Hi guys!
Some users have encountered problems when buying SS. We really apologize for that since we don't want each of you to miss out on new chapters! (╥╯╰╥)
So if you have encountered the above circumstances, please don't hesitate to tell us! It's necessary for you to provide screenshots of the crash page and the time when it occurs.
You can comment below OR use the new blue hashtag 'Failure to buy SS' with screenshots and the date to post!
We apologize once again! We hope you can tell us your problems! Let's save the world (Daoists) together! (_−)☆

    How can we provide SS when the error happens when we click the package we want to buy and then error warning appears then nothing happens (while in fact it deduct my remaining prepaid amount).

    I already send the email to service@webnovel.com a day ago but still haven't receive any reply, so I don't know if my mail/report have been processed or not.

    Here are my mail, already following the template needed.
    My id 141421219
    Username FallenStar
    Time of payment 8 October 2018 12:31
    Google play

    I just want to buy 150+15 ss one time, but why I got charged 2 times without receiving any ss?

    I just checked with my local provider and they said my prepaid got deducted 2 times (without any notification from email and got no additional ss)

    Usually when I buy ss I'll get notification from google play and general@webnovel.com.

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