Just drop novels you don't really like and ignore chapters that are filler, or seem uninteresting.
Qidian I am not your cash cow!
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Gamercat I dont feel like you appreciate your user base or your paying readers. I'm not an idiot, I just like the stories. And I read to release stress from work. But I DONT like being RIPPED OFF!
Dude. Here's a lifehack, share your account with several other readers (like friends and family) and pool your money together. Like seriously, you'll go farther with unlocking chapters than doing it solo, and you'll get more SS this way. Just like spotify, if you have one. You should understand the system to beat the system. But well, I'd advise against it if your friends' taste in novels differ from yours.
brokenteeth that sound too much just for read noval.... i personal drop like 90%of the novals that cost. The stones just for solo reason it too much costly and dont really worth at i love some of the novals but pref drop then then buy like 100$ money i can bring better pareas qi need or redose the prices per ep now it at min 9 that is not worth at or add more playment models like subs in affored prices
Well I used to atleast not think bad about their previous policy where they release one chapter a day for free and release 2-3 chapters of SS buy Chapters a day for premium novels
angkong I agree completely. I was proposing authors who want to write endless stories like RSSG, Naruto episodes are the current standard presented on webnovel. I was suggesting some authors might write stories and release them in the style of comics or episodes of Star Trek in that each release tells a stand alone short story that can be read in any order or reread many times. These stories are linked like comic books by using common characters or world backgrounds but are more focused on interactions of the characters, than personal growth alone.
fastwings I enjoy the system the novel Battle Frenzy uses where I can choose to download an ad, or pay ss to skip. Since the ads are targeted to my local, I actually don't mind viewing them or visiting their websites or products. This alternative is a pleasurable mix of sponsorship and consumerism. I can still gift the author for outstanding work as well.
Check out the structure of Battle Frenzy and support novels written in this format. Remember, consumers vote with their wallets and suppliers learn what works by the impact on their monthly statements. If you don't want to waste your money, then motivate suppliers to improve because they are strongly motivated by greed.
BattleLord basickly i dont mind pay but not when i see cost per chapter like rip off and like most of the noval that 1000+++ underpaywall better buy the book in. Amazon and finshed at when ever it will be come what work in asia will not work here i do like the app and wanted to improved but this... feel wrong it just made drop 99 %of the novals for at this app almost not worth to keep sadly i feel they will lose the users more so we many of the novals will end up in amazon or kindal so... why pay hounds of dollars for read just one noval why not just lock the end let the reader hook and he proply will pay as long it cost up to 7 ss but then agine this what i think hehe
It would already help if they would add a refund option for each chapter... hehehe
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Honestly I'm close to giving up on this app now. I used to love it, ads were no big deal, but now more and more of my old fave stories have gone pay-per-chapter, and now just one of my fave stories would cost me over £60 to read to the end. £60 is not OK for a story! No modern book on earth costs that much, neither does any movie or even any normal video game. I get needing money, but there's a limit to how much you can expect your fans to put up with.
Especially when you aren't paying for ink, paper, distribution, artists. Just translator, author and this ripoff website. (and with most, who knows if the author even gets a cut)
And those saying we get a few free chapters first. I would rather not start reading a story, if I knew I would get to a point of needing to pay £60 to see how it keeps going.
Thr funny thing is you are the reason for this whole thing. The sole fact that you pay so much for the content. 70$ for every person like you. Why would it change?
Gamercat there's no such thing as free translated novels now, so using premium is a bit redundant. Just split them up between translations and originals.
Yup it’s gross, especially for the low quality... going back to lock up previously free chapters, cheap move.
Frosch what’s KU?