlike most BL novels there is no smut content, there is some fluffy moments however. If your looking for a BL book that is a touch different from the usual you will be in for a treat!

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