Olivia It's been 2 days and still no one official. Guess they don't care...

    CKtalon So does that mean they are doing something about it? Or do you mean that the translator is informed? Because i really don't want anything else getting censored or cut out of the novel from this point on. You are a translator too and should understand how ridicilous this whole thing is...

      CKtalon I see, thanks for your help. I hope nothing like this happens again in the future...

      Translators shouldn't edit the content unless it's really necessary though.

        the lack of official response is somewhat irritating. why the translator isnt explaining his reason for censoring and cutting of parts of the author words.

        and no response from @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL either, what is their action to prevent something like this from happening in other novel? or are they going to be just like, we are informed of this problem and then poof nothing changes.

          NineLife Translator explains his reasoning in the comments of the novel and doesn't seem to want to keep explaining it over and over again. Which he clearly states that he doesn't want to even discuss it anymore. It's hard to spot all his messages since they span over a couple dozen chapters. Anyways for his reasoning, basically he doesn't want people to get offended and doesn't want controversy over what's written in the novel. Basically he wants the novel to be a 'safe space' for everyone... So he cuts and censors parts that he finds might be offensive to other people. Tho i can't really understand what his criteria is for 'offensive content'. I mean what's even offensive about 'China, US, White House, Hong Kong, ect.' but 'Syria, Iraq or IS' isn't? What is so offensive about these that he feels the need to censor them? For that i can't really fathom his reasons, but it must make sense in his head atleast right?

          Well, it's still too early to say if the problem will get fixed as there aren't that many new chapters so far. But as Cktalon said, it seems they informed the translator so i don't wanna keep bringing up the issue. Ofc that doesn't mean everything will be fine from now on since 'being informed' doesn't always equal to 'taking action'... But well, i will see in the coming chapters and act accordingly.

            N0xiety i see, i dont even bother reading the comment section filled woth spam. thats how i missed it i guess.

            i dont know who is offended but certainly not US, CIA and the likes. its like the translator himself getting scared to write US and CIA, but he doesnt get scared of IS and KGB, Soviet.
            Muslims are more likely to get offended, but he didnt bother censoring Aisya religion, IS and even making Aisya marries JC. but translator doesnt bother censoring that lol. i dont get his logic, maybe hes just afraid of US and China power. other power he doesnt even care.

            PC culture is ruining free speech, plain and simple. I don't like hateful speech and would never use it, even behind the anonymity of the internet. However, when people can't make a joke, or even discuss a matter of sensitivity with legitimate sincerity because people don't like a certain word or wish to avoid offending someone we have a problem. The abuse, hate, and violence in the world needs to be highlighted in our news, our art, and our lives. There will definitely be people out there who want to trivialize these things or undermine their importance, but to silence ourselves in the effort of silencing them only makes these problems worse. We need a mature discussion about mature issues.

            well just read till latest chapter, still writing UA instead of US. but then there is a mention of third reich, berlin, hitler.. even a device made by the them using 10k brains.
            isnt that more offending?

            whatever his reason is, it is biased af. well censoring is continued, so yea they are informed but no action is taken.

            Part aisha who never pray daily and out of religion is actualy quite offending.

            Actualy this must be cut if translator not biased to certain people/nation/religion.

            But, you know... This not my own so i can't change this. Huft...

              N0xiety Honestly, if he didn't want the content to be offensive he shouldn't have picked a novel based half in our world and half in an alternate one, Chinese modern day novels are all full of nationalism and racism towards other countries.

              LeechesOfSoul It's not offensive, many Muslims don't pray daily just like many Christians don't go to church weekly, and even if this was offensive, you can't blame the translator unless he's excluding it being mentioned in the original Chinese text, which i don't believe he is, infact she pretty much gave up her faith when she decided to be with the MC.

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