Miya Pure positivity breeds degeneracy, there needs to be some balance. There's a chance a dislike option would be abused, but it more than makes up for it by helping filter out all the spam and trash.

    Klepar why such a negative outlook? here's a creepy af spongebob meme to increase the positivity in your life. we all need it every now and then.

    close your eyes and channel your inner optimism to the forefront of your soul. let it bathe you in an atmosphere of rainbow and butterflies, let it calm you and washes away all the darkness within

      Miya I'm not trying to be negative, I just believe that criticism is necessary, and there should be some simple way to express. After all, writing up long tirades, about how "thx" is an utterly useless contribution to the discussion, is also pretty useless. People who write things like that won't stop polluting the comment section just because of that. Dislikes as simply way of filtering, not expressing negativity, is what I want.

        Klepar Also in another thread where this was discussed, I had noted that- wait sorry I lost my train of thoughts.

        By the way, the other thread discussed that there should be a dislike function and that each dislike should remove one exp, and thus one like would equal one exp. Making others more likely to want to put up meaningful comments. But there are issues in this as some people find some comments meaningful and others think of them as useless....

        but I'll just ask questions on what your thread is talking about -

        Anyways, in what way would dislikes be filtering? Would it show comments with likes first, like a top comment section thing and the disliked ones at the bottom? Or would the comments being disliked be generally removed if disliked enough? And how many dislikes would that have to be? And would there be a limitation to what is allowed to be disliked or not? If someone dislikes something that is just fine, what could be done?

        But I agree with Miya disliking comments seem too much... If disliking comments were a thing. I'd feel safer if there were a secure guideline made and enforced by Qidian, stating what a comment being disliked should be used for. And a quick reminder in the notifications when you start your account on Qidian stating to read the comments guidelines, etc.

        But anyways, mind sharing what you think it would be?

        I think that a cool thing would be if the comments section had categories, like you could use a pull down menu thing, and go to "novel discussion" for actual novels discussions. Or "greetings" for that... That way people can do what they wish to in the comments section... and for serious readers like yourself, if someone puts a greeting into the novel discussion section... then you can dislike to your hearts content.

        Although I wonder what that sounds like... oh. The forum.

        Klepar After all, writing up long tirades, about how "thx" is an utterly useless contribution to the discussion, is also pretty useless. People who write things like that won't stop polluting the comment section just because of that.

        Do people do that, really? Seems pretty rude to be saying a respectful person saying thanks is being a useless contribution... honestly I feel like if people were told that they'd just not feel like being a part of the conversation at all. I wouldn't, at least. got nerves of jellyfish

        .... in conclusion ....

        I just kinda slapped together a bunch of opinions and hope they make sense. Please don't lynch me.

          Klepar spam and trash

          and I've become an anxious being





          must stay at low level forever for sucking at life


          I apologize meaningfully for the lack of consideration when commenting, "Thanks for the chapter~" or replying to someone "That's pretty funny~" just cause of my anxiety towards people I don't know in the comment section.
          and yet i'm just fine in the forum being a weird person... oh well

          I will repent.
          repents for a long time

          takes big strides and flops onto squishy bed, being devoured by the demonic sleepiness
          how dare thou take me I say... longingly before my eyes drift away towards the open sea
          oh well at least there's cake to eat NOH, NOT MY CAKE. @Neverfire7 HOW DARE U

          I'm sorry I lost myself. for a moment.

            Miya I had to repent for a long time for the repenting to be effective this time.


            Miya do you mean tot

            no... I meant thot.

            Like, wow she just a big thot. What a thot. I like to rub my thot all over your thot. That's thot.

            • Miya replied to this.

              i agree with @Cilliez on this. disliking a comment is like disliking the commenter personally. it's really great for when you check your notification and saw that you got like 15 "like" for a "tot" you made regarding one of the chapters you just got done reading.
              for me, seeing that i get a lot of "like" for my comment, i figuratively pat myself on the back and think to myself "what a queen, only someone as awesome as moi could've written that comment and get that many likes"
              Now imagine if the dislike function was activated. i check my notification as usual, saw my "totful" comment got like 12 dislikes or something, i'd probably think to myself "what is wrong with people?!?! can't they see that each of my comment is a masterpiece in and of itself'? finely crafted with the utmost care? why would you dislike such a precious thing?!"
              so @Klepar, why would you want people to think that to themselves? it's just much better to have them think they're queen for writing a beautiful comment and getting lots and lots of like. And for the comments that "you might considered as ones that deserve "dislikes"", I feel that we should just overlook them because everybody make blunders when they're writing messages every now and then.

                Cilliez that's such a creepy thot. don't rub your thot against my thot, my thot has a timid personality
                for a moment there, i almost read snot instead of thot
                so imagine:

                Cilliez I like to rub my thot all over your thot. That's thot.

                "i like to rub my snot all over your snot. that snot*


                  Q.Q sobs into @Miya 's big bo- bo.. books.. being careful not to ruin them though

                  ... although now that I think about it ...

                  It's best not to be a sensitive child in regards to comments.
                  repents for past opinions

                  I will try to be less anxious in regards to comments.

                  Ya'll are the best, best therap- friends ever

                  Miya "what a queen, only someone as awesome as moi could've written that comment and get that many likes"

                  Same though. One of my reviews has gotten like, 26 likes. I think of it as my greatest achievement. =//u//=

                  Miya "what is wrong with people?!?! can't they see that each of my comment is a masterpiece in and of itself'? finely crafted with the utmost care? why would you dislike such a precious thing?!"

                  Haaaah, if I were disliked in a comment section. I would repent. Most surely.

                  I would be asking the dogs.... wait, the gods what I did wrong to deserve this. And meditate to calm my soul...

                  by meditate I mean read.

                    Cilliez I thought saying "thx", was thanking the translator for their work...

                    seems pretty good to do it, imo (???)

                    Instead of writing "thanks", you could just give the chapter 5 stars. It still expresses your appreciation, without clogging up the comments section. What about comments like "first", "second", etc.? Are they really necessary?

                    Cilliez Anyways, in what way would dislikes be filtering? Would it show comments with likes first, like a top comment section thing and the disliked ones at the bottom? Or would the comments being disliked be generally removed if disliked enough? And how many dislikes would that have to be? And would there be a limitation to what is allowed to be disliked or not? If someone dislikes something that is just fine, what could be done?

                    Well, it could be sorted like reddit, with top comments first, but that wouldn't be really meaningful, since most of the comments don't get any likes. I think it'd work fine if the comments were still in the same order, but the "below threshold" comments would be collapsed into a thin line and could be expanded if someone wants to see them. As for the actual threshold, based on the current activity, I'd say if the number of dislikes exceeds the number of likes by 5+, they would be hidden. This would possibly need adjusting if the userbase grows.

                    Cilliez But anyways, mind sharing what you think it would be?

                    I personally think that both positive and negative feedback are necessary for a healthy community. If you see a comment that's being disliked for no apparent reason, you can simply balance it out. The majority isn't always right, but it is in most cases. A guideline notification upon the addition of the feature does sound reasonable.

                    Cilliez Although I wonder what that sounds like... oh. The forum.

                    Let's be honest, the current forum isn't really equipped for this. Besides, a lot of people often read many chapters in succession, so having to go the forum each time to search for a specific discussion isn't really practical.

                    Miya why would you want people to think that to themselves? it's just much better to have them think they're queen for writing a beautiful comment and getting lots and lots of like.

                    Unless there's sarcasm I'm unable to detect, I honestly see nothing good in inflating anyone's egos. You make a good comment — you get likes, you make a blunder — there's always next time.


                      Ew. Snot.

                      I wonder if rule #34 is no exception to "snot"

                      ... x.x ... I don't wanna imagine/know/think.

                        Klepar Instead of writing "thanks", you could just give the chapter 5 stars. It still expresses your appreciation, without clogging up the comments section. What about comments like "first", "second", etc.? Are they really necessary?

                        But people ALWAYS use the comment section to say Thanks, it's good manners. In like every other novel site. I don't see the point of breaking that habit and honestly I see no end to the Thank you comments ever.

                        And on the side of the First, Second comments... Humans like competition, they're foolish in that regard, I understand. But people will always want to be first or second or third or fourth. It's a game to them. And I know it's stupid. But it's like, a rite of passage for some people. "Yay, now I'm part of the F5 sect!!" I see no end to this either.

                        Klepar Well, it could be sorted like reddit, with top comments first, but that wouldn't be really meaningful, since most of the comments don't get any likes. I think it'd work fine if the comments were still in the same order, but the "below threshold" comments would be collapsed into a thin line and could be expanded if someone wants to see them. As for the actual threshold, based on the current activity, I'd say if the number of dislikes exceeds the number of likes by 5+, they would be hidden. This would possibly need adjusting if the userbase grows.

                        Now I understand what you mean... Or you know what would be cool if there were a sorting setting, you know, so everyone wins... If you want it to be sorted via the likes, then it can happen. That way no one gets to complain.

                        The default should be the normal order though, and then you can click a button at the side of the comments tab to change how it's being sorted.

                        Would that work for you?

                        Klepar A guideline notification upon the addition of the feature does sound reasonable.

                        Well I'm glad you find a common ground.

                        Klepar Let's be honest, the current forum isn't really equipped for this. Besides, a lot of people often read many chapters in succession, so having to go the forum each time to search for a specific discussion isn't really practical.

                        I understand what you mean about the practicality of opening the forum up to discuss, but it actually is a lot easier to work around then the comment section, mostly cause the comment section is very small and tight and doesn't allow for a proper discussion. People also don't normally check the comments very much to respond to others unless they have to for exp...

                        makes sure to go back to check what the thread was made for in the first place so I'm not preaching to a choir

                        But I understand what you're talking about in general about sorting and disliking... I still feel like it's a bit much to add a dislike button but the sorting would be helpful so that you only see those that have been liked. So I don't see a problem with it as much...

                        Maybe what can also be sorted is comments with larger amounts of text, that way those with just one word, like exp, first, etc will be put at the very bottom.

                        New sorting options for the comments seem like a better fit, and would make it an optional endervour instead of forcing something down your throats. What do you think?

                        add upon editing or a keyword search/ignore thing could be used too

                        Klepar Unless there's sarcasm I'm unable to detect, I honestly see nothing good in inflating anyone's egos. You make a good comment — you get likes, you make a blunder — there's always next time.

                        Also, I think she was just trying to be funny to liven up the thread after my anxiety-ness.

                          @MichaelChandra adding you since I don't feel like talking about the same thing in two different threads... - x -

                            Cilliez I will read all replies after reading some chapters because I'm experiencing reading withdrawals of pausing in the middle of a chapter.

                              Cilliez Same though. One of my reviews has gotten like, 26 likes. I think of it as my greatest achievement. =//u//=

                              well done my friend, well done

                                Klepar Instead of writing "thanks", you could just give the chapter 5 stars. It still expresses your appreciation, without clogging up the comments section. What about comments like "first", "second", etc.? Are they really necessary?

                                guilty, i've done that before. With a lot of novels that i'm currently reading, there's a competition to get first comment for every chapter. to be first, you have to arm yourself with the notion that the position of first could be stolen from you with just one moment of hesitation. so, most people who are first commenters don't actually read the chapter before they comment.
                                Thus, with no better options at hand, "thanks" or "first" is the best they could do. this, i'm speaking from experience 'cause i've been racking my brain for what to write when i try to get first comment

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